Hide Channel point Redemption messages in chat
Currently we have built a game around channel points. The issue is there is no way to disable the "claiming" of channel points in chat. This makes chat spam like crazing.
Would love a way to hide the messages showing up, while still letting users claim them
CelestialJuniper commented
I think this is a must you should be able to toggle some redemption silently don't make it all redemption but let us be able to turn each redemption on and off to display in chat I want someone to successfully jumpscare me without ruing the jumpscare by reading the redemption
Bombzyz commented
Adding this option as a toggle per. redemptions would be so incredibly useful and allow for creators to have more fun things to do with the system and their community, please consider adding this Twitch!!
PogoFury commented
Allowing this in the configuration for each reward would be nice, since any individual channel may have a variety of reward types.
As with most other features, more configuration options would be welcome.
RhapsPerhaps commented
More customization options for streamers is always a good thing. Let us make more choices about our streams!
DilogicalDabbles commented
An option to selectively hide redeems would be great. I need some redeems visible on stream though or else I may miss them.
rozziesthebaerd commented
+1 support. Hope it helps!
Gamblord commented
+1 to this would love both a streamer side and a viewer side too.
Even better would be make it redeem specific so say all the redeems are hidden except for one type of redeem etc.
CelestialAphelion commented
This would be an amazing boon to lurkers, as often they feel 'called out' using channel point redeems. yet would love to be able to be more interactive with the stream~!
DoigSwift commented
We use a lot of custom channel point redemptions, which often involve a lot of redemptions to happen all at once. This would go such a long way in making our chat less disrupted, and for us to be able to read things while point redemptions are automatically redeemed by our stream overlay. Thanks!!
british_bigfoot commented
This would be an incredibly helpful accessibility option for both the streamer and the audience.
Savinakis commented
Yes please delay and/or hide!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
TrashcanNik commented
please yes
Dkentflyer commented
Yes Please!
insistince commented
The_Nox_Stream commented
Yes Please
Bodie_Uncut commented
yes please
SasayakuEko80 commented
I wanted to be able to do this for the jump scare redeems. I usually see them coming because of the text in chat. I hope they consider this soon.
SLH_Lionheart commented
Still waiting.
Valzie1 commented
I agree with this. I was looking and there is currently no feature for turning off the chat notifications when something is redeemed. I have a game that the community redeems that spam chat sometimes with it and that is all anyone sees for a bit. I would have to put a cool down on the redeems which I don't think people would like or turn the game off all together and that is not going to happen. Please include this feature soon as the original post of this thread was started in 2020 and it's now 2024 and alot of us Streamers would love this :)
SaiwaiSaeris commented
This would be incredibly useful!
Within our group of streamers, we all use sound effects to either scare the streamer or impair their gameplay by playing fake sounds of the current game.
If the streamer looks at the chat after the activation, but before the effect (there's a delay) the whole thing is spoiled.