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1191 results found

  1. Hi,

    My ideas are as follows and some probably already mentioned.

    Firstly - I do acknowledge that playing copyrighted music is a risk taken on when it is played, whether it's in-game or nightbot/itunes/spotify or other media player.

    In the past, VODs were muted with a red bar on the bottom of VODs to show where copyright-flagged audio was detected.
    I would advise going back to this and adding some sort of mouse-over tag so we can see what track/s were flagged and by whom so that it can be contested if necessary to ensure no abuse of the DMCA…

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  2. 3 votes

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  3. simple as subject says, its suggestion, idea, i am not lawyer, I do not know how easy, hard is that for you, but this is not just attack on streamers, with dmca strikes, deletetion of vods, clips, your site is on the attack, and people who are doing it do not even understand value of your site, that it is not music that people are listening, but rather they are watching games and having some atmosphere in background. You need to stand to them, with streamers, with lawyers, get to agreement with music industry.

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  4. If I listen to Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture on my stream, it will be flagged as a copyright violation due to there being some copyrighted performances of it. (And yes, there are plenty of non-copyrighted performances available on the internet, which are 100% legal to use in this way.) Appealing that the copyrighted work does not appear in my video is a very slow process, leaving my VOD muted for most of its lifetime. And then if I use the exact same piece of music again in the future, it's going to be muted again, by the same faulty copyright bot…

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  5. If we're going to get muted sections due to copyrighted music, at least allow us to upload a revised audio clip for the muted segment. Give the streamer the opportunity to, for example, upload a voiceover to convey what the viewer is missing in the muted section, narrating the gameplay, etc. This revised segment can go through an approval process with Twitch to ensure the voiceover doesn't further violate copyright if need be.

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  6. This could be an idea to utilize for current Partner and Affiliate Streamers in risk or in potential risk of DMCA. Whenever you load up any media sharing application on Discord, you have the option to share your screen; in this you can show anyone what is happening on your screen with your audio. For other streamed applications that are restricted for sharing in Discord's system like Netflix and Prime Video ( To say a few). This restriction doesn't allow visuals (not audio) in which you can only hear the video audio and your friends talking in a group chat.…

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  7. A button you press in Twitch Dashboard when you are offline that makes it so that you enter the testing mode. In testing mode, you can see your stream as if someone else was but without actually going live to the public. To show that you are in testing mode all the Twitch stats Will change to say "Testing mode". You will be able to see bitrate stats and change how your channel looks. It would also be cool if you could get a shareable link that you could give to your friend so that he can see what it…

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  8. Hello,

    I propose a way to allow nature streamers affiliate if they have good viewership during the day / night hours when their streams are more active.

    As a new creator I have a hard time reaching the required average viewers. My stream is of my fish tank, which I stream 24/7. The problem is that during the day when the lights come on is when I get viewers, at night you can not see much and then I loose viewers. However, both count towards my average viewership.

    I have a feeling this affects many nature / animal streams and…

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  9. Ban UFC games. It sets the wrong impression to vulnerable impressionable viewers and makes them think that all violence is good and viewed as a competitive sport. Viewing it and playing the game is playing with fire. Around the wrong people it will fuel rage and violence. In these trying times we need more regulation on what we take in. Competitive violence is one of them.

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    There needs to be an extension in the amount of time content creators are allowed to fix or remove disputed content.

    BANNING AN ACCOUNT out right is uncalled for considering other rightfully banned accounts that are intentionally uploading and maintaining disputed content without multiple warnings and flags in place as well as assistance to edit and/or remove content.




    Admin Edit: Please avoid requests for suspension appeals for specific users

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  11. A hot issue recently has been several Twitch streamers being DMCA struck for music they play while streaming.

    I propose making a Twitch extension that would allow streamers to play their music of choise using Amazon Music and for the viewers who have an Amazon Music subscription to be able to link it to Twitch and use it to listen to what is being played, somewhat similarly to Watch Parties.

    I believe this will both help solve the issue of streamers getting DMCA struck for playing copyrighted songs and encourage viewers to use the Amazon Music service.

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  12. Classical music performed from sheet music should not be muted. Just because someone has recorded and published a performance should not give them a right to block someone else's performance of the same classical piece. The process for disputing the muting of performances needs more options and attention.

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  13. There is no section for me to put the link to the Copyright Free Music link in the appeal as evidence to fight against wrongful muting. I feel like this should be integral.

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  14. 생방송에서 저작권이 있는 음악들을 재생할 수 없다 라고 확인했는데
    저작권 공유 플랫폼에서 저작권을 구매한 경우에는
    자신이 저작권을 소유한다는 건데
    그렇다면 라이브 중에도 음악재생을 해도 문제가 없는지
    이 또한 문제가 되는지 궁금합니다.

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  15. Paying for music license so then copyright is not infringed allows users to be able to livestream and clip videos without being copyright claimed and potentially loosing their place on the platform. During these times twitch and other streaming sites are a life line to musicians

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  16. Mientras juegas a un videojuego, hay musica creada especificamente para el videojuego, que esa musica no sea detectada como copyright

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  17. I heard at Twitchcon last year that there will be full support in the art field.

    I want to draw with adult content, but I can't. There is no adult authentication system.

    I just waited because I believed you'll improve it

    So was there any improvement? no

    As time goes by, the standards of adult content become more stringent.

    If I draw a nude model right now, You guys will stop my broadcast

    I want more free art activities. That is why we require an adult authentication system.

    If not, I hope you improve it soon

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  18. I've decided to go on a bit of a rant regarding the current DMCA-system in place. While it's a stretch to call it constructive, seeing as I can't offer a viable second option, I still feel a need to express my opinion on this.

    The current system you have in place is pure destruction for the platform. Not allowing streamers to stream the music they want is a change I find it hard to accept. And I don't even stream myself. If I was considering it, I definitely won't with the current situation.

    There has to be some workaround on…

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  19. The permitted terms that are added do not end up permitting the word to be used in chat. For example, blocking the word "sex" prevents the chat from using the pride emotes that have the words "sex" in it due to the wildcard. It would be nice if Twitch found a way to sort the Permitted Words list and allow it so the permitted words actually allow the viewers to say the word in chat without it still being blocked.

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    Can you please clarify what term(s) you’re adding to the Permitted Terms list in this example? Are you saying you’ve added “sex” as a Blocked Term, “pansexual” as a Permitted Term, and you still can’t use the Pansexual Pride emote?

  20. So me and my friend have been wanting to play together on stream but she is an adult and I am a minor so due to you guidelines we have not been able to could this please be changed abit like you have to be over thirteen or something for it to be allowed because if you can watch it what is the difference. There really is not one so you contradict you own rules when you allow minors to watch someone curse but then when you go to play with them they get in trouble it just make no…

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