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331 results found

  1. In 2020, many streamers got hit by a wave of DMCA takedown requests for old clips and VODs which affected the streamer's standing.
    Since Twitch is currently using a three-strike rule similar to YouTube and other platforms, this put some streamers on the verge of being banned.

    My proposal is to let such takedowns "expire" after a period of e.g. 90 days, i.e. they don't affect Good Standing after that period.
    Since takedowns (regardless of whether justified or not) can appear on years-old content and even live content, this would introduce a fair solution to streamers and Twitch, and is…

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  2. Have you considered making a deal with music licensing companies (BMI, ASCAP, etc) to allow streamers permission to use their catalogs if we opt to pay them (or you?) a small monthly fee for this right/service?

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  3. I recently had a GB Tetris stream get muted because the copyright bot's song IDing listed "Ikon Ringtones" as the owner of the song.

    I can say with full confidence that "Ikon Ringtones" does NOT own Hirokazu Tanaka's 8-bit rendition of a Russian folk song. And that's been the problem for years - bad actors clowning around with copyright claims for video game music they don't own. Not only do establishments like "Ikon Ringtones" get away with it for using video game music as ringtone options, insignificant nobody DJs have also been known to do it when they sample music…

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  4. The musical atmosphere being an important part for the creation of content on the platform, and to limit future problems with the DMCA as we can see now.

    I propose an extension (or a feature) in partnership with the main music streaming software that would allow music to be broadcast directly on the live page and not integrated into the video stream.

    If we take the example of Spotify, having to link its twitch page with spotify so that the viewers can hear the music we add to our stream in real time

    And of course find a way for…

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  5. The current response from Twitch hasn't given these communities many options to move forward. Even giving us with more information on which tracks are high risk would help significantly.

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  6. One of my biggest DMCA concerns is having to delete an entire VOD because of a few minutes of music. Is Twitch working on a way to cut out specific parts of VODs so that we don't have to sacrifice the entire stream?

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  7. Have a site to test if a particular audio file will be tagged for DMCA so streamers can check audios before playing them on stream

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  8. 209 votes

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  9. Recently a lot of streamers have been getting DMCA notices for streams that are 2-3 years old. 50 Cent - In Da Club has been flagged on many channels along with other music from RIAA. This is a problem because streamers are now scared of getting punished or banned off the platform for listening to the music they want to listen to. This is not good for the longevity of the platform if it wants to survive the entertainment industry.

    To be brutally honest, Twitch is not good for the music industry at all. If a streamer has 10,000 viewers…

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  10. Evidence of the situation I describe will be at the end of this description.

    Twitch streamers are being DMCA'd despite deleting all of their old VODs and clips that they were told to delete. For those that aren't aware, that media never actually got deleted, just taken off of Twitch. Every old VOD and clip that has ever existed (yes that includes banned streamers) are still stored on a server that Twitch owns.

    Now you may be wondering why this is an issue, and more importantly, why is this only an issue now? Well here's the thing: The server hosting…

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  11. Will you oppose any proposal going through Congress, such as the one passing through it right now, that would make streaming copyrighted content a felony with prison time?

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  12. "Whoops. Something went wrong," is about the most confusing and least helpful error message that you could provide for twitch users when their clips fail due to copyright music.

    How about, "This clip failed due to copyright music?"

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  13. If everyone who wanted to use recorded music paid a fee, like $10-$20 a month then there should be no issue with streaming copyrighted music. As a Dj i belong to "record pools" where we pay a fee every month to get music. Spotify charges you as well as apple and amazon music so what's the difference. I stream my dj sets for all my truck friends and the music is in the background while we watch videos. Im not making money and dont care to just using the chat and having fun, so for me id pay a respectable…

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  14. Have an option to download and/or export the original unmuted version of the VOD, if the streamer wishes to export the unmuted version to YouTube or download the unmuted version to edit out the copyrighted music, so the streamer has an unmuted version for a highlight.

    Another potential option is to have the same thing, but make it a tool on the Twitch website (like where the past broadcasts are stored). As in, having the streamer edit out unmuted parts, but make it so they're not just separate VODS- have the choice to merge them together.

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  15. The automated muting of VODs is unevenly applied and mutes too much.

    During a recent co-op stream, me and the other streamer both listened to a song that was posted in one of our chats. My VOD was muted for copyrighted music (which is fair, I'm not disputing that). However, there are two problems with this:

    1. My VOD was muted, but the other streamer was not, even though we listened to the >exact< same song.

    2. Way too much of my VOD was muted. The muted section of the VOD goes on for far longer than it actually played on the…

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  16. if a user has a streaming license for music, can the account be geo-restricted for the covered territories, or noted that a license is held on providing proof of license?

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  17. Here's a bunch of ideas of mine that should work if taken into consideration.

    As for when I was back on YouTube Gaming , YouTube would block the stream temporarily while copyrighted music is playing that didn't allow revenue ( adrev ) to be given to the holder - no strike is given unless it is video related like a movie/tv show.

    Example of money going to copyright holder on YouTube ( doesn't get blocked from a vod ) -

    Blocked music ( this would be completely blocked from the stream ) -

    When it might get blocked…

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  18. Will you, right now in public, make a commitment to protect streamers who are acting in good faith who get hit with DMCA notices?

    Look at Github and what they committed to within a very short time after youtube-dl was taken down earlier this year. They are protecting their creators rather than treating them like criminals. Can Twitch do the same?

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  19. I am extremely confused why "Sort & Delete Clips by date, game, or view count" is being pushed back to Q3/Q4 of 2021. That is an entire year from now and is unacceptable given the recent situation regarding clips being targeted for DMCA because of the system's failures to protect creators.

    Twitch has prioritized VOD management over clips. Let me tell you something, as someone who has used the website for years and is a full time streamer that manages many other stream channels big and small: VOD management is NOT what people need more tools for at this time.…

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  20. Playing games with in-game music. (no external sound or music, all in-game) Please explain copyright implications of in-game music and the concept that all games are copyright material. How is in-game music different from the intellectual property of the actual game being shared publicly?

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