Broadcaster Able remove/rescrict followers
I wanted suggestion that Streamers would be able remove a follower and set it the way he could not follow you again with a time limit or permanently. last year I contacted the staff about follower who refuse to unfollow even he hated me and always came back spy and lose my followers with false facts he never got anything of it. So I wanted to suggest this if anyone has similar situations, to get ability just simply remove the follower yourself and able control if you can follow you again.
NightmareJoker2 commented
If you /block the user, it will make them unfollow your channel. They cannot follow you again until you unblock them. A blocked user can also not whisper you and their messages will be hidden from your view in all channels, except for those in which you are a moderator or above (broadcaster, global moderator, staff, admin).
Personally, I don't like that the block function does this, however. While it is useful that this feature shows you that another user has decided to block you, who a user is following should always be the followers decision, and nobody else's.
Kozaka commented
You can ban the user, and enable follower only chat. Then he got no way to act. I hope this helps! But I don't know that a ban equals with the unfollow or not.
If not, then I think it would also nice to be able for us streamers to remove followers. Like I have a bot user for my channel, and this bot has already some followers :)