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Channel Points

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Channel Points



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663 results found

  1. So, I was an affiliate and decided to leave the program and really miss the interactive channel point system. It would be LOVELY if you all would give channel points to ALL streamers because it just makes sense. Channel points are a great way to have interactivity with your community and it SUCKS that I, a non-affiliate or partner streamer, can't use the feature. I may be in the minority of this though. My question is though, why is it only for affiliates and partners anyways? It's not like you make money off the channel points anyways, so it really…

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  2. Allow multiple predictions to run at once. Often times, a situation has multiple things that viewers are interested in betting towards. For example, viewers might want to guess if the streamer will win a match or not, but they might also want to guess if the streamer will have a positive K/DA at the end.

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  3. The channel points right now are just based on streaks and time spent in a chat. What would make it perfect is the ability to award your viewers or entire chat with an amount of points you choose as well. If it were possible to award points yourself in addition to the twitch integrated method of earning points it would be perfect.
    For example:
    -I could choose to award the whole chat 100 points each when we get raided.
    -I could choose to award a specific viewer 50 points for telling the best joke.

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  4. The streamer that I mod for is busy being entertaining and streaming and keeping viewers excited, and they don't have time to go through and queue up songs for the playlist (one of the new channel point prizes we have in our channel). It would be helpful if mods had the ability to access the same interface as the streamers get, to help out.

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  5. Mods are human, and sometimes they click the wrong result for the prediction. There currently isn't a way to reverse the prediction result, shorting people of their channel points even though they predicted correctly.

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  6. For variety streamers, it would be wonderful to be able to put certain channel point rewards into folders that can be turned on and off with the flip of a switch.

    For example, I could put all my "Fallguys" rewards into a "Fallguys" folder. Then the entire folder could be turned on. When I play a different game, I could turn the folder off.

    With the current system, we have to go through a huge list of rewards turning each individual reward on and off when switching games. The end result is that many streamers just have rewards that don't…

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  7. because chat window is very big and Annoying! (predictions starting)
    (I use Android tablet. Samsung Galuxy tab 7)

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  8. As a Mod we should be able to use our points on a Make It Rain option where we can input the number of points and the number of recipients, and let the algorithm used for handing out gifted subs, pick who gets the points (equal amounts among the number of people designated). I would rather be able to give points to members of chat to be able to interact more, than use em to highlight my message or alter an emote.

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  9. Give Streamers the option to use a certain amount of Emotes (Maybe more for Partners or something like 1 + 1/10 of your unlocked Emoteslots rounded up) to be unlockable by Channelpoints but not by Subscribing or Cheering. Every Streamer can chose the cost of the Emotes they want to have themselves.

    This allowes Streamers to give something back to the Community and makes it possible to get emotes by just watching and being Active in the Stream and the Community when the people cannot support monetarily. This also still incentivises to Gain More Subs due to getting the possibility…

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  10. It could be a good idea to choose the bet limit in each prediction. I made a try on a channel, there was 6 millions points bet and the channel points rewars were spammed, it could be nice to say that's the limit is for exemple 20 000 points per user

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  11. Viewers should be able to earn Channel Points by watching VODs (Video on Demand). Undoubtedly, many viewers of many streamers are of international relation to the streamer, this is why it is important to include everyone into the Channel Points experience by letting viewers earn Channel Points by watching VODs by their favourite streamers. This feature must be implemented because international viewers are situated in a different country, thus (in most cases) are in a different time zone. So it only makes sense for viewers who aren't able to watch live streams be able to earn Channel Points by watching…

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  12. I think users should be allowed to give their channel points to other users. You choose who you want to give your channel points to and how much channel points you want to give them. It could be useful in multiple circumstances.

    For example, a user has 45k channel points and wants to redeem a reward that costs 50k. A different user may be generous and then give the first user 5k channel points so they can afford the reward.

    Since streamers have infinite channel points for their channel, they could give users points too. For example, they could have…

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  13. Chat polls are a super fun way to keep chat engaged and excited about whats happening in the community and on screen, and it would be cool to have at least a small channel point incentive for participating.

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  14. I do not enjoy gambling. I do not enjoy channel points “click to claim bonus points” skinner boxes. ‘Points betting’ interrupting a stream and shrinking the video player to force me to look at chat (like hype trains) is incredibly obnoxious. Let me disable it, especially on mobile where I can’t block it with a browser addon. Stop trying to ruin this platform with superfluous features.

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  15. Currently we have built a game around channel points. The issue is there is no way to disable the "claiming" of channel points in chat. This makes chat spam like crazing.

    Would love a way to hide the messages showing up, while still letting users claim them

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  16. There is a bug where if you open multiple browsers or multiple devices with the same account, you can get Raid Channel Points bonus multiple times.

    Please fix it, I want to raid again. Thank you very much.

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  17. Allow streamers and/or mods to view the points for each viewer, and to add/remove points from viewers in their channel. (This will also give streamers the option to manually transfer points from any other point system.)

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  18. The BEST point system i used was from a third party & here are things i wish Twitch channel points would add.

    1. A feature where we can reward viewers with channel points as a incentive for giving bits MULTIPLE TIMES. Instead of just recieving bits once a month. It should be whenever they give bits. Of course this feature should allowed to be enabled/disabled by the streamer.

    2. A feature where we can reward viewers with channel points for gifting subs. Another feature that could be enabled/disabled by the streamer.

    3. A general "give points" feauture. Theres, plenty of times where I…

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  19. It would be amazing to cancel your vote. For example, the user votes for the wrong option by mistake, and wants to vote for what they intended to.

    This would be rather easy to do, just during the vote window, allow to cancel your vote and re-vote. Once the vote window is over, then its locked in.

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  20. Basically just let mods make predictions on mobile. It makes everyone's lives easier. Thanks!

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