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79 results found

  1. If you gift 100 subs and they run out, your badge disappears forever unless you gift a sub every month. But if you gift 1 bit, in 5 years you will still have that (ugly) bit badge. That sounds unfair to me. Make the sub gift badges permanent, or make it so that it will stay 1 month for every sub gifted (so for 10 gifted subs get the 10 gift subs badge and keep it for 10 months).

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  2. Members of a stream team get a custom badge in chat.

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  3. Having different sub badges for people of different sub lengths is really cool but sometimes you really like your sub badge but your enter the next bracket so you have to go with a higher up one that you think is less cool.
    I think it would be better if you had the option to use any of the sub badges up to what you have reached

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  4. A badge that shows who are the most active chatters of all time in your stream will be awesome. As chatters are so important to streamers, streamers really appreciate chatters. So there should be a badge that shows the top 10 most active chatters of all time. As this will highlight the people that are always engaging with the streamer and putting their time into your streams.

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  5. I think of the option to make badges for special events or special users available.
    Like: persons, who always play games on stream
    or for me it would be great to have a badge to honor the person who'll win a quiz or something
    So choose a badge, name it and give it to a specific user (group).
    Like "supporter of the year 2021" you name it

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  6. I have a very easy way for you to improve Twitch.
    Simply give streamers the option to have a different sub badge for each month instead of the 3, 6, 9-Month, 1-Year... steps you have in place. Like that streamers have the freedom to completely decide the different tiers on their own or if they are happy change nothing. I guarantee you that me and a lot of other streamers would be very happy about this small change.
    Thank You, Tom

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  7. The longer a broadcaster streams, chances are that the founder badge loses its meaning. It's likely that your first subs aren't there as often now, so the chance of seeing that badge is less. This affects affiliates more since they can only have 10 founders. Think about an affiliate that has been streaming for a few years. What's the chance that their first 10 subs are still there and active in chat? It's very likely that only a couple of them are active, if any.

    I propose that a new badge is created for active chatters, reviewed automatically every quarter…

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  8. Light and Dark mode are native features to Twitch but certain colours or designs don't translate well to both palettes unless you add a stroke, drop shadow or some kind of accenting design around the icon.

    At 18x18 pixels that's a lot of real estate to lose at such a small scale..

    My proposal is simple. Allow people to upload altered versions of sub icons that display well in Dark Mode.

    I currently have a design I like but it can't work in both modes. If I were able to upload one with white portions and the other with black…

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  9. I wanted to make a suggestion about the menu on the left side of the screen with all the people I follow. If you added my current subscription badge next to the channel name, it would catch peoples attention more and make them more involved in the channels they subscribe to (or got gifted subs). There have been many times that I even forgot that I had a subscription to a certain channel.

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  10. Badge flairs are extremely difficult to implement in a way that fits aesthetically with different sub-length badges and thus many people opt to not use them. This loses a really effective way to incentivise and reward higher tier subs, meaning making a change that allows streamers more customisation of these badges is beneficial to the creator, their community and even Twitch's revenue as a whole. In place of flair, creators should be able to upload different badges for each tier at each month interval. This would, undoubtedly, increase the amount of T2 and T3 subs by making them more worthwhile.

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    Gathering Interest  ·  Ana responded

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    For the community: If you like this idea, please vote on it. If you have any additional thoughts - feel free to add on in the comments.

  11. twitch should let you pick your subscriber badge from any of the tiers you earned previously. like if you are a 1 month sub and they have a 1 month 3 month 6 month 1 year icon you should be able to pick any of them and not just be limited to the 1 month icon

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  12. When you click on someone's name in chat or visit their profile, there should be a section for showing all of the different sub badges that person has. Then, each one should be clickable and link to the streamer's channel.

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    Planned  ·  0 comments  ·  Channel Badges  ·  Admin →
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  13. You should add different tiers of the gift badge, like the bit badge. It currently shows the ammount of gifted subs already in the message in chat, but this should also be reflected in the gift badge.
    Do a score system, lets call it gift score, like following: $4,99 sub gives 1 point, $9,99 gives 2 points and $24,99 gives even 5 points, like you did it for the streamer with the sub score.
    Depending on the gift score give different badges. Maybe in steps like 3,5,10,25,50,100 etc...

    Give the possibility to the streamer to upload their own gift badges,…

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  14. I think the first 1st Sub badge is a really good idea, but i feel like there should also be a 1st follower badge to show the people that have been there since u have have started, so maybe a badge for the 10 or 20 followers of each channel to show that they have been supporting from the very beginning as maybe they are not to subscriber to show support but still followed u at the very start.

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  15. So I kinda hate this founder badge revoking update. I was going through my list of founders to get rid of the inactive users who got founder badges. But then I just realized that some of the people I removed it from were still active members in the chat. Now I was like I wanna give them the badges back but cannot because they're long gone.

    I've only been an affiliate for a little over a year now and there were a lot of people who subbed to me on the first day. Now I'm very upset that those I…

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  16. make it where streamers have an option to give badges to there community members which could say resemble their graphic designer so they can make more people stand out instead of jut vips

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  17. When "Use Custom Badge for This Channel" has been selected, don't replace it with hype train conductor or gift leader badges. I don't want to select my preferred badge again my badge is replaced by something else.

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  18. Adding a Head Mod badge in every channel will be a nice way to recognize the head mods. Those who carry the moderation team, take care of chat the most, always there no matter what, manage the channel & more. Each streamer should be able to pick 1 or 2 head mods in their channel and grant them the badge. Let’s release this feature and let chat know that we have some amazing mods working hard behind the scenes.

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  19. Hello I had a suggestion that might be a good idea to give more people a incentive to follow a channel, follower badges if you follow the channel you get a badge next to your name,

    1. It would be a good and easier way for streamers to recognise their supporters

    2. It would potentially help with channel growth

    3. Someone might really enjoy the follower badge and see the sub badge is a better looking version and it might even turn into a subscriber over a follower

    If someone was to really tone down their sub badge but still make the follower…

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  20. Allow us to upload custom badges for subs and gift leaderboard. Doing so will allow us to uniquely differentiate in various chats and would help to match the aesthetics of existing badges and emotes a channel uses.

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