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41 results found

  1. Users sending a spoiler could use this command to show it only to the people that really wants to see it. When using /spoiler followed by a message the chat will instead display a "Spoiler" button which when clicked will show the message.

    /spoiler The cake is a lie!
    /spoiler The girl dies at the end of the game!
    /spoiler The princess is not on this castle!
    /spoiler Kappa

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  2. This has been a great new feature that Twitch has added recently that has helped so many people gain new followers.

    One thing that I think its lacking is a queue system. I understand that the shoutout needs to have a cooldown but often times multiple raids come in at the same time and being unable to shout out both people means that one gets the shoutout and we forget to do the other one when the cooldown is up. Even adding a queue system of up to 5 streamers would be extremely helpful in making sure everyone gets the…

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  3. The new /shoutout command is pretty cool, but isn't able to replace the existing shoutouts that we all do in our bots. Since the bots are usually mods in their respective channels, those users should be able to use the /shoutout command (just as they can use commands like /announce); however, I have not been able to make this work. Please consider allowing chat (IRC) connections to use the /shoutout command, so we can augment our bot shoutouts with the new feature!

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  4. As rules appear only once and not a lot of people really reads them in reality it would be a good idea to implement /rules command that would show the rules popup.

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  5. Hi, all! We're thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of a new native chat command that allows you to give another streamer a shoutout in chat, so that you can introduce them to your viewers and help them grow! Here's an overview of the key features all broadcasters and mods can expect to see in September:

    Use "/shoutout [channel]" to support another streamer by displaying a follow button for their channel in chat, so your viewers can support by following them without leaving your live stream.
    If the channel getting the shoutout has a stream schedule set up, it will also…

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  6. I feel the Shoutout command could be improved by allowing channels to configure an auto shoutout to happen when a channel raids. Limits should be placed on when the Raid auto shoutout occurs such as
    Raiding VIPs
    Raiding channels followed by the creator
    Raiding Subscribers
    Raiding Followers

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  7. Give channel moderators the power to shout out someone in chat by clicking their username and selecting a "shout out" option (another way of shouting them out vs. using /shoutout @username).

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  8. Hey, would like it if the message that the shoutout command posts in the chat was costumizable and also had the option of showing the last game (or maybe even the last 2 or 3 games) that the person being shouted out played. I feel like most people would use the /shoutout and !so together unless these two things gets added

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  9. Streamers with a stream deck have the ability to create a panic button that will do a slew of things. Turning on sub mode, slowing chat, clearing chat, setting a stream marker, capturing a clip for documentation.

    What if an sos command was created to do that for streamers that don't have the ability to have a stream deck?

    Currently the answer is to end stream until the hate raid ends. But what isn't being realized is that the streamer ending the stream is giving the hate raiders exactly what they want. With a command that controls tools twitch has…

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  10. Add a special feature to mods/streamer on chat where you can shoutout a channel, and it will show on top of the chat, like the HypeTrain, giving some emphasis to this channel to be followed when this /shoutout command is used. This will give more opportunity to grow and be noticed to small streamers, when they are shoutout by medium and large streamers. An animated UI with Channel Name, channel profile picture, last game played and a follow buttom will help a lot.

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  11. Have a /rules command to display the rules specified in the settings for that channel.

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  12. The Shoutout feature is a great idea and could have massive potential when it comes to shining a light onto certain people you wanna support. The problem is that the way it's currently implemented is very limited because the only way to use it is via a command that you have to type. This can be rather cumbersome to do as not only do you have to make sure you type the command correctly, you need to be able to type the exact name of the person

    Instead, I think there should also be an option to click on a…

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  13. A lot of bots are used to create and use commands. Moreover twitch have a command system (with /, for example /mods /vips, etc) and use of commands spam chats.

    So the idea is to allow developers to access those slash commands, by adding an command via twitch API (as Discord did).
    It should prevent spam on chat.

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  14. Just like the /pin command it would be great if streamers and mods could use /unpin in chat to unpin the current active pinned message.

    I often check my stream and chat on mobile when im AFK and quite often I notice I have a pinned message I want to unpin. Unpinning just by sending /unpin to chat would be awesome.

    I personally also prefer keyboard > mouse so I would definitely use /unpin even at desktop. :3

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  15. Brief description

    I just tried to /shoutout a streamer with a Korean display name. I used "/shoutout juliday97" in the chat window, and viewers got an unusable link, both for going to the channel and for following.

    How to reproduce

    Use /shoutout with any streamer whose display name is just a different capitalization of their user name.

    Expected behavior

    I would have expected working links. :P


    From a mispost in the developer issue tracker

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  16. Es sollte die Möglichkeit geben die /announce Nachricht an zu pinnen.

    There should be an option to pin the announce command message.

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  17. Please stop imposing a time limit on how often Mods can post /shoutouts. The musician I mod for often gets 2 or more fellow streamers joining his stream at the same time and he expects his mods to give shoutouts to all of them, ASAP. For the past few months, after I post the first shoutout, when I try to post the shoutout for the second streamer, it will not go through and I get a time-out notice telling me I have to wait another 30 seconds, or 9 seconds, etc., whatever, before I am permitted to give another shoutout.…

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  18. Can we please change the name Raids to Rayds. It's simple and it's about time we do this

    Sorry to the poor soul who has to read this

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  19. In the filter window it would be great to be able to hide other user's command chat to reduce the constant stream of spam.

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  20. Should look at providing slash commands linked to channel point redemptions so they can be redeemed quicker from within chat.

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