Revert Emote Mouseover Name Popups To Be Non-Interactive
Previously, if you moused over an emote, after a brief delay, the name of it would pop up in a bubble that was not interactive and disappeared when you moused away.
Sometime recently, it was changed to the bubble appears immediately and you can select the text within. This has made it more difficult to interact with chat text, as the bubbles are appearing as soon as I mouse over anything, blocking other thing around them, like mod controls, the Pin or Reply button, or the emote in the row above it that I was trying to access. This has also made selecting/copying raid messages much more difficult as the mouse can't differentiate between the message and the emote name bubble.
Would be nice to have it back the way it was before. Happens in all browsers, doesn't matter if I have BTTV installed or not.
NoPancakeMix_ commented
I'm going to bump this thread again because it really is an ABSOLUTE pain to copy even my own personal raid message when I'm done streaming and trying to raid out to another person. Also, as stated in many other comments it's super annoying when you're trying to reply to a chat, moderate a fellow streamers chat, or even just trying to click on anything in general near an emote. I have no idea when this change happened, but it definitely needs to be a QOL fix soon. -_-
JackalViper commented
Altirnate commented
An infuriating change, to say the least... This really needs to get fixed.
Between the hover text blocking other emotes, WHOLE MESSAGES, moderation controls, and The Channel Point Hover Text also Blocking the Entire Chat Bar (ESPECIALLY NOW with the addition of Power-Ups adding Bits to the same spot), it's turned maintaining a broadcast into an obstacle course (also sucks when you're a viewer, needless to say) -
mouseboy420 commented
Putting my hand up as well. Very irritating. I have to do gymnastics around other emotes to make sure I don't trigger the pop ups so I can actually select anything. If there is text over an adjacent emote, you cannot click it. Super annoying. I'm glad to know I'm not alone here. I thought I was being a brat. LOL. Anyway, have a good day! Love, mouseboy420.
EdenNaut commented
im here to add to the list of complaints about this stupid problem. its absolutely annoying because i already have problems where my PC will randomly not register clicks to my mouse, this just adds to the frustration. its an additional layer of problems that doesnt need to exist. as a streamer and a viewer, this never occurred until recently, and its finally got to the point where im bitсhing about it on the internet. good going twitch!
Trriixxiie commented
I want to add that this issue is not only about bubbles on emotes, but info bubbles about every single thing on the screen! Please fix this asap!
Trriixxiie commented
I am a mod in a busy channel and any annoyance that makes me waste a click is very disrupting and prevents me from maximizing my time, which is a must for me! I hate this so much! Not only should those bubbles not be interactive, but not pop up so fast. The mouse should hover over them a few seconds at least before they pop up. One of the most annoying things I've seen in the last 4 years on Twitch.
anGELAsucksatfortnite commented
Agree. I sat there unable to reply to a message bc it stayed hovered over the reply button. Trying to scroll chat is extremely frustrating because the little pop-up is all over the place. I don't understand why they chose to enable this for everyone. And as a new mod it's worse because it gets in the way of things we need to click on. It's everything on the screen, so anything you hover over has the bubble pop up instantly which constantly blocks things you actually want to click on.
CageNightwind commented
I hate it so much. Please revert this or make it an option.
javajoust commented
...and it continues without even an option to disable. End users don't have a voice any more than streamers do.
goorolinapumpkin commented
its very annoying when trying to copy messages for raids and the pop up balloons make it extremely difficult to copy it properly.
AsLaN_NZ commented
This is very annoying and also gets in the way of trying to Mod chat messages with stupid pop ups getting in the way of commands. It also makes it extra hard to try and copy paste things like Raid messages when you're fighting to get the cursor into the right spots to select text.
javajoust commented
There are many frustrated by this change. This has gone on much longer than should be with the outcry I have heard and the benefit of the change is what again? Just another keypusher getting their name on something? Likely...
Azy_floof commented
I've had this too and it's *incredibly* frustrating. It happens a lot when I go to click on the green Bonus Channel Points button, and the mouseover that pops up blocks me from clicking said button