Unlock each emote as the level is beaten rather than the highest emote from the train.
Right now if you complete a level 100 Hype Train you will only get KappaInfinite instead of getting BleedPurpleHD, HeyHeyGuys, and PogChomp as well. This leads viewers to feel like they are ripped off because this generally isn't how game progression works.
When we beat a level we expect a reward from that level to be unlocked. We do not expect that reward to be overwritten by a higher level forcing us to have to do it again to unlock the lower tier reward. This is a normal tenet of game design and should apply to Hype Train rewards as well.
kyokoli commented
Hype trains often feel like a video game not just in acquiring levels, but also in getting the rewards as we complete each new level.
I'm not sure I understand how it makes sense to only award an emote depending on the where the hype train lands. If it wasn't designed to be emote acquisition via progression acquired emotes, then it shouldn't look to be that way or be worded on media or TOS to make it seem like that's how it's supposed to work.
Twitch, please change this.
Many people will not waste their time (or money) seeking out hype trains to gauge where it's going to land to get a specific emote unlocked. It doesn't make sense. -
Raediant107 commented
This is very reasonable, and is so obvious, I genuinely thought it was already implemented. Please make this change, Twitch.
Venomus_Tucan commented
This is a reasonable take on the Hype Train Mechanics and can be seen working in another successful Business.
When you reach a level in crowdfunding you unlock more product being manufactured. Due to how crowdfunding like Kickstarter and Patron work over a much longer time frame than a hype train usually this makes larger donations more valuable than on twitch but the point that you get ALL the rewards below the highest one still stands as a very functional business model with a clear track record and familiarity to any community that has interfaced with these other platforms.
hunzendunzen commented
An incremental solution feels more intuitive. If you get to the 100 mark the reward should include e.g. the reward for the 50 mark.
ApocalypseTheory commented
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Also I want to voice my support for this. I believe emote unlocks that have scaling values like this should unlock as a group. I should not have to try to snipe a specific hypetrain just to get in on previous emotes.
doubtful_elo commented
Stop spamming my email address with each and every person who leaves a comment. What in the **** is this twitch?
spartananator007 commented
I can understand the idea behind the structure, you were probably trying to design a system where users were encouraged to participate in hype trains even when they had the top rewards, the issue is that users will already participate in hype trains if they have the top rewards to either help other's reach the top, or to attempt to break the channel / world record. Penalizing users for doing this to only receiving one emote per hype train means users will not want to support a hype train that is beyond their current emote reward status, as they gain no additional benefits.
I think the idea behind the rules was thinking about participation retention, but did not take into account the nature of the view - streamer dynamic. It also does not take into account the current established system of tier rewards that is in place globally. Reaching the top tier is synonymous with winning everything.
I think if you do not change this system you will see a sharp drop in hype train participation once users get the top rewards. As it is our community as a whole has already stated they do not want to participate in a hype train again with the way it works currently.
Consider an alternative business strategy that rewards users for continuing to support. Perhaps you could do a system where there are "waves" of rewards. IE new sets of tier rewards. When analytics show that the majority of users have received the top tier of rewards, you can release a new set of emotes that users have to reach the top tier to receive all of again. Please be considerate if you use this business format, that you cannot and should not make the original set of emotes unavailable, and they should still be able to be earned for users who do not have them even if the next wave of emotes is out.
Good business is to always continually adding value to the customer, not trying to squeeze them for every cent.
utopia_man commented
Passing the point in a hype train should unlock the accomplishment in the form of the reward. Please make the change
thejeanyus314 commented
Rewards being inclusive to higher tiers is an almost universal rewards structure. At best right now it is a system with poor explanation/visibility. The system is likely to cause feelings of resentment and disappointment for those who give in Hype Trains and disincentivize them from participating in the future.
The system should be reworked to align with the clear and reasonable user expectation.
daydream94 commented
Games usually come with a few flaws here and there, and this is one of them.
Kirimae commented
The current implementation deincentivises ever participating in hype trains.
human_brian commented
Given the infrequency most users are to come across such extreme level hype trains, it seems only fair that users unlock all of the emotes for such high level events.
eyeondaprize commented
Here here, 100% agree
Memiliar0 commented
As someone who didn’t participate, but does care about the investment and passions of a community, it seems only fair to reward a community for all of its efforts. Please continue to support your community and provide them with opportunities to support you in a way that feels rewarding. Thank you for your time, creativity, and dedication. :)
AssaultTurtle42 commented
It doesn't make sense, If a user helps the train get to a higher level, they have 'beat' that level, meaning they should receive the reward for it, beating the next level shouldn't overwrite that
daddydronkay commented
I think the best system is make a chance of getting 1 out so many emotes at each level to get people in to participate in multiple hype trains to earn them all. Also have the creators create their own emotes to unlock at each level make it like collecting cards in different streamers hype trains like you do with the subs emotes.
RainbowRare commented
The emotes aren't even that crazy. Do better, Twitch. Don't be greedy :(
callmemryogurt commented
Sounds broken,
pious_pepperoni commented
Sounds broken, and scammy to me, Twitch.... Not cool
Ayana11 commented
This current system does not make sense. It is detrimental to the train system, which would seem to be the opposite of what Twitch would want. This current system lacks clarity and logic. Especially at the low investment of an emoji on Twitch's side?