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33 results found

  1. The emote library is a great addition, thank you so much!

    As an emote artist it would be great if Moderators and Editors had the ability to upload emotes and manage the live sets, to take the hassle out of handing over regular themed sets, managing replacements/updates, and allowing for more flexibility in switching out the set without having to load this responsibility all on the streamer.

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  2. For one reason or another, we as users end up leaving streaming communities. Sometimes it's because the communities are toxic. Seeing the unlocked emotes in the user library can stir up negative feelings, or even trauma sometimes.

    We understand that we donated money to the community and unlocked the emotes as a result, but it would be really nice to have the option to remove them from our libraries. This is a way for us as users to be more proactive in protecting ourselves and to maintain our mental health.

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  3. Artists should have free access to emotes they have made for other streamers. The amount of times I have been asked to show off my emotes I've made and not been able to because I'm not currently subscribed to the streamer is frustrating.

    We finally have the artist badge, now allow the artists to have some power. Give artists the emotes they have made without paying for subs to all of the streamers they've made emotes for.

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  4. Allow us to give Emotes multiple names in the library e.g. slashi20Love and slashi20Heart both point to the same emote. This would be more convenient for viewers searching via a suffix, allows more consistency across streams, and means streamers don't have to pick between relevant keywords and don't have to eschew community references (say someone in the community once wrote [prefix]Huppy instead of Happy? Well now both Huppy and Happy will result in the emote) when naming emotes.

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  5. Inside the emote tab you should be able to sort emotes by channel. I hate having to scroll through them in a random order to find the channel I am looking for, especially my own. The channel I am on and my own channel emotes should be the top 2 of the list!

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  6. I think the Emote Library is a fantastic idea. However, it has ruined my ability to upload emotes. The upload limit is current 2 times the amount of sub emote slots you have, plus 10. So for an affiliate that has all 5 of their tier 1 emote slots unlocked, they would have an upload limit of 24 (Five tier 1, one tier 2, and one tier 3 for a total of 7, times 2 is 14, plus 10 is 24). The issue is that this doesn't factor in bit emote slots at all. And I have 21 bit emote…

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  7. We all know that emotes bring the stream to life. But we also know that it takes a lot of work to unlock slots, especially for smaller streamers. It's always a joy when we have a new slot available, but then why can't there be animated slots in bits? As a small streamer I worked a lot, the path to partner is still a long way off, but I already got all the subscriber points that are allowed in the affiliate, I already received about 20,000 bits, but I can't give more to my subscribers (because I'm limited) to put…

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  8. From Twitch Emote Guidelines:

    Prohibited: "Nudity, such as depictions and imitations of nude torsos, buttocks, genitals, and anuses."

    This prohibition on emotes has been applied to emotes which are technically unclothed, but feature animals, which are not generally considered nude when unclothed.

    In short, please unban cat butt. There is no reason to ban cat butt emotes.

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  9. While I know the slots for affiliates got bumped up to 9 within the last year or so, I still think the amount of slots for affiliates (when compared to partners) is incredibly unbalanced. Some affiliates can have thousands of followers, a dedicated community, etc. and still struggle to get partner - so it seems a little unfair to limit affiliates to 9 tier 1 slots when partners can get up to 60 emote slots. I wouldn't say it has to be a drastic/unreasonable number, but 15-20 tier 1 slots, or even giving 5 emotes for tier 2 and tier…

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  10. As it stands right now if an emote, specifically an animated one, is animated using Twitch's "Easy Animate" option it uploads into the Emote Library. However, there is no one-click option to download the emotes made this way. Currently you need to download the .0 file and then convert it off-site into a .gif to be able to house this and upload it to, say, Discord for community use.

    I'd like to see a download option for each emote, especially animated, in the Emote Library.

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  11. I understand that Having More than 5 emotes for a Tier 1 Subscription is a Twitch Partner benefit. Us non Partnered Streamers ( Affiliate) go through the stress of picking and making the perfect emotes. So, often than not a streamer would have to remove an emote that a part of his or her community enjoys cause the Majority Likes Other Emotes More. It's certain that a portion of people won't Subscribe to a Streamer because they are not fond of their emotes. Solution to this is to let Affiliates upload more than 5 emotes for Tier 1. But the…

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  12. Os emotes sao uma grande ajuda para chamar a atençao de novos interessados, penso que seria bom um recem afiliado poder colocar pelo menos 3 emotes por escalao. Porque no inicio é que precisamos de ajuda para progredir. bom trabalho!

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  13. You have "Frequently Used" which is nice, but having a favourite list would be amazing. This way they can have a little library of what they like the most (even if they don't use them often).

    This will help remind them of the awesome emotes they like the most and maybe used them more in response, but also any channels that are no longer subscribed to will become more obvious if your favourite emotes start being greyed out.

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  14. Please add webp as a supported format for animated emotes! Currently, the only acceptable animated format is GIF. GIFs do not allow for semitransparency, only completely opaque or transparent colors. My commissioned emotes have dark hair like myself, which blends into dark mode. To fix this issue, I added a semitransparent glow behind the chibi for my standard emotes, but this is impossible to do in a GIF. Pleaseee add webp as a supported format!

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  15. Emotes are a big part of the Twitch experience, and many streamers have different emotes for different occasions (special themed streams, certain games, holidays, etc.).

    Instead of having to manually swap out emotes individually, being able to create sets/groups and then being able to toggle between them would save a lot of time. Additionally, it would be great if this ability to toggle sets/groups could be added to the Emotes API.

    Another option would be to offer Emotes API which allows Emotes to be individually swapped between active/inactive slots (which would allow streamers to create sets/groups without the feature being…

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  16. Instead of having the option to Subscribe to Tier 2 or 3, add those emote slots to Affiliates' and Partners' inventory. Those options aren't worth the difference in price, I rarely (if ever) see anyone purchase them, and those emote slots would be better used elsewhere.

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  17. Please Revist ReThink Twtich lets add Gifted Sub Emote Slots unlock Slots. Something along these lines.

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  18. If I have say 5 emote slots but have 6 emotes uploaded to the Library I still can only use those 5 that are assigned to slots around Twitch on others streams. As the owner of the emotes it would be great if I (and I alone) could still use the other unassigned emotes around Twitch.

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  19. I just watching some emoji and I found many types of LGBTQ emojis, BUT I did not saw any of heterosexual emoji like: black-white flag. It offends my feelings. Please add this flag emoji

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  20. PROBLEM:
    TOO many actual words are being used as the name for emotes. It's confusing and frustrating for anyone trying to communicate in Chat.
    Require a specific capitalization scheme for any emote that uses an actual word. Example: "War" or "WAR" or "war"—not acceptable. "wAr" or "wAR" or "waR"—all acceptable, depending on the specifics of the adopted capitalization scheme. All lowercase, all uppercase and initial cap would be UNacceptable because they are used, as such, in attempts at real communication in Chat.
    [This problem seems to arise frequently in external emote libraries like the BTTV library.]

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