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661 results found

  1. Right now if you complete a level 100 Hype Train you will only get KappaInfinite instead of getting BleedPurpleHD, HeyHeyGuys, and PogChomp as well. This leads viewers to feel like they are ripped off because this generally isn't how game progression works.

    When we beat a level we expect a reward from that level to be unlocked. We do not expect that reward to be overwritten by a higher level forcing us to have to do it again to unlock the lower tier reward. This is a normal tenet of game design and should apply to Hype Train rewards as…

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  2. This is to to commemorate PirateSoftware breaking the World Record Hype Train twice in one week. The community requested I put this up and I am not one to deny them.

    The first one happened here at Level 55 + 179%:

    The second one happened here at Level 55 + 512%:

    This is an absolutely outrageous thing to be a part of and I cannot thank the community enough. You're all amazing and I exist in this place because of you. Thank you for everything.

    This would be the image for the emote:

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  3. A Dumpy emote is an emote with a shaking butt in a circle and does not contain nudity or sexually explicit content of any kind. There are over 900 of them on Twitch as of this writing.

    Dumpy emotes are incredibly popular among a wide number of communities on Twitch. However, they have been removed by Twitch Moderation at seemingly random for violating the community guidelines.
    Context Here:

    As these emotes are based on a draw-over of the PG movie Open Season from 2006 it seems absurd to ban them from the platform.
    Context Here:

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  4. Context: herokerrey was hosting a charity stream and Twitch donated to her charity for a 'name on body's incentive. Kelley, very flustered, misspelled Twitch as TWITH which started a silly meme interaction on Twitter.

    With Twitch retweeting the mistake and going as far as changing their profile picture to TWITH, it would be memorable to keep the meme forever as an emote. Please consider this silly little mistake as a global emote and Kelley will never forget her C's again!

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  5. Simple enough. The old design was cute and fun, while the new one is uncomfortable and aggressive.

    The new design is fine as its own emote, but please give us back the innocent and adorable "DinoDance" so many of us have now come to know and love!

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  6. Hey there!

    There’s a tight-knit and very impactful community on Twitch that streams under the “Retro” category daily. We’re a dedicated community of great retro variety casters – streaming DOS, Atari, SNES, PS2 and everything In between. We have retro achievement hunters combing through old games trying to play them in new and interesting ways and unlocking Playstation-like achievements, and we have retro speedrunners squeezing frames out of their world records.

    Every so often a game comes along and unifies the platter that is retro, which in this case is: "Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition." The game essentially allows everyone…

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  7. The DJ club was launched with the creation of the DJ category on Twitch. At the same time, the IRL creator club was already created. The DJs got parties and an awesome emote called bopbop. It looked like a rainbow gummy bear jamming it out. I propose a touching grass emote to be released for IRL globally similarly to the release of BopBop. You would be required to watch a certain amount of time in the IRL category to obtain it.
    It's related to IRL and getting outside and would be highly coveted by every type of user as it's…

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  8. If you already have a Golden Kappa emote and you manage to participate in ANOTHER Golden Kappa train before the first one expires, the 24h timer DOES NOT refresh when you complete the new train!

    This is non-obvious, and seems counter-intuitive.

    I submitted this as a bug and I was just told that, quote:
    "Please note that it is not a bug, and working as intended at this time. It doesn't refresh the expiration time when participating in another Golden Kappa Hype Train."

    PLEASE change this behavior! There is currently no indication that this unexpected behavior is what Twitch is…

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  9. I have had several non sexual emotes removed for the reason listed at the bottom of this post, for convenience I'll shorten it here to 'sexual content'.
    I have had several emotes removed for 'sexual content' despite not having anything sexual about them. I can see this is a problem that occurs to a lot of people based on a cursory search on Twitter.

    This blatantly wrong information only leads to confusion. If my emote isn't sexual in nature, why was it removed? Was it a mistake? What do I need to change about it to have it be allowable.…

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  10. Previously, if you moused over an emote, after a brief delay, the name of it would pop up in a bubble that was not interactive and disappeared when you moused away.

    Sometime recently, it was changed to the bubble appears immediately and you can select the text within. This has made it more difficult to interact with chat text, as the bubbles are appearing as soon as I mouse over anything, blocking other thing around them, like mod controls, the Pin or Reply button, or the emote in the row above it that I was trying to access. This has…

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  11. For one reason or another, we as users end up leaving streaming communities. Sometimes it's because the communities are toxic. Seeing the unlocked emotes in the user library can stir up negative feelings, or even trauma sometimes.

    We understand that we donated money to the community and unlocked the emotes as a result, but it would be really nice to have the option to remove them from our libraries. This is a way for us as users to be more proactive in protecting ourselves and to maintain our mental health.

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  12. Artists should have free access to emotes they have made for other streamers. The amount of times I have been asked to show off my emotes I've made and not been able to because I'm not currently subscribed to the streamer is frustrating.

    We finally have the artist badge, now allow the artists to have some power. Give artists the emotes they have made without paying for subs to all of the streamers they've made emotes for.

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  13. Twitch recently gave affiliates and partners more slots for animated emotes. However, one issue is that you cannot unlock animated emotes using channel points as a viewer. I know it would be hard to modify animated emotes, but we should at least be able to unlock them with channel points. This would give streamers like me the opportunity to reward our viewers for spending time in our streams.

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  14. On February 26, 2024, DinoDance was redesigned and reanimated.

    This redesign completely changed the mood of the emote, and we would prefer the old one back. The new one also appears grainy and the visual language of it is not as clear as its previous versions.

    The original DinoDance emote marked a start of an era in Twitch, adding a global animated emote for the public, making it a notable, charming and easily recognizable emote.

    Revert the changes and bring back original DinoDance.

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  15. yarrDumpy emote needs to be allowed. It is a cute emote that the community loves and it needs to be allowed.

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  16. Currently when in a stream you have up to three badge slots, not including temporary badges based on predictions. A global badge, a role badge (vip/mod) and a subscriber badge. You then have a fourth option to use a custom badge in a specific channel, which overrides the global badge. I would like to request that the option of "none" be added to this custom badge selection, replacing the global badge you have set site wide with an empty slot instead, allowing you to have only two badges in a specific channel.

    This relates to a specific use case for…

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  17. At the moment the new DJ badge is very easy to obtain, which leads to many users who don't stream at all joining the DJ program just to get the badge, and since the badge looks like the partner badge it causes confusion among streamers and chatters.

    Please consider changing the design of the badge or make it only available to streamers who regularly perform DJ streams.

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  18. Twitch there is much much worse on your platform things that you don't have any repercussions for such as hot tub streams, ***** being shaken in the camera for views, streamers including partnered streamers spreading racism and homophobia yet... you choose to get rid of booty twerking emotes (Of animals, plants, fruits, and clothed humans) which are very much not in any way harmful in fact, they often lift the spirits of a stream creating a laugh and bringing community together there is no reason to ban them at all! We suggest you Unban the butts give us booty emotes…

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  19. Badge flairs are extremely difficult to implement in a way that fits aesthetically with different sub-length badges and thus many people opt to not use them. This loses a really effective way to incentivise and reward higher tier subs, meaning making a change that allows streamers more customisation of these badges is beneficial to the creator, their community and even Twitch's revenue as a whole. In place of flair, creators should be able to upload different badges for each tier at each month interval. This would, undoubtedly, increase the amount of T2 and T3 subs by making them more worthwhile.

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    For the community: If you like this idea, please vote on it. If you have any additional thoughts - feel free to add on in the comments.

  20. Allow users to search for emotes while on mobile as it is needed there more than on pc.

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