[Test] Crowd Chant
Some communities will notice a new way to "chant" during hype moments on stream. This is a limited time experiment where only some creators will have access to this feature. Creators and Mods will be able to use /chant (using text and/or emotes) in chat to kick one off. Viewers will see a private callout with the chant and can dismiss or choose to participate!
We'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions here. We look forward to hearing your feedback!
On 2/2, we will turn off Chants.
While this feature was popular, we observed negative impacts to minutes watched for significant groups of creators.
Experiments help us test new ideas in real time, and decide what to build next. Thanks for sharing your feedback with us!
FieryAshes commented
I still know a bunch of people who, 2 years later, miss chants.
sXe_dante commented
I dont understand how its even possible to be used as "harassment" when its only avalible to streamer and his mods who he probably trust, this command was so fun, sad its not coming back :( make it as option who wants that on/off on their channel
BlackDeathAU commented
Thank you Twitch for making the right decision here. From the few channels I saw that had this experiment enabled, the feature was used for harassment and bullying. While I've seen people have managed to have a positive experience with this feature, it will be that small percent that ruin it for everyone else.
BW3003 commented
Não entendo como o comando cantos foi ruim assim. Ele dava vida ao chat, apenas os moderadores podiam usá-lo. Em vez de retirar, deveria haver apenas a alteração nele. Deixar ativado ou não, como o streamer preferir.
Deixar apenas algum grupo usá-lo, como Vips, Mods, Subscribers.
Existem várias formas de contornar, ele não foi um comando ruim, talvez apenas testado com os criadores de conteúdo errados.Ou visto por plataformas de países errados, já que cada país tem sua cultura e também sua forma de comportamento através de uma live.
Mr_Cheeezz commented
bring back chants as for a channel i mod for tibb12 he had chants and if anything they made chat active duting a hype moment and increased viewership and just make chants like partner only and a toggle option for them in dashboard
BOTAyturk commented
Please Bring back chant it's awesome feature! :/
NopeTooFast commented
removing chants? ratio
FieryAshes commented
It was really amazing and a lot of us really loved it, maybe bring it back with an option to turn it off for your own individual channel please? Everyone I know is begging for that.
Almeck commented
Please bring back chants in some way! Perhaps a solution for lost minutes watched is to allow users to mute chanted messages. Just a toggle that minimizes the chanted messages. Or just hides them altogether? Either way, please. It was such a fun feature.
imbype commented
Por favor regresen /Chant D: mi canal es twitch.tv/imbype
Gallean_X commented
Please bring back chants! *sad*
AdamTKWallace commented
Would love to see this feature added again. Loved seeing it on other streams and as a streamer and moderator myself, think it would be a great way to get chat more interactive! Perhaps have it so creators can turn off the feature if they don't want to use it!
sinmastv commented
A bad decission turn off chants!
bulltastic_ commented
i would realy like to see it back i really liked it! on streams to celebrate something
nickavellii commented
I don't understand why you would turn it off for everybody... our community loves this feature... just make it so every channel can turn it on or off but don't take it away from streamers who use this frquently...
MxMattyB commented
I comment now to add to the chorus of voices in support of the /chant feature, and respectfully request that it be kept and fully implemented
DrImpact commented
Hi, I'm a moderator of twitch.tv/mk_rza twitch.tv/zdamascus and twitch.tv/yasha942, it's fighting game content and esport tournament. We are always cheering for someone. We would like to use the /chant command in chat
whitefox_xo commented
Allow opt-in. I like this feature when streamer uses it.
phhax commented
Hello , I https://www.twitch.tv/yunanlipanda i am the moderator of the channel and I want to use the -/chant command on this channel. Would you be interested if I asked you?
YunanliPanda commented
Hello, twitch.tv/yunanlipanda i own your channel. We want to use the /chant command in the chat.