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  1. 4 chat commands that would be great to have as API endpoints:

    /monitor USERNAME - Start monitoring a user's messages.
    /unmonitor USERNAME - Stop monitoring a user's messages.
    /restrict USERNAME - Start restricting a user's messages
    /unrestrict USERNAME - Stop restricting a user's messages

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  2. Please provide an API to

    • pin existing message
    • pin a new message
    • unpin a message

    Which should work using a moderators token in line with the announced new feature

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  3. If I have an oAuth that represents a User, where the User is either

    • the broadcaster the clip is of
    • an editor of the channel that the clip is of
    • the user is the owner of the clip

    And I make a request for a Clip as documented:

    (but with the bearer naturally)

    The JSON Response should include the direct link to the MP4 or an ability to download the Clip.

    This is off the back of the removal/deprecation of some undocumented API's that I was using to get the MP4 URL for automated download for creation of clip…

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  4. Please provide a Webhook topic for when a Clip is created, edited or deleted

    Also provide a notification for when a Clip reaches certain view milestones.

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  5. Kraken allows you to set Game and Title.

    Helix allows you to set nothing.

    Aside from updating Helix to allow setting game and title, we'd like to be able to set the "Go Live Notification"

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  6. When creating a clip via the Create Clip API, it is VERY limited compared to the (not for public use) GraphQL interface. Requesting that the following enhancements be made to the Create Clip API so that 3rd party apps can leverage them:
    1) Add ability to specify the clip start time (number of seconds from when the broadcast started). Reason: when deciding when to create a clip, apps may want to look back 10-15 seconds instead of generating the clip starting from when the API is called.
    2) Add ability to specify the clip title. Reason: currently, the API defaults…

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  7. The endpoints announced earlier today ( ) should be usable by channel moderators so that third-party apps like Chatty can make use of them without the broadcaster needing to authenticate.

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  8. Partners get a verified badge, it would be nice for published developers to get a badge too, maybe after a certain usage requirement of their extension, like how partners have to hit certain limits to become partner, maybe enough usages or page views of the extension will get a dev a badge.

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  9. Currently there is no way for a chatbot to see that a message is from someone with the monitored or ban evader flag.

    As a channel manager trying to deal with an obsessive stalker problem, allowing automated handling of these flags would be a massive lift.

    It would also enable logging and tracking.

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  10. The new suspicious users feature should be available to third-party moderation tools.

    A lot of moderators use third-party tools and it would be quite important to at least be able to see the messages/warnings. It would be even better if changing the restricted/monitoring state of a user would be possible as well.

    This would be akin to the great AutoMod API, which provides mods with a PubSub topic for detailed real-time information and Helix endpoints for handling messages.

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  11. An improved "hlsLatencyBroadcaster" value unlocks and improves interactive experiences that rely on precise synchronization. For example, the Tobii eye tracker Extension and many Genvid Extensions that rely on this latency for accurate click or display location.

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    This functionality may be considered in the future, and we appreciate the feedback and comments provided on this suggestion. There are some technical challenges to solve to provide a better experience for synchronous use cases, though we do not have a timeframe for when this effort would be prioritized at this time.

  12. 176 votes

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  13. Please provide an endpoint to query the music catalog for DJs by Artist name and title or by ISRC.

    This will help automating synchronizing the local catalog with the Twitch catalog to know which tracks are legally playable on Twitch and helps also with music request tools to instantly tell if the request is fulfillable.
    There are probably tons of more use cases that come up in the coming weeks and after the dj program started.

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    We are actively investigating APIs for the music catalog. It is a complex challenge that requires more scrutiny than our usual endpoints. We will have further information about the potential implementation and availability of these APIs at a later date. If you have a use case in mind, please include it in the comments below as this would be helpful for our development process.

  14. There is no API methods for deleting a Clip

    Please provide a method

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  15. Based on the current channel points API, a client may only access/update rewards for their own custom rewards. However, for some moderation tools, I believe managing custom rewards created by other clients and/or the Channel Owner's Dashboard would be beneficial.

    Take for example a reward such as "Hydrate!", where, after 10 minutes you want this cleared from the reward queue if it hasn't been actioned already. To do this with the current API, a channel owner would have to first delete the existing "Hydrate!" reward and then recreate it using the script client. Repeating this for every reward to be…

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  16. Add follow count to /helix/users endpoint. This data is accessible via /helix/users/follows, but would require an additional call.

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  17. We would like subs tenure in Helix in order to use this for merch extensions providing tenure-based merch options.

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  18. Create/Update doesn't provide the ability to upload/change images for a reward.

    This would be useful.

    Alternatively if we can't do upload initially.

    Add the ability to specify a channel emote (either by coDe or ID) so the reward would "copy" the channelEmote for that channel in.

    So if I create a reward for CohhCarnage I can pick a cohhEmote (but I can't pick a liriki emote)

    Or specify a URL to fetch a Image from

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  19. Given the fact that Twitch had to take down the follow/unfollow api's due to bot programs that are out there - my suggestion would be to have an approved set of developers that propose and showcase their applications.

    This way Twitch could bring back the follow/unfollow API and any service or developer that was in violation of Twitch's TOS regarding the API could be warned and ultimately have their access and credentials removed.

    Twitch Developers could review the logs of which applications were connected with BOT services and immediately shut those down rather then removing the api in its entirety…

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  20. In the channel settings, you may specify a "profile accent color" to represent your brand.
    Right now, this isn't exposed in the API at all.

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