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154 results found

  1. Not as frequently as before but still often, Ads play which are dramatically louder than the broadcast content. This is an annoyance, interferes with other people in the house, and frankly makes me more likely to mute the ad and go do something in a different tab.

    Normalizing volume levels with stream average volume or peak volume wouldn't take a huge amount of processing power and would fix the problem entirely. It's required by the US's FCC in other broadcast mediums, but it's really just a quality of life improvement for the viewers and a mark of good production.

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    Relevant Update  ·  Ana responded

    A majority of ads on web and TV apps should now have normalized sound. We are still continuing the work on this and will update the status again when it is fully complete!

  2. I formulated the title drastically because it‘s a serious problem lately happening on Twitch and don’t see that getting addressed from them, at least not in the level as it should.

    I said it several times on social media and i also say it here: Twitch is ruining their ads business, constantly and -seems like- willingly:
    - The sheer amount of ads which you face as a viewer of the platform is simply ridiculous
    - You‘ve guys taken the control of the ads out of the hands of the content creators
    - You implement changes to the ad system without…

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  3. Most of ads should be skippable. Your site is a live streaming platform, you cannot force people to watch ads while they were watching something else that they will completely miss because of ads. Same concept goes for the first AD you are forced to watch as soon as you open one live stream. If im forced to watch something without any possibility to skip unless i close the whole page, i will 100% start hating on the promoted product just beause it is disturbing my plans.
    Also giving people the possibility to spam as many ads as they want,…

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  4. Creators need tools that customize ad content to improve the ad viewing experience on the platform. It is a serious flaw in the system that creators do not have any input on what ad content is shown to their viewers.

    To share what prompted this idea, the other night a viewer informed me that they had been shown an ad for Hogwarts Legacy. This was very upsetting, because my stream has become a haven for marginalized folks on the platform (I myself am a triple minority). The promotion of JK Rowling's media on my stream was very upsetting to my…

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  5. If you have blocked or banned someone from your channel, when they come to your channel they no longer can watch the stream. They see nothing but an endless ad roll. They click on a VOD? You can watch it, after these ads. But then the ads never end.

    Not to effect timedout users.

    Please. Thank you. I love you.

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  6. Consumers need control over volume.

    On 5% speaker and the lowest setting on Twitch audio bar, ad volumes still instantly destroy my Twitch experience.

    I have left not 5, not 10, but over THIRTY streams in the past two weeks because I was unwilling to listen to MAX VOLUME ADVERTISEMENTS.

    Pre-stream "you must go deaf before you qualify to watch a guy play lullabies on guitar" ads are a horrid experience. I wanted something to lull me to sleep, not a referral to a otolaryngologist.

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  7. I propose that Affiliates and Partners should receive AD revenue for VODs. If Twitch is putting ADs on VODs, it is only fair that the content creator receive a share of the AD revenue generated.

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  8. Currently, when some streamers play ads, their streams will still play in a little box at the top while ads play in the main video player. The problem comes when -- let's say something critical happens on stream, or chatter asks question you'd really like to know the answer to. You can't cash in on the information because the streamer's stream is either muted or gone during ads.

    Yeah you can always go back and review the vods (unless streamer has them disabled) but that defeats the feeling you'd get out of experiencing whatever happened in the moment.

    I don't…

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  9. Right now Partners and Affiliates have the ability to give their subscribers 'ad free viewing'. I think subscribers should be able to opt-in to watching ads on a channel their subscribed to even if the channel has 'ad free viewing' turned on for subscribers.
    There's not many ways you can have an ad feature that is a win for everyone involved, but I think this is one of those ways.

    For Twitch:
    - More ads watched on their site.

    For Streamers:
    - More ad revenue, while also keeping 'ad free viewing' as a perk for those who want to subscribe.

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  10. To prevent viewers being in a situation where they miss live stream content, give users an option to "View ads now instead of on the regular timer schedule", which would then reset the timer. Yes you have to view more ads, but you then are guaranteed ad-free content for the next X amount of time (whatever the current timer is set at for running ads).

    i.e. Watching a speedrun, on PB pace, 20 minutes left in the stream, but there's an ad in 15 min. I really don't want to miss the end! I'll just play an ad now, deal…

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  11. Moderators should not get ads! We need to hear and see everything, also many mods don’t have the money to subscribe and avoid ads.

    When I need to get to stream quickly and there is an pre-roll ad, I cannot do what I’m suppose to do.

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  12. When a streamer runs a block of ads, we select the amount of time we want the ads to run for, and that can be anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. However when we do that, all the viewer sees is the number of ads left, not the total time left. Since ads vary in length, that doesn't actually tell them how long until they're over.

    Speaking for myself, it's pretty much a daily occurance to have someone post a message like "8 ads??" in my chat. And sometimes that number can be in the double digits. If viewers…

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  13. Reward small amount of bits (1-10) to viewers for watching a streamer for a certain amount of time, and add the bits to their inventory. Ex. If you watch Twitch Rivals for 30 minutes straight, you get 5 bits, and so on for longer watch times.

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  14. It is somewhat annoying to sit through a buffering high quality ad for a minute before returning to the stream.

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  15. Add the option to instead of just cutting away the part of the stream that continue to run even when an ad interrupts it, the stream is paused at the same moment the ads start. Then when the ad ends, you continue where you left off, but the VOD is speed up by an amount you select, e.g. x2 until you catch up to the live stream, at which point you go back to the live stream.

    Another option that would be nice if some full screen ads with audio was traded for silent banner ads, and that you get…

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  16. Run a check and see how many times you've shown me the same audible ad it must be around 50 times. please make sure there's a variety of ads. or a means after like showing me it 3-5 times to ask for a different ad as I'm clearly not interested in buying it and you could be advertising me things I actually want to buy.

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  17. I know that twitch has been looking into ways to get around AdBlock and whatnot to ensure that ads get played, but: Consider less intrusive/annoying/irritating advertising. The majority of people are using AdBlock because they find ads annoying. You know, that stereotype CONGRATS YOU'VE WON A FREE PRIZE!!! flashing ad kind of thing?

    If you were to make twitch advertising less intrusive, I believe it would help. Twitch ads already aren't that bad, but they could be improved in a number of possible ways:

    • Make the advertisement only hijack the video feed, not the audio. With the advertisements jumping…

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  18. Hey Twitch team. The possibility to get a share of the ad revenue is a great feature. Unfortunately this can make everything around streaming (Taxes etc.) complicated. Where I'm from (Austria) an ad revenue makes everything much more complicated (I don´t go into detail here). So a option to opt out from this share would be great to have.
    Probably there are similar cases for other country. And even if not, this would help most of the Austrian creators.

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  19. Currently, the Ad Incentive Program presents you three offers every month. It's on a take it or leave it basis. I find there is a big issue with this though. The amount of money you are offered is fine. The amount of hours you are required to stream for a month is fine. The thing that doesn't make sense is the amount of minutes of ads per hour you are required to run.

    I have received offers in two months now where the lowest ads per hour requirement was 4 minutes, and I have even seen some people with their…

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  20. give streamers an incentive to run ads instead of forcing a garbage system that will block important moments

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