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17 results found

  1. A chat badge to identify yourself in Twitch chat as a bot.


    Twitch has been allowing users to mark accounts as Known and Verified bots for a few years now. This process is explained in detail in the official developer documentation. This is documented here:

    There are more than 18,065 Known Bots on Twitch. Among them, we are also a Verified Bot used by more than 700,000 streamers.

    We get all DMs in Slack channels and regularly check how users interact with our Verified Bot. Unfortunately, we often find that users mistake the account for a real lurker,…

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  2. There should be an option to set up a bot without making a new account.

    How it would work?
    You would have a bot tab, which allows you to get a link to connect other services to it like streamelements, streamlabs, etc

    What are the benefits:
    1) people don't have to get their bots a subscription
    2) it's extremely easy to customise
    3) no one has a reason to create bot accounts unless it's meant with malice. Which would help a ton with things like tracking follow bots and hate raid bots.

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  3. Many streamers have their bots use emotes. Currently the streamer needs to gift their bot a subscription in order to do this. However, this seems wasteful and unnecessary since the bot isn't using any video bandwidth and therefore causes limited costs to Twitch.

    Twitch should give emote access to all known bots, and for bots that use custom accounts (such as MixItUp bot) allow the account holder to mark those accounts as a bot (with Twitch regulating this by only allowing those "bot" accounts to view chat and prevent those "bot" accounts viewing the actual video content of streams so…

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  4. I acknowledge that some parts of this concept has been requested in general, however I would like to offer a possible solution that will solve many of the suggestions at once, as well as offer further features down the line.

    ---Core Suggestions---

    I believe it would be beneficial to have chat bots strongly encouraged to note their account as such, and if possible, for known legitimate bots (bots that are known to serve a valid purpose, not lurk bots, stat scrapers, etc.) to be assigned a [bot] tag internally in the system, similar to how some other chat platforms handle…

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  5. Often chat got filling by commands like !songrequest or votes via chatbot. It will be nice if we will have /temp command or way to mark message as temporary that will post message that will disapear after some time (like 10 seconds). Like as we can remove messages via bot uses twitch api, but without "message was deleted" stub.
    Which will be useful for bot responces and make chat more readable. Also it can be used for joking around while streamer dont look in chat.

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  6. a badge that's meant to be only for your bot which would be a purple background with a robot head and somewhere in you settings maybe under profile or connections your could type your bot's username and then whenever your bot spoke in chat it would have said badge next to its name

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  7. Currently, Moderators, specifically bots, messages get delayed by the chat delay setting for viewers. Allow moderators to be exempted from this delay or allow selected users, such as bots, exempt from this delay chatting.

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  8. Currently there is a tag for viewing if a user is subscribed or not, but it doesn't provide the context of which tier the user is subscribed at (1,2, or 3). As such, developers have to make an API call either for every message, or concoct a cache system that becomes needlessly complicated.


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  9. 3 votes

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  10. Integrate a Chatbot category into the Twitch Dashboard.

    You'll be able to change your nickname, and do everything Streamlabs/StreamElements/other bots can do. No need to log on to a bunch of different Twitch platforms.

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  11. A moderator of the chat or maybe the editor should be able to delete any bot messages i.e nightbot

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  12. Streamelements chat bot does not recognize hangul characters when streamers do shoutouts and report API ERROR when doing so. It's been like this sine it was first pushed out and seems to have not been fixed at all. Any plans that this gets fixed or do I have to submit a ticket to have my display name changed in english since Korean display name users can't change their display name?

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  13. Problem:
    - Right now it appears as if a self-hosted and thus unverified bot with a separate standard Twitch account is shadow-banned from whispering people through WebSockets (wss:// It looks like it works, but the messages never arrive, I've tried with my own bot account and friend's bots.

    - To me, it seems reasonable that a bot that has been set to be moderator in a channel should also be able to whisper users that are currently connected to that same channel.

    - It could even be further restricted to when the channel is live if need be.…

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  14. Whispers are (rightfully) strongly restricted for bots. But being able to respond to whispers sent to the bot would allow for a wide range of applications while not opening anyone up to spam (who is not seeking it).

    Use case 1:
    Many streamers use commands to answer repeating questions. The commands and their output are however only usefull to one user (who is using the command). For everyone else it is only filling the chat with extra messages that might make them miss something.
    Another scenario: when playing minigames via the chat, the chat can get verry crammed with commands…

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  15. Einfach ein rudimentärer Bot der Neue Leute begrüßt, denn zu Beginn wenn man lange niemand hat der zu schaut und ist im Spiel dann vertieft bekommt man oft nicht mit wenn jemand rein kommt

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  16. With streamers wanting to promote a game or socials for example and they have a bot doing it every so often I feel like bot messages can go unnoticed. I came up with a simple idea to help make them stand out more as showing here:

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  17. So at the moment I run a few chat based games like (PCG, ravenfall) and then the chat gets filled up by the spam of the games and chat becomes unreadable to humans that aren't playing these games. Is there anyway that we are going to have a separate chat channel for the Bots?

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