Add a limit bet during prediction creation
It could be a good idea to choose the bet limit in each prediction. I made a try on a channel, there was 6 millions points bet and the channel points rewars were spammed, it could be nice to say that's the limit is for exemple 20 000 points per user
nifroth commented
It would be very nice if the streamer had the ability to set the minimal and maximum prediction value if not on a case by case basis for each prediction in an advanced menu then in the channel settings ahead of time.
Velgor commented
Im still surprised we don't have an option to put some restrictions on the max amount an individual can put in yet
It really discourages me from using is at all, because it quickly can mess up the point economy where more worthwhile big rewards can't be used as much anymore
morti39t6 commented
I agree, setting a bet limit for predictions would enhance the experience by preventing overwhelming amounts of points from dominating. Balancing these features can make the platform fairer for all users. I searched for additional betting options, and found Manitoba sports betting reviews at which is a safe and exciting alternative. Proper management of these features ensures a better experience for everyone.
morti39t6 commented
jack_mel43 commented
쾌걸근육만두부 commented
I wish streamers could limit their betting points.
JuZockt_ commented
i think the limit for an individual is 250k points
Baxos_ commented
This way it allows the channel point awards that are more expensive more rare. Not sure if I explained well enough but this is my suggestion.
frostyy1 commented
should be able to be limit set by person creating bet. capping at 20k would stand to make no points for people doing bets in bigger channels. person creating bet should set max bet, small for a smaller channel, and a big one or no cap for bigger channels
MysticZBM commented
there is a limit, 250k
FckinDecent commented
Instead of cappping gains why not limit channel reward redemptions? Code it like you do with follower mod/sub mode etc, can't use more then once every 10mins/hr.. Some channels have higher limits on rewards so it wouldn't be balanced to just make a hard cap at X amount so just limit the rewards instead of the points.
brunomouratobr commented
O streamer e os mods precisam ter a capacidade de limitar a quantidade de pontos q os espectadores podem apostar, para q o streamer consiga gerenciar melhor a quantidade de pontos q cada espectador pode alcançar e com isso gerenciar melhor as recompensas do canal.
TwiggleSoft commented
Predictions can sometimes get... heated, I think a large part to people betting all of their channel points on a single prediction. I think it would be better if there was an option to put an upper limit on the amount they can predict. Thanks!
Yeatle commented
Currently users can bid alot and earn alot which can ruin the channel points economy in some channels. My suggestion/request is that the streamer can limit the maximum bid. For example, I would like to make the maximum bid 10k that way users in my chat won't speedrun their way to the VIP reward at 500k.