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80 results found

  1. VOD's need a drastic update! How do you expect that users upload videos if even the past broadcast function doesent work properly?

    A couple feature that we are in desperate need of:

    • General stability update
    • On the fly rewind
    • VOD search (Title) for viewers
    • VOD ratings systems (viewers can vote 1-5 stars)
    • Viewer VOD Ranking (depending on rating)
    • Skip muted parts (setting)
    • remove the commentary function
    • mobile download cache (look at VOD's offline)
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  2. Hey, I watch alot of past broadcasts and I don't quite understand why we're all being forced to use this option. It might be good with short videos like on other platforms, but on here it's more painfull than useful.

    Me and probably many other people watch them while going to sleep. So If you wake up and there are random streams marked (auto play plays random pb's for me), it's hard to remember what you actually watched.
    I also noticed that it doesn't always shows what's going to be played next .

    I really hope you implement this…

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  3. The way it would work:
    There would be a button with the Clip/Options/Theater Etc. settings that would look like this (quick 5am mockup). When you click the button, it will timestamp the VOD and take you to that moment when the VOD has been uploaded.
    Maybe there's a separate page on your profile where you can manage your "Watch Later" links; with a VOD link OR maybe you get a twitch message from a bot with a link to it?
    I'm not 100% sure if this has been submitted before or if there's a way to do this as…

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  4. Whenever someone wants to watch VODs they can't enjoy the duel screen experience properly of popout twitch chat. Theather mode forces you to have the chat next to the video AND on the same monitor. Please let us pop out the chat on VODs.

    Please give us VODboys some love.

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  5. Sometimes when I'm watching VoDs there's a part where the streamer disconnected, and a placeholder screen appears (the NotLikeThis screen, from what I informed). When the streamer reconnected in the VoD, the people in chat appears to still see the streamer as being disconnected, and seems to notice the streamer going back online a few minutes later. After that, the chat and the video is out of sync for the rest of the VoD, with chat reacting to events that happened several minutes ago in the video.

    After browsing around and witnessing multiple streams from my favourite streamers, it turns…

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  6. Me and alot of streamers know the struggles behind streaming. Possible disconnections, power outages, Crashes etc. And whenever we restart a stream, we know that another VOD is created for that stream.

    I kindly ask for a feature that allows streamers to select multiple vods and have an option to MERGE them into 1 singular VOD. This would make it so much easier and make streamers page's look so much cleaner.

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  7. In this most recent age the unpublish feature is really helpful but in order to clip, highlight and even watch the VOD you have to publish it first. Which defeats the purpose

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  8. Sometimes subscribers aren't fast enough to clip a live stream; currently subscribers cannot clip from VODS on channels that have enabled sub-only archives.

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  9. Have markers on the progress bar for VODs showing when in the stream the Category and/or game was switched.

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  10. YouTube recently added 1.75x speed for videos. I find it be the perfect max speed for being able to understand most speech. (And at least one other person agrees:

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  11. Every streamer runs into a few issues with trolls. Half of the time with trolls or DMCA content, users have to completely delete VODs. Well, unlike Twitch but on other platforms you're able to edit "VODs" a lot more with a lot more detail. That included to making parts quiet, to louder. Replacing or adding music to the vod, or even bluring or blocking unsafe content for the vod and even removing DMCA content from the vod without removing your whole vod to follow through with DMCA.

    These systems have been around for ages and I'm completely flabbergasted about twitch's…

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  12. Add a button to skip to the end of the muted chunk

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  13. the feature for having VOD only streaming tracks so things like music can get cut out was awesome, would be super cool to be able to have "stream track" and "VOD track" for software like OBS to implement controls for, which would be super useful to cut things out of the VOD such as sub goal overlays for uses like editing VODs into youtube videos that look cleaner

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  14. Due to timezones, i mostly watch VODS. When a raid happens at the end of a vod, the vod is over. It'd be nice if i can still experience the raid by having the option to view the raided streamer's vod of that day, at the timestamp the raid occurred.

    So i can effectively still watch someone's stream + raid, hours or days after it occurred.

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  15. Video and chat in VODs are out of sync. This usually happens to IRL streamers who are streaming through a less reliable mobile connection. Connection problems will cause the video and audio in VODs to desynchronize.

    Shame there is no attention to this after 3 years.

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  16. It should be possible for a streamer to break the vod/start a new vod without restarting the stream.

    We might need to delete the start of a stream but leave the rest of the video being recorded to

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  17. You know how there's some big event happened and you want to see streamer's reaction to it, but you was offline or following a lot of streamers from a similar directory.

    You know the time of an event/announcement, so you need to calculate the time from the start of the VOD and when the stream began to also find an approximate time of the moment. It's harder when there's no preview in the first day or the timeline preview is here, but the streamer showed it off-stream.

    So, because of that you usually limit yourself to the 1-2 streamers if…

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  18. Occasionally, I will be watching a stream live and I need to leave before the end. I will then pull up the vod the next day but the length of the vod is somewhat of a spoiler. I am suggesting a feature that hides the total vod length behind a spoiler toggle. If the toggle is off the true time of the vod is displayed, otherwise it will obfuscate the true length and show the current play time as "latest" or 0:00 like a livestream.

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  19. As a mod I get access to watch unpublished vods of the past streams that the creator I'm modding for has done. What I don't get is why the chat is not visible when watching these unpublished vods? If the chat were visible, it would make it so much easier for us mods to look back at certain points of the stream, and give reports to what has been happening in a vod without everyone else given access to it.

    What I would love to see is:

    • Full chat on unpublished VODs.
    • A time marking feature visible for mods and…
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  20. With larger international audiences, you're likely going to have some people relying on VODs due to time differences or work/life commitments.

    I envision a VOD feature where you can see the VOD player and if you click a button you can see bubbles along the progress bar or a graphic which if you click on brings you to other users watching. I imagine you could have two columns or maybe an interspersed chat so that users can decide what they see.
    The benefit is that people can enjoy watching VODs with others in sync. Sense of community.

    Not sure if…

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