Get Rid of Chat Replies
Completely get rid of the chat replies/thread feature and end the experiment.
KozahMiek commented
im going to strongly second this only because the icon will block off parts of the message, making the last word unseeable until the next person enters a line
Ratzkie commented
keep it. it helps in fast moving chat to see when someone wants to reply specifically to something you said and not just throw a random out of context sentence or question into chat.
to make it better, the reply feature needs to go back to replying to the actual message you replied to though. the current **** of replying to the original message only confuses everyone. -
GwenAran commented
The replies SIGNIFICANTLY improved my chat experience - very glad they haven't been removed!
FieryAshes commented
I love the replies and threads though!
ariablackwood commented
I actually like replies, I think it's easier to interact with other people
SeashellWizard commented
I love this feature, pls don't get rid of it.
HidekoYamamoto94 commented
Also I like the feature with chat replies, because i can reply to people easier.
Also (for me) it elimiates misstyping the username
NotJoshBruh commented
Personally I like the feature easier for me to rely to people
Fragile_Tom commented
I disagree personally, replies make it much easier to talk with someone personally. However, I do think the option to turn it off and on is important.
DrHitshot commented
The reply feature is nice, It's much easier to help people out on big channels where the chat is going fast and you can't type out his/her name. I disagree
shanam commented
RStarphoenix commented
this system lags chat inputs entirely too much. it takes a good 2 seconds for me to type messages in chat sometimes ever since this "feature" got put in...this is a step in the wrong direction
editordeb commented
I actually love it. I think being able to turn on/off is important
Tinkuwu commented
Focus on removing bots instead of implementing new features nobody asked for. We already had a way to reply to people, we just @ them in chat and just type. Meanwhile bots are attacking a lot of streamers in chat and PMs. We need a way to remove the bots instead of doing things nobody asked for.
AgraveiN commented
Please give us option to personalize it - on/off. My chat is unreadable for me bacuse of this "improvement"...
SinisterPixel commented
We have highlights for a reason. No need to reinvent the wheel when there's nothing wrong with the current design
Sitrus_ commented
yeah its horrible, i dont know who made these updates but that guy need to be fired
Zto_theZ commented
I agree with completele this one. Twitch has not made to be a forum or as reddit/twitter kind a page. Is a live chat not forum.
Halefa commented
It's a chat, not a forum.
Halefa commented
In theory I like the idea about threads and catching up with conversations - but it happens far too easily that you open them and then only chat in the thread conversation. Also, it clutters up the chat window. Make threads open in a new windows or something like that.