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184 results found

  1. There needs to be a change with in twitch as there has been multiple profiles with problematic pictures that are grounds for banned. There needs to be a implementing of a non-approved stage for profile pictures followed by a approved stage so that way we don't have problematic grounds when someone's profile picture shows up in someone's stream during a game or such ex being marbles. Because this brings up problems for the streamer were we have to take even more steps to avoid being flagged or banned for something we ourselves didn't display. This includes but not limited to…

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  2. There should be an option on Twitch to report moderators that are going on power trips and abusing their power. There are some viewers on Twitch who are getting wrongfully and unfairly banned from chats, or are getting sent derogatory messages from a moderator after sending an unban request. If a mod abuses their status as a moderator, then there should be some sort of form that allows viewers who have been unfairly banned and even been picked on by certain mods to send a complaint to have the specific mod in question investigated, even if they don't actually know…

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  3. Many ideas have been discussed here about adding 2FA as a next level security for accounts to verify they're legit and not just a spam bot account and chat. (See:

    What I propose here that is different those ideas is adding a CAPTCHA solver puzzle for people who want to follow a channel. And I'm not talking about those silly Text Based CAPTCHA solver puzzles that are distorted with upper and lower case characters and other things, but an image based CAPTCHA solver puzzle.

    1. New followers will have to solve a CAPTCHA, a One-time Only process before the…

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  4. Controversial yes - strip away the viewer count. Will prevent streamers cheating the system by buying viewers, will even the playing field. And those who don’t have a massive ego, won’t mind as will still see stats.

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  5. I wanted suggestion that Streamers would be able remove a follower and set it the way he could not follow you again with a time limit or permanently. last year I contacted the staff about follower who refuse to unfollow even he hated me and always came back spy and lose my followers with false facts he never got anything of it. So I wanted to suggest this if anyone has similar situations, to get ability just simply remove the follower yourself and able control if you can follow you again.

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  6. Just as we can follow a category, it would be nice to be able to "block" a category so that it does not recommend or see channels that are playing those games.

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  7. This should be a simple feature to add, if I blocked a user, make it so that user will not see my channel listed on the directory.

    You already have it so a banned user will not see chat, expand this to also cover the directories, so they can't see your channel even being listed on that user account.

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  8. If I block another user I would prefer they not see my messages in chat at all due to safety, not just me not seeing their messages, please make this possible, thank you.

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  9. please allow streamers to turn off the host option.
    we can block raids, but we cannot stop channels from hosting us, which is now being exploited and bad actors (some evading bans) are now hosting accounts with a malicious intent.,

    in addition to this
    i would also like to have the option to ONLY ENABLE HOSTS/ AND RAIDS FROM USERS WHO HAVE PHONE NUMBERS VERIFICATION added to their accounts

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  10. 18+ Tag or Filter

    Since there is a lot of interest in allowing nudity on Twitch with games and art, it would be best for them to implement a proper 18+ filter or tag allowing the user to clearly see. The mature warning you receive before watching the stream is mostly ignored, so adding some restrictions for users under 18 would help a lot with future streams.

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  11. It baffles me that this is not already a thing considering there are so many insufferable narcissistic twats and rotters streaming these days but PLEASE for the love of god allow or give us the functionality to BLOCK streamers so that they never appear to us at all.

    Yes there is the function whereby we can remove them from appearing if sorting by "Recommended for you" BUT they still appear if sorted by any other means which is often because if you sort your channels by "Highest Viewer" count for example, you can't avoid some of these. PLEASE PLEASE Allow…

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  12. I started checking out lower viewer count streamers and noticed a trend of groups of people targeting new streamers with fake donation messages.

    e.g. Username: has donated $1500.00! :TwitchVotes:

    They use the TwitchVotes emote to make the message to make it look legitimate, as it's a Twitch icon with a checkmark. They use these donations to pressure people into doing things, everything from small pranks, to more dangerous stuff, to more sexual requests. It's surprisingly effective, as a lot of these people are non-technical or new to streaming, and feel pressured into doing these dares. I've reported these users, but…

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  13. When a chatter sends a message containing a banned term, they are met with the following message:
    "Your message wasn't posted due to conflicts with the channel's moderation settings."

    If the chatter is a harassing chatter, they will most likely just find a way to get past the banned words filter.

    Example, in this scenario the word 'apple' is banned:
    -> Chatter: 'Man, I really love this apple!"
    <- Twitch: 'Your message wasn't posted due to conflicts with the channel's moderation settings.'
    -> Chatter (trying to get past the filter): 'Man, I really love this app1e!' (notice how app1e gets…

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  14. Hey guys,

    I would love if there was a way we could ban/disable anonymous cheerer/gifter as a option for the streamers. I'm not a fan of the fact I have no control over this.

    Thank you.

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  15. This feature would allow creators to allow and disallow follows to protect against spam, such as followbotting. If a user starts to get followbotted, they can turn off follows, and problem fixed. It will lead to less issues in the future going back and forth with support and stressing about whether or not you will be banned from Twitch.

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  16. If Twitch won't filter (or ban) usernames containing personal information, perhaps streamers could blacklist names containing certain words/#s/etc.

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  17. The current Twitch account creation system offers little to no assurance of protection for creators. Enforcement actions, when taken, are reactive, rather than proactive, and require submitting reports, writing descriptions, and disrupting the stream, which is exactly what these people want. Even enabling email verification for users to chat does not prevent someone from creating multiple successive, free "burner" email accounts for the express purpose of harassing one or more users. Someone can simply create a free email account online, create a free Twitch account, use the new email to verify the account, and circumvent that particular feature. To prevent…

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  18. We should delete follower by ourselfs.

    Maybe someone is getting follow-botted and twitch don't delete the bots, maybe someone banned him that he cant talk in chat anymore but still follow the channel and whatches but you dont want that.

    You dont wan't that this person see you live.

    We should have a option where we can delete the followers in our dashboard.

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  19. I think there should be a button for when streamers are having a stroke or something the viewers can click the button. This button should send a confirmation to some twitch admins and if its true they click on approve. when they click on approve a signal is going out to the streamers local emergency service and they will respond to the emergency case.

    a precondition to this is that you need to know the adress of the streamers what can be done be asking for the adress when creating a new account or when you implement it that existing…

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  20. I run a stream and sometimes people who are banned from chat can still harass people in chat by whispering to them. Most are not aware that they can turn whispers from people they don't follow off. This is a problem I'm seeing all over twitch after the addition of whisper. It would be more user friendly if it was on by default. Thankyou :)

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