Global "Retro" chat badge.
Hey there!
There’s a tight-knit and very impactful community on Twitch that streams under the “Retro” category daily. We’re a dedicated community of great retro variety casters – streaming DOS, Atari, SNES, PS2 and everything In between. We have retro achievement hunters combing through old games trying to play them in new and interesting ways and unlocking Playstation-like achievements, and we have retro speedrunners squeezing frames out of their world records.
Every so often a game comes along and unifies the platter that is retro, which in this case is: "Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition." The game essentially allows everyone to try out speedrunning and time attacking, and has become very popular immediately between retro streamers.
It started making me think - why isn't there some kind of retro global badge?
ROI could be tied into promoting any original retro events held by Twitch, and would help expose (via badge, if named something reflective) the retro community & category on Twitch. It could be named something simple – “Retro Enthusiast”, “Retro Supporter”, something along those lines, or maybe even a throwback to "Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition" itself somehow.
Chat badges are seen by millions of Twitch users daily, so any kind of increased exposure to the retro category & community would be a great benefit!
Thank you!
AshSaidHi commented
YES this would be FANTASTIC!!
Wolfmaster10 commented
I love this idea! The Retro community is so welcoming and supportive of each other!
ressurretro commented
Retro has been my home for 3 years! Love yall
TheCheeseball81 commented
Retro fam best fam!
ThatFamilyGames commented
Retro is our home. Retro is the reason that we have been on Twitch for over four years. Retro has helped us raise nearly $10,000 for charity. Show the love. Let’s make this happen!
justinhhorner commented
Let's make this happen!
LittleMIXER commented
KuningasEST commented
Great idea.
JDubAKAdrofloW commented
A Twitch-wide retro event would be epic!
kaine23 commented
Fund this!
BudCaveTV commented
I think this is a fantastic idea! The Retro community is alive and thriving on Twitch and it will only grow stronger!