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258 results found

  1. I would really like it if ads were categorized based on content; I love seeing ads for things like pizza and restaurants, but I HATE having to sit through an unskippable ad for a horror movie/show. If ads were categorized, there could be a section in Twitch options where I could move different tags into "show me more" and "show me less" status based on what I do or don't want to see.

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  2. Streamers should have the ability to opt-out of certain ads, particularly military recruitment ads. Some creators may have a younger audience. The streamer should reserve the right to protect that audience. The military ad complex is already vast and has deep roots within Twitch. If a streamer does not want that sort of content on their channel, they should be able to block it. Additionally, this option should be able to be seen publicly. Parents who check their children’s activity might want to be able to know a streamer opts out of Military recruitment ads targeted at minors.

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  3. JK Rowling is a vocal transphobe and promoting Hogwarts Legacy enriches her, helping her further her anti-trans agenda. Please do not run ads for this game.

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    Comments Closed  ·  dowski responded

    Hey all,

    Because of the nature of the comments we will be closing comments on this thread at this time. Voting and showing support for this idea will still be available while comments are closed. Thank you for your understanding on this.

  4. I am a former Alcohol abuser and I really don't appreciate the recent trend of literally every collection of ad's for some of my streams contain ads for alcohol. It seems 1, like a waste of ad space for me, and 2. an annoyance and reminder of a temptation i don't want or need.

    It would just be nice to be able to just block ads for drugs/alcohol.

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  5. Currently twitch is forcing me to view 5 ads whenever I click on a stream.

    This is turning me off watching completely, as these ads last for 5 minutes.

    I think we can agree that it is crazy to expect a viewer to wait for 5 minutes before they can see the stream and decide if they want to continue watching.

    This is currently making it impossible for me to browse streams.

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  6. Streamers who have tagged their channels as "family friendly" should be configured to block adult ads. In particular, ads promoting alcohol.

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  7. all is in the title. ad quality should be the same as the stream quality.

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  8. I have intense anxiety and suffer from chronic nightmares; not being able to safely peruse twitch is greatly affecting my safety as a user. Add an option to filter/opt out of triggering ads, or at least implement a way to report distressing ads. This would improve the user experience for people with anxiety, PTSD, paranoia, and even those who prefer family friendly streams. Not having this as an option is ableist and alienating a large portion of your user base.

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  9. Just a huge idea regarding an extreme annoyance. When I am watching a Twitch video on a channel I am not subscribed to, upon pausing the video I then click play/resume and a new set of Ads appears, even if I just paused the video only a minute ago and just finished a round of Ads. What is this??? This is a bit ridiculous. Does Twitch not have the technology to know that I just watched Ads only a minute ago when I paused the video?

    For example, I am watching a gaming channel where I write down strategies, and…

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  10. When you report an ad, maybe like saying "this isn't relevant to my interests" Stop playing it nonstop after that. Seems like a easy idea and i shouldn't have to suggest it, but your feedback is just a waste of time (At least it certainly feels like it). If I select playback issue and select "this advertisement is not relevant to my interests) (REF: Doordash) then it should play less like on Twitter/X. What is the problem here at Twitch? Seems like you have the technology, Twitter does, and it works, so Twitch should and so you can reasonably determine…

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  11. Today (August 17th) a new feature has apparently rolled out because I have not experienced this before. While watching TeePee, I was keeping my volume on Twitch around 10% as I was doing some other work. When he put his Ad-Roll on (which I don't have a problem with), I was instead BLASTED by Ads sounds overriding the Twitch volume control. I was able to reset it back down, but each subsequent ad turned the volume RIGHT BACK UP.

    This is completely unacceptable and forced me to turn off the stream. So if driving away viewers is the goal, then…

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    Gathering Interest  ·  Ana responded

    Hi, thanks for your feedback!

    This status is to let you know your idea has been reviewed. Your idea is open for voting/comments from other Twitch community members. This is a great time to share your idea with others. Learn more about status updates here.


    For the community: If you like this idea or relate to the feedback provided, please vote on it. If you have any additional thoughts - feel free to add on in the comments.

  12. Ok, we get it that us streamers need some Ad revenue, but it is just leaves a bad taste when we don't support the company sending the ad (As an example: Youtube Shorts ads when I don't support Google at ALL).

    Can you guys make an option to block certain advertisers to play their ads on our streams?

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  13. The 5 seconds skip button doesn't work since maybe one week

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  14. If you are going to play ads every time I try to open a stream then at least put a bit of variety. I have gotten the same ad 12 times in a row.

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  15. Advert for psycho-sexologist Audible book has become nothing but obnoxious to see/hear after it has frequently been played on every stream.

    An option to rate adverts via mobile app would be ideal for better recommendations specific to genres chosen by every user; instead of the same adverts pushed by servers that are only based on country/region and often played too frequently and/or inappropriate for all viewers etc.

    Better adverts will appease more users, if adverts are needed to be watched.

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  16. can we not get 5 min ads breaks every 10 mins please? I Know you guys gotta pay for Bezos's rocket ship some how but getting 5 mins of ads every 10 minutes (this is not a exaggeration BTW) is a deal breaker and will make me leave to go some where else.

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  17. This site is used by many different people. Some of us suffer from/have recovered from addiction problems. I myself had a gambling addiction, and it is incredibly hard to not lapse back into it. You banned gambling on streams, so why promote adverts for gambling? I extend this idea to alcohol adverts, too, as I have seen many users express concern as recovering alcoholics, that these adverts may lead them to a relapse.

    I'd also like to point out that the minimum age for this website is 13 years old. Why are you promoting these sorts of things on a…

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  18. I am from Ukraine and I don't want to watch Russian ads. We have our own language (Ukrainian) wich is completely different from Russian. Please show ads to Ukrainian users either in Ukrainian or English.

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  19. Can Black Lives Matter ads please NOT be shown? or can I have an option to NOT SEE BLM ADS?

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  20. As rich as Amazon is you do not need commercials as much as you show them in streams and obviously your not going to get rid of ads. Find a way to show ads where it will not interrupt stream watching. Maybe a tiny box with an ad in stream where is someone is interested in the ad they can click on it. This way you get a true click number for you data. But I guarantee you that your numbers will be low because people cannot stand commercials. Watching these ads pop up ****** people off . Why do…

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