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90 results found

  1. Hi Twitch, I'm from the Republic of China (ROC) you commonly call "Taiwan". Recently, your censorship of Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese makes me very angry. I know you have to filter the corresponding text, But it is by no means such a dictatorial regime's speech policy as what you commonly call the "China" Communist Party of China (CCP).

    "China is not the only one who uses Chinese in this world."
    "What you are doing now is like China's literary prison."

    Maybe the world shouldn't use hate speech or words to attack each other, but Taiwan has long been,…

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  2. I signed up to this new DJ program but opted out after discovering in the terms that I have to be visible and talk!

    I don't like the idea that I have to be visible on a DJ stream because it reveals my identity and I wish to stay anonymous!

    It makes me feel unsafe and vulnerable!

    When I used to be a DJ in nightclubs, I was never visible to the public and I would prefer to stay invisible!

    Also, I never did any talking, I would just play ******* tunes for 5 hours and everyone loved it!


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  3. Many Partners flippantly break Twitch's Terms of service, many telling others to do so, in the process. If these are meant to be pillars of the community, they should uphold the standards better than anyone. Instead, they coast on their status to avoid anything beyond a 24-hour ban. This shows that they are not being held to the same standard as the rest of the creators on the platform. Partners who knowingly break the Terms and continue to do it when corrected should be stripped of Partner status.

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  4. 一応30日経ったのですがまだ解除されていないです。

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  5. Please, please turn off autoplay or autoset the volume to like 10% on the DJs on the main page if you're going to be pushing DJs so much. It is horrific for anybody using headphones. Every time I go to the main page I am absolutely assaulted by insanely loud music to the point where it's actually painful. My ears are crying.

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  6. I've reported a partnered streamer numerous times over the course of several years for stalking and harassment, this last time (in March/April) with hard evidence that he joined one of my off-Twitch communities on purpose (after being asked repeatedly over the course of many years to leave me alone).

    First off, asking the victim to go directly to their stalkers page to report them is unbelievably careless and cruel, and they need to implement a way to report stalkers without having direct contact with them like that.

    Secondly, they don't do anything about it, even if you have evidence. They…

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  7. Dear

    I must be one of your most loyal customers. Not only spend I over hundreds of EUR on subscriptions. I am one of your most loyal viewers.

    I enjoy being part of my communities and being engage in many activities.
    Now some time no I get privacy concerns. Maybe my clever comments and constructive criticism caught the content creators attention. I'm flattered to get noticed by the streamers and their mods. Now that I got their attention in this highly competitive environment. Like always in a gaming environment. i notice that some people are being provocative with me.…

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  8. Give an option to remove Together with Pride from recommendations completely and block associated streams instead of manually having to click not interested on each stream, the same way you can with game categories

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  9. All creators must follow all guidelines, and rules while on the platform. And should be permanently ban for any sexual and suggestive content to try and make a quick buck. Children watch this platform, and this is something that needs to get control over. There is already a lot of **** sites that people can throw there money at but Twitch definitely does not have to become one or be one.

    This is the main thing that needs to be taken care of it shouldn't be about the streamer, it should be about what's best for Twitch as a whole.…

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  10. Take action on streamers who show off their body intentionally on stream while the report says that there is not a violation, though it is fully intentsional from the streamer to show off their body such *** their *** or ****.

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  11. Stop rate limiting your most dedicated active users

    I often end up being rate limited when creating clips. Getting errors that state "Whoops. Something went wrong." or having login issues until I wait 24 hours and retry again.

    I'm an active moderator for a lot of channels and I enjoy highlighting streamers success and entertaining moments in clips. The problem is that I keep getting rate limited or identified as a "bot". The DDoS and rate limiting is currently overly aggressive and keeps hindering your most active contributors.

    Please consider this and make some sort of change.
    Best Regards

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  12. HALLO! An den Leser dieser Nachricht: Ich verurteile nicht Sie als Person, sondern die geldgierigen Entscheidungsträger dieser Plattform!

    Ich mochte Twitch immer und ich werde es weiter nutzen, aber ich wollte wenigstens einmal für mein eigenes Gewissen rückmelden wie entsetzlich und beschämend es ist, dass Twitch zu einer halben Pornoseite geworden ist auf der diverse junge Menschen dazu verleitet werden ein falsches Frauenbild zu erlernen und ggf sogar Geld in den Rachen dieser bemitleidenswerten "Damen" zu werfen.
    Vor dem Gesetz ist das natürlich nicht strafbar, da ja jeder selber auf seine Kinder aufpassen muss(was nahezu unmöglich ist), aber moralisch…

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  13. Have a filter, specific words are not allowed in the username. Or have it as someone makes a new account there username has to get approval first before allowing them on Twitch. Also send a warning to that individual after they are banned to cease and desist. This online harassment and bullying needs to be punished.

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  14. delete ****/pedophile/zoophile content from your platform.

    I don't understand what you want to give the platform, but it seems to be becoming a ****/pedophile haven.

    I hope you will take care of your platform and give it a glorious past.

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  15. Ola, sou o Julio, minha conta da Twich (blackfarpa) , Estou falando com voce porque hoje teve ataques de bots no meu canal uma sequencia de seguidores e era um seguido de outros em segundos ! Peço a ajuda de vocês
    Quero consquistar meu espaço de forma justa e limpa !

    Quero ser um parceiro da twitch e crescer como streamer

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  16. Effective photo and video editing can significantly enhance visual content. Here are some key tips:

    Understand the Basics: Familiarize yourself with the fundamental tools and features of your chosen editing software. Learn about adjustments, filters, and basic editing functions.

    Maintain Original Quality: When editing, work with high-resolution copies of your photos or videos to avoid loss of quality. Save the final version separately to preserve the original file. Use

    Color Correction: Adjust the color balance, saturation, and contrast to achieve a visually appealing result. Ensure that the colors look natural and realistic.

    Crop and Composition: Crop images to improve…

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  17. Ive reported somone for bullying and harrasment with the proof to match. Its been months and nothing was done. Now today this same person has leaked my personal cellphone number to his chat/stream. The vod is there. The time stamps are there. Nothing was done before so how am I to feel safe knowing it has gotten this far with no action taken.

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  18. Make a Twitch website that's 18+ only, possibly with more lax moderation and rules.
    One that's similar to twitch, but it's 18+ and it's a separate website. It's unlikely that there would be any monetary loss, long term. Quite the opposite actually.
    Twitch is already considered somewhat of a shady **** site, so it would have no bearing on their reputation.
    The only difference would be that the 18+ content would get its own twitch website and would thus be separated from the regular content and make the main Twitch website predominantly for gaming again.

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  19. Evite que usuários banidos e bloqueados assistam às suas transmissões ao vivo !

    Desculpa mais isso não é meio que desperdiço de linhas de código, pois o intuito da plataforma twitch é que o streaming levar o conteúdo dele ao máximo de usuários possível, "a ditadura era mas suave ", e outra coisa cadê a parte contraria o usuário também não receber notificações do streaming que ele não quer ver ? isso é uma via de mão dupla !
    Agora pra finalizar o que me impede de assistir na aba anônima ou deslogado ?
    Se for pra desperdiças linhas de…

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  20. Its really sad that Twitch is not doing anything against OF streamers breaking their guidelines. And then they are also banning people who are not even clearly breaking the guidelines in 4-10 mins. What twitch is saying with this: "yea we only care for the money".

    Would really appreciate it if yall would give a statement on that (USA/DE) because lots of people are wondering why Twitch is acting in certain ways over the past 2 years!

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