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65 results found

  1. I think we need some more options to find a more accurate statement about what we are reporting a stream or a VOD for.

    The last two times I reported someone, I couldn’t find an option for either something along the lines of ”inappropriate material” or ”harassing other users” which I honestly feel are quite normal things one could report another for.

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  2. It takes 4 clicks, then a description to report someone in chat.

    Surely there doesn't need to be 3 pages of a dozen choices each in order to sort the reports. I'm not aware of any other platform that approaches reporting this way.

    In cases where a busy chat is being raided by malicious actors, you will let most of them through without being reported, in the time it takes to report one.

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  3. Whispers only has 'report harrassment' or 'report spam'. This does not cover other things that could happen like threats. Give us the ability to make a report like there is elsewhere.

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  4. For lesser offences when it's not a huge deal or if someone fell asleep on stream or if someone has been afk for multiple hours and only simply need their stream stopped and not needing a ban

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  5. I would love if the whole process of reporting someone came with a bit more transparency in regards to what then happens.

    When reporting a user today, you're left with the message "Thank you for your report", and that's it. From that point, you have no way of knowing what happens, and you never hear back from Twitch in regards to the outcome of your report.

    I would like to suggest that a bit of transparency is introduced to this process.
    If reports were treated like bug reports/feature suggestions, sending us an automated e-mail with a ticket-number attached, it would…

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