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184 results found

  1. When watching a creators videos in "Recent broadcasts" I want a feature that allows me to upvote/downvote their video.

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  2. How is it bad if I have twitch up while I browse other apps?

    YouTube premium offers this and if it’s not brought back to twitch I’m buying that instead. Big streamers are moving there anyway.

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  3. Hello Twitch & Twitch Developers,

    I had the idea and I think this an inevitably awesome feature idea to have multiple camera angles set up as separate streams within the same stream. For my example I want to broadcast me playing piano from sheet music with education and follow along tracking in mind. If I have three cameras wouldn’t it be great to have a camera on the sheet music, one on the top down piano, and one showing me from a side or front angle. That way the user could join the stream seeing me playing as the main…

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  4. Could you add a brightness button, and a warm light setting to the streaming settings next to the quality button. I feel like this idea could save a lot of eye strain for late-night viewers and streamers.

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  5. When you watch something with your friends it is imposible to watch it at the same time. Easy fix it to create a room like watchtogether for youtube.


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  6. It's always fun to re-watch your favorite streamer's reaction to a comment of yours. However, when viewing recent broadcasts, there is no convenient way to JUMP between YOUR comments in the seekbar. The user needs to skim through the seekbar and manually find their comments by trial and error.

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  7. I have just thought of an idea, which is to allow viewers to hit a "Like" button so when I see the Replays, it can show me when there is a lot of "Likes". It will allow me to check the best moments as I could just click the "most liked moments" in the Replays.


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  8. Twitch could have a subtitle feature for live content in English/Portuguese as we could watch it live in our native language or another language, as well as contribute to learning and fun at the same time.

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  9. Pressing , or . will go back 1 frame or forward 1 frame just like on youtube. Sometimes I want to see how many frames it took for someone to kill the streamer I'm watching on Valorant for example.

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  10. While im working I like to watch my favorite streamers but I'm having a hard time because I have to alt-tab every time and sometimes I missed good moments on the stream.

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  11. Meine Idee
    Das Fenster im Twitch auf 9-12 kleine Fenster teilen, damit man nicht immer mit den Tabs hin und her switchen muss, dass ist ziemlich mühsam. Ich persönlich schaue mehrere Streamer gleichzeitig.
    Jedes kleine Fenster wäre live aber nur eines hat Ton, der mit einem Mausklick (Cursor auf dem Fenster) aktiviert oder deaktiviert wird. Will man den Twitch, falls der in diesem Moment einem gefällt im großen Fenster sehen, so klickt man mit der Maus zweimal auf das Fenster und es vergrößert sich mit Bild und Ton.
    Mir ist aufgefallen das Streamer die zB. während des Spielens im GTA…

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  12. Watching Twitch streams is killing my mobile plan. I would love the option to download streams/videos to my phone. not just clips.

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  13. The addition of two soundtracks, the streamer's microphone and his sounds from the computer, because I like to listen to the streamer himself and play the game, and if he himself plays the same game he bothers me a lot.

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  14. Create a playback rate shortcut, like Youtube.

    For example, when you go to a Youtube video and press: "SHIFT + >", the playback rate increases, and when you press: "SHIFT + <", the playback rate decreases.

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  15. Allow for playback speed of .25x-2x or higher speed for past streams similar to YouTube videos. This will help viewers who are short on time and watch more videos in less time.

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  16. Add a button to the interface labelled "What have I missed?" that when clicked will show a couple of minutes of random video from the current (or previous) live stream so that people who are late to the broadcast can catch up on what has happened before they got into the stream.

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  17. Ok so sometimes people miss their favorite streamers and when they want to watch it later they go to his video and start to look for the part where he plays Valorant for example or something so you can introduce a feature in the video progress bar titles like when he is just chatting then he switched to another you can see it in the video progress bar as sections ( mods can also edit it if they want or they make it changes with the titles ' playing GTA gives section in the progress bar then when it changes,…

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  18. So there is already a request of Similar nature that got rejected. I believe it was because of the wording in their request. So I had this idea.

    The TLDR of it is that there should be a setting that allows you to enable or disable watching a Stream on one or 2 Monitors. On one Monitor you watch the Game or Whatever is happening and on the other, you have the Facecam of the given Streamer. I believe this would make for a better watching experience overall. Since most Streamers have good Facecams anyways it's a shame that that…

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  19. I'm autistic and the audio for some games that I really like watching can be extremely overstimulating due to the players moving the camera around so much, causing the audio to jump from ear to ear in my headset. Both for people like myself, and for people who are hard of hearing in one ear, it would be extremely helpful for there to be an easy way to turn off stereo audio, making it a mono output.

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  20. Basically the idea is top allow the streamer to upload one long video or several short videos that would be used as a placeholder when the streamer is having connection issues. That way the awkward silence for when their connection falters and the lame "Stream Having Issues" could be replaced with actual content to keep viewers around while they wait for the issues to stop.

    Additionally, I'd propose so:
    Partners would get a few more long videos for "Stream Issues" placeholder, as well as considerably more short videos.

    Said videos must NOT be set as "Subscriber Only".

    Their visibility within…

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