Remove adverts for gambling and alcohol
This site is used by many different people. Some of us suffer from/have recovered from addiction problems. I myself had a gambling addiction, and it is incredibly hard to not lapse back into it. You banned gambling on streams, so why promote adverts for gambling? I extend this idea to alcohol adverts, too, as I have seen many users express concern as recovering alcoholics, that these adverts may lead them to a relapse.
I'd also like to point out that the minimum age for this website is 13 years old. Why are you promoting these sorts of things on a site that children have access to? Surely, if you truly wished to safeguard the site for younger users, these are the sorts of things you should be considering removing.
At the very least, allow users to remove adverts that are of specific categories. I do not want to see gambling adverts, adverts for loot boxes, adverts for any sort of in game packs such as football players in FIFA, etc.
whiteland92 commented
alcohol ads are also illegal in some countries, which makes them extra fun to watch, i guess? Never seen alcohol ads in my life, got the same one 4 times in a row.
The_One_And_Only0316 commented
So Twitch banned gambling (which I do think is a reasonable thing to ban), yet they continuously show gambling ads which include slots (one of the main gambling activities they banned). If slots and gambling are so bad for Twitch, why do they continue to accept money from these corporations and display their ads on their website? What double-standard garbage is this? I know Twitch doesn't have the spine to decline the money they get from gambling companies, so this will never change. I'd love to hear the explanation from Twitch as to why streamers showing gambling is bad, but Twitch ads displaying and promoting gambling is A-ok.