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668 results found

  1. I love the new view numbers attached to the VODs! I would love a way to transfer these view numbers to the attached highlight. As it stands now, we lose all those stats when the VOD expires. Those of us that highlight entire streams without the breaks, etc to save for future VOD watchers (for example, an entire series run of Silent Hill) have a difficult time explaining Twitch analytics to sponsors or advertisers.

    If I submit analytics of EXAMPLE GAME with 1k Twitch views, 1k YouTube (uploaded 24 hours after it airs on Twitch for exclusivity), 1k podcast version,…

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  2. This makes sense because the Editor Role already has access to manage clips, highlights and VODs. The Editor Role already has access to export VODs to YouTube.
    So the editor role should be able to use the Clip Editor and export them to other platforms.

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  3. I don't have the most stable internet so there are days where a stream will buffer quite a bit. This means that I am viewing the stream later than the rest of chat, and in order to catch back up I need to reload the entire page.

    I would like a button that refreshes just the stream in order to give the the most current stream.

    This would also help people who chose to pause the stream.

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  4. Right now you can only link one YouTube account this works for some people but I do many different streams and I want to be able to export my Podcasts to my podcast channel and games to my gaming channel without having to disconnect and reconnect everytime I want to export different videos to different channels.

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  5. Let twitch auto change game name (and maybe title) based on what it was set on stream or info entered for uploaded videos. Vodcasts with 10th of games in one section creates mess

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  6. Every streamer runs into a few issues with trolls. Half of the time with trolls or DMCA content, users have to completely delete VODs. Well, unlike Twitch but on other platforms you're able to edit "VODs" a lot more with a lot more detail. That included to making parts quiet, to louder. Replacing or adding music to the vod, or even bluring or blocking unsafe content for the vod and even removing DMCA content from the vod without removing your whole vod to follow through with DMCA.

    These systems have been around for ages and I'm completely flabbergasted about twitch's…

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  7. I’m working on an SPA where one can watch VODs in sync, as if it was live.

    I noticed something weird on several videos: when started at a late position on Auto quality, the videos plays normally for a few seconds, then goes backward exactly when the quality is automatically changed.
    This does not happen by switching qualities manually.

    This is not easy to reproduce, as you need to be in Auto quality AND have the first selected quality to be low (e.g. 360p).

    Here are the steps I took with relative success to reproduce the issue:

    1. Go to this…
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  8. Stream snip3r no sniping! Stream snip3r no sniping!

    Idea: If there were an easy option to add a video delay easily during any part of the broadcast, it would prevent stream snipers from ruining the fun for everyone.

    In the Gaming Category especially it would be awesome if Creators had a way to easily add a +5 second delay.

    Reason: Whenever the streamer is being stream sniped it ruins the fun for the viewers. It also makes the streamer understandably frustrated and want to quit live streaming their favorite game.

    Creators might only want to game later in the broadcast…

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  9. This could be done by using different filters such as; games, more date options or even a keyword.

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  10. Sometimes there are clips out there with "Rude / Stupid / unchanged" names, but they might have some great content in it. Therefor it's probably the best if the streamer would be allowed to change titles of their clips.

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  11. I've been using Twitch since 2018 and clipping has always been a bit glitchy. Recently something new has happened which makes the feature really difficult to use conveniently.

    I'm getting these error messages on the daily that tend to last for an hour after attempting to create clips.

    In the Clip creator after selecting the time to create the clip:
    "Whoops. Something went wrong."

    Then when attempting to delete the clip that didn't get clipped correctly:
    "There was a problem deleting this clip."

    This happens independently in both Chrome and Firefox and it doesn't seem to matter which streamer it…

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  12. There are some inherent severe bugs when it comes to Twitch collections that should get priority to be fixed. I think the reason very few streamers use this feature is because of how broken it is.

    ⠀1. The default internal links to collections shows an error.

    "Sorry. Unless you’ve got a time machine, that content is unavailable." error page which then redirects you to the first video of the collection. Changing the structure of the URL makes this not so, which makes me think its an old oversight/workaround that can easily be repaired.

    Examples how to replicate:
    Shows error:

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  13. When exporting a VOD to YouTube, it is broken up into segments if it is longer than 12 hours. This feature is broken in two ways.

    The major issue:
    It does not work. It splits into segments that are of length 12:00:01, which are abandoned by YouTube, and have to be deleted.

    The minor issue:
    The naming is wrong. A 2-part export will be named "part 0/2" and "part 1/2."

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  14. When switching to theatre mode the chat goes into dark mode, I'd like an option to opt out of this because that strains my eyes to the point where I'd rather not watch the stream at all.

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  15. Would be handy to allow editors to edit the clips in general, but allowing the original viewer that clipped the clip to retain credit. Example: Maybe the clip has a cuts off a sentence mid-through, so moving the in/out point by a few frames would just clean up the clip.

    Some clips I come across are really well done but no catchy title. Adding a title as an editor or broadcaster makes the clip more promotion-friendly when used on third party sites or in Discord.

    Currently the only option is to create a new clip of the same content and…

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  16. Featured Clips help you show up on new and existing Twitch discovery spaces in ways that best represent you and your community. We recently shared our plans ( to launch the upcoming mobile Discovery Feed. As we work towards building new onsite discovery tools like the Discovery Feed, we want to give you more control over which Clips are shown to viewers on Twitch with Featured Clips.

    We're already working on improvements to Featured Clips, including:
    - Allowing you to opt-in to automatically featuring Clips created by you or your editors.
    - Giving Featured Clips access to Mods…

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  17. Refresh button that refreshes the player so you don't have to refresh the whole page.

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  18. I accidentally delete all my clips after selecting 2 and selecting delete clips. Maybe their can be an "Undo delete" button when notified that all clips have been deleted and or for like 24 hours after the delete.... Or maybe a deleted clips section where for 24 hours you can select which specific clips to restore.

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  19. Currently when exporting a VOD to YouTube you can export it as a single file or split it into 15 minute segments if you YouTube isn't verified. What I am requesting is that an additional option is added to split the export into 12 hour segments since this is the maximum that YouTube will accept.

    The reason I would like this is that any of my streams that are over 12 hours are unable to be added to my YouTube unless I split them into 15 minute segments but this just doesn't make any sense.

    I'm sure I'm not the…

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  20. YouTube lets you use the mouse wheel to change the player volume.

    I'd like Twitch to duplicate this functionality.

    Users should be able to hover over the player controls to show them then use the mouse wheel, when hovering over the volume slider to increase/decease volume

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