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1052 results found

  1. Moments is a feature that Twitch released as a Beta to a handful of creators. Whenever something cool happened in your stream, you could give out a "Moment" to those who were there to witness it. Twitch just announced they are discontinuing it as of October. I'm writing this to ask you to reconsider.

    The Moment was a clip that was created when you gave the command, and allowed for some minor editing. Anyone who claimed the moment would also receive a badge, and the more moments you claimed, the more your badge evolved over time. You could even click…

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  2. I would appreciate a very helpful feature for a lot of streams.


    1) Make verifications and a verified status available for every user
    2) Mark verified users with a badge on the profile page
    3) Mark verified users with a badge in the chat
    4) Implement a /verifiedonly chat mode
    5) Link multiple accounts to the same verification


    With the above mentioned features Twitch would become a safer and nicer place for everyone.
    With the option for users to verify their accounts with their ID card, driver's license, or Amazon account and a chat mode for verified users…

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  3. Provide two leaderboards for channels that have Points enabled.

    One leaderboard for all-time obtained points, and one leaderboard for currently most held points.

    There could also be a sub/non-sub leaderboard? This idea is more optional though. I'm really aiming for the all-time and currently held leaderboards.

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  4. Users sending a spoiler could use this command to show it only to the people that really wants to see it. When using /spoiler followed by a message the chat will instead display a "Spoiler" button which when clicked will show the message.

    /spoiler The cake is a lie!
    /spoiler The girl dies at the end of the game!
    /spoiler The princess is not on this castle!
    /spoiler Kappa

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  5. It would be nice to have a birthday badge for birthdays to indicate for streamers to say birthday to them , they should get a free emote and a badge maybe a free sub if possible

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  6. It would be very nice, if it's possible to delete your own message in the chat. It happens sometimes that you write something what sounds pretty good in your mind, but if you read it in the chat after sending it, you recognize that it wasn't such a cool Idea to post it or you mention by yourself that your message is stupid and want to delete it. A cool way to implement this would be, if you add a little bin between the own message, that you can easy delete it by clicking on them.

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  7. I know Twitch says the feature seemed to cause a decrease in viewership during their testing, but there are so many other factors that can affect that and many streamers who got to try out the chant feature really enjoyed it. I think it’d be better to make it an optional feature rather than remove it entirely, and let people decide on their own if it works for their channel.

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  8. The chat replies feature may be cool for some specific reasons, but most of the time is not helpful. The thread it creates is also hard to see compared to normal chat messages. It would be nice to be able to toggle this feature on or off. Similar to how you can turn off nigh mode

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    Relevant Update  ·  Ana responded

    We have heard the feedback in this idea & its comments and reworked chat replies  to reduce noise. By allowing users to reply directly to a specific message in a thread, only the user being responded to will be @'ed, rather than the user whose comment initiated the thread. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback.

  9. For give aways sometimes important.
    The messages which sometimes contain sensible personal data like addresses or phone numbers for tracking sending and tracking purposes should be deletable/erasable.
    It could get very ugly if a streamers or a mods account would get hacked and a bunch of personal data gets leaked or stolen.

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  10. Some communities will notice a new way to "chant" during hype moments on stream. This is a limited time experiment where only some creators will have access to this feature. Creators and Mods will be able to use /chant (using text and/or emotes) in chat to kick one off. Viewers will see a private callout with the chant and can dismiss or choose to participate!

    We'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions here. We look forward to hearing your feedback!

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    Looking for Feedback  ·  Twitch responded

    On 2/2, we will turn off Chants.

    While this feature was popular, we observed negative impacts to minutes watched for significant groups of creators.

    Experiments help us test new ideas in real time, and decide what to build next. Thanks for sharing your feedback with us!

  11. This has been a great new feature that Twitch has added recently that has helped so many people gain new followers.

    One thing that I think its lacking is a queue system. I understand that the shoutout needs to have a cooldown but often times multiple raids come in at the same time and being unable to shout out both people means that one gets the shoutout and we forget to do the other one when the cooldown is up. Even adding a queue system of up to 5 streamers would be extremely helpful in making sure everyone gets the…

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  12. A chat badge to identify yourself in Twitch chat as a developer.

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  13. As a few channels moderator, if i need to refresh the page i'll loose all the chat messages. It would be great to reload lastest messages at least for mods and channels owners after refreshing

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  14. Completely get rid of the chat replies/thread feature and end the experiment.

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  15. A lot of the times viewers will manipulate the votes so the results are 50/50 just for fun making it very difficult to use the polling feature effectively.

    It would be really helpful if there was an option to make it so viewers don't see the percentages and progress of individual responses of the poll until they choose their response.

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  16. Hello, I believe a better suggestion would be for viewers to be able to see the twitch chat while watching vods.

    I belive what makes twitch, twitch, and not something like youtube, is be able to see and participate in chat.

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  17. Getting a constant "Welcome to the chat room" message and not being able to interact with my chat as well as any other streamers is getting old. This issue has been around for 7 years at the least. It should be fixed by now

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  18. I would like to have the ability to enable an option where new viewers to a stream can see previous messages posted in chat. There are times when viewers may come into a chat, but have no context, with what the streamer is discussing as they are unable to see previous messages in chat. There are also times where regular viewers may have to temporarily leave the stream, but then when they return only a little bit later, they are unable to see what was previously posted in chat. I know other streaming services, such as YouTube and Mixer, by…

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  19. ppl get triggered when they accidentally unfollow their favorite streamer because the precious date on their card, if when you click on someone's or your own name it just said "5y 23d Followed" and counted the total follow time not just the recent segment it would fix this

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  20. I’d like there to be a toggle to enable or disable auto emotes for text emotes like these; :/ :) :( :D
    Normally when these are typed it’s automatically turned into a twitch emote but I don’t want that :/

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