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25 results found

  1. The appeal for suspension of the account does not receive feedback other than an automatic response. Is it possible to provide feedback on all appeals without ignoring some?

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  2. if a account has been banned it needs to go threw a process before they can change just like when you have a emote removed because that is ban evading and they are still able to lurk and be around we currently see this going on with accounts that have been banned by multiple streamers but just change there name and continue to troll and bother the streamers

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  3. I was indefinitely banned almost 18+ months ago and followed the appropriate appeal steps and was never given a decision or explanation for why I was banned. Is Twitch ever going to address their moderation, banning procedure or appeals process?

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  4. I'm so sick of streamers getting permanently banned (indefinite suspension) after 1 thing and never getting anything back from twitch as far as an explanation or response to an appeal. I have seen people lose their passion and dream over the ridiculous moderation and support team. There is no reason people should be waiting 5 months for a response from twitch.

    Just recently my fiance was banned for something that he blatantly didn't do. He was banned for BAN EVASION when he never even had an account before the one that was banned. It's absolutely ridiculous.

    I continue to lose…

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  5. sometimes bots or maybe some random report could get an account banned. seems like out of nowhere, but the community wants to help for appeal but what if they arent getting heard? what if they were just brushed under the rug and not looked upon? how serious are things being taken into account? What is one streamer to All of Twitch?

    The Community should be able to help the streamer push for an appeal, push to be seen, to be noticed. Answers need answering, we are all people too, Small streamers, big streamers, we should be equal for support. But…

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  6. It is not fair that you can appeal only once every 6 months. If you are not a partner on Twitch they will not care and reject your appeal plan to reinstate your account on twitch. It would be better if you could appeal once a week to try to get your account back for Twitch.

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  7. I have a friend who streams on this platform, she was wrongfully given a strike a few months ago and even though your team acknowledged that it was done in error the strike has still not been removed. She has now received a second strike for inappropriate attire even though she is always very careful to ensure she follows TOS so we are unsure of exactly what the violation was but she is now looking at a possible third strike and banning because she still has a wrongful strike on her account and we don't understand what the second strike…

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  8. adding a "unjust suspension" option to the appeal or something that let's Twich know the person suspended might've been so without the reason mentioned
    and a proof of reason for suspension.
    my account was suspended due to Fraud when all I did was sub to 2 of the streamers I usually watch, that's all it took for you to suspend my account ? really ?

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  9. I believe the system for users to appeal bans could be better improved by submitting an actual description and even getting the opinion of the streamer. I had two friends in my chat and ‘Friend 1’ made a comment (Something to the effect of “…kill @Friend2UserName !!” while playing a first person shooter) and ‘Friend 2’ thought it would be funny to ‘report’ the comment of Friend 1. Well, without review, Friend 1 was banned and denied appeal. Friend 2 even admitted that he did the report jokingly and there was nothing malicious about the comment. Friend 1 was an…

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  10. I have suspension for 30 days.. The suspension is over since 11 February, now it is 31 March and I am not yet unbanned? Why? I've made 10 cases and Twitch still does not response.. How more should I wait??

    My banned account: nameless2g

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  11. The appeals process for a suspended account is such poor customer service. You can assign resource to this area but not where it matters in answering unjustified bans or suspensions.

    The consistency on the appeals is so flawed it’s ethically and morally wrong.

    This post will be deleted, again, because you don’t want to own up to poor customer service and would rather delete a post than provide a good service to loyal customers. Contact me for details, but I doubt you will.

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  12. I was recently suspended with the option to appeal. Problem is, I can’t appeal something if I can’t see what I was suspended for.

    I was not sent any proof of what I was suspended for. How am I supposed to appeal something if I am not given proof of what happened?

    For example “You are suspended. Appeal here.”

    “Appeal what? What did I do that needs to be appealed?”

    Was there a legit nip slip that obviously does not warrant an appeal? Cheap clothing can sometimes be too thin. Is there a particular outfit I was wearing that was…

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  13. You can so that after the suspension of the account in the chat there is a reason for blocking the account, the time of blocking and a button to contact support.

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  14. Suspension appeals should have a clear timeline. Additionally it should be clear that it has actually been recieved & where it is in the process. It shouldnt take months to review a vod "pending" is not a clear acknowledment of reciept let alone a clear communication of expectd timeline. It leaves "innocent" parties hanging in limbo sometimes with slanderous accusations having been made.

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  15. When you ban/suspend an account without a clear reason and they try asking why and how to fix the suspension, email that person back. Don't ignore it. I have proof that twitch replies to certain emails and ignores others. Twitch is a joke and they play favorites.

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  16. Better enforcement of policies regarding individuals who are under suspension/ban. Anyone who commits violations to the ToS should get suspended/banned based on the offense, and if said individual commit any other violations (ban evasion, appearing on another person's account, etc.) while suspended/banned, they should automatically be hit with a permanent ban.

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  17. Honestly if you have a thriving community and get suspended you can't interact with anyone at all. You are yanked out from your freinds and no real way to communitate unless you have other platforms. This can be very damaging and can be dangerous for the individual. The process of appeal or the way suspentions are given give you no feedback or redemption literlaly removing the individuals freedom of speach. Putting everything in the hand of an automated system that plays with peoples life work and hobbies. Honestly I suggest a more humane system that allows a period of time…

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  18. Some creators are targeted for copyright take downs and disingenuous hate speech reports because they are standing up to abusive communities or hateful ideologies. Twitch should consider how its safety and copyright features can be used maliciously and do more to protect creators who are impacted disproportionately simply because racist or sexist groups don’t like them.

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  19. When someone is banned from Twitch, there needs to be a specific Twitch staff ID internally to help identify who issued the ban. If there is already a system in place, then when there are elevated concerns about the lack of absolute context, time, or statements made, the user SHOULD KNOW what it is.

    Just a few days ago, I found out what “Hawk Touh” means, and it’s just one of the thousands of random memes like “bing ****” or “pushing p” that appear and fade out of context. I find these memes irritating and nonsensical. Thanks to hindsight, I…

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  20. my main account crowdog69b69t has an indefinite suspension for no reason. it says that i was flagged for being a bot or automated account. its been several days and still no real response from my appeal and by the looks of it, it doesnt seem like any real help will ever come. i had a lot of stuff on my account and now its all gone and the days are just piling over itself. i thought twitch was a trustworthy platform but now im afraid to spend my money here since everything can be taken away from me so abrubtly.…

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