Provide transparent and clear communication about changes to function and features of Twitch.
Twitch has asked us to hold them accountable and we have been met with a wall of silence accompanied by shadow changes like the ones made to auto-hosts.
Twitch must communicate to creators with transparency about the plans and the data that leads to them. Without streamers there is no Twitch. We deserve to be able to ask questions and voice concerns about potential changes to the platform that we make possible.
These are the changes we would like to see:
Allow for comment periods in advance of finalizing rollouts of changes to existing features.
Provide open access to data from studies that lead to changes to the function and features of Twitch.
Communicate clear timelines for rollouts of new features and changes to existing features to allow streamers adequate time to prepare.
Provide a roadmap of expected changes to Twitch so that creators can understand the trajectory of the platform that many of us at least in part make a living on.
Vanilla_Dpad commented
Came here to say this, just opened Streamlabs to record something for a friend and was beyond confused when everyones name changed to letters and dots. Thanks for telling for letting me know this was coming and thanks for making it on by default, very ******* cool.
Audity commented
I just lost extremely important videos because Twitch didn't say anything about reducing vod expiration time from 2 weeks to 1 week. (I checked my emails; no notification about policy change.) It was 2 weeks for years and years and years, so why am I to blame for not checking until 1 week later because of being busy at work/life before I decide to mess around with my past broadcasts?? I've been told they no longer exist, but I don't know if I believe that, at all.
I am going to harbor regret over this situation for the rest of my life.
BetweenTwoGays commented
Stop deleting our user voices.
BetweenTwoGays commented
Twitch declined our request related to Auto-hosts in less than 24 hours with 100 less votes than this one in order to stifle discourse.
And yet here we get crickets. Seems you can communicate when you want to so maybe communicate.
EDL666 commented
Yes, please talk to us Twitch, we can help, we love the community on the platform and also want the experience to be improved. Keyword is improved. We don't know anything about your studies, we're just dumped drastic feature changes out of nowhere, we have no time to get familiar with them, we have no opportunity to voice any concerns whatsoever, it's just "boom, done!" and then we're left screaming into a void on this joke of a feedback platform that seems to be completely ignored
OOZwin commented
Offering the ability to beta test features being removed or implemented would be beneficial as well. Instead of making features disappear so that creators think they have encountered a bug or issue within the site. A voting process to communicate with actual people who are affected by things would be nice. The fact that Twitch looks at themselves benefiting rather than speak to their creators is not good.
AnaiyaFalcon commented
With recent changes to features on the platform that were implemented without warning or input as well as the abysmal communication from Twitch regarding features to protect streamers and viewers from hate and abuse on the platform, THIS IS ESSENTIAL.
Twitch needs to communicate in advance any and all potential changes to the way the platform operates so that people that rely on the platform for income can either comment/critique or plan around those new changes in advance so their income is not adversely affected.
superblindman commented
This is the point we have reached. Twitch has demonstrated they are not to be trusted. If they hope to reforge those pathways with their users, this transparency is a must.
Ligerzero_Gaming commented
100% for this, especially a comment period. So many changes have been rolled out with little to know input from the community at large that have detrimentally affected everyone. So many have been rolled out under the table that we've only found out because random creators have gone to do something they've always been able to and it's suddenly gone.
That's not okay.
We need lead time on changes. ESPECIALLY if it affects workflows or usage of the site, like the auto-hosting change did.
MiradellePlays commented
We can't impact change unless both sides truly listen to each other. All of this ignoring on one side and yelling on the other is getting us nowhere. We need to communicate more clearly twitch!
hurryslowly commented
It would definitely be helpful to at least know what changes twitch is planning for their site, especially when those changes affect all creators on the site. It's frustrating to search around for information regarding changes that twitch has made, and it would be much more helpful to have that information up front so we can account for those changes and spend more time focusing on improving content and supporting other creators!
Ennamora commented
Open up communication and actually ******* listen to your streamers/viewers.
Jabo commented
Open up communication again!
JeriRose commented
Can't echo enough what others have said! We need more transparency and communication from twitch!
Mothergamer commented
Yes! The lack of transparency and communication is frustrating to say the least. Twitch tells us to hold them accountable and we have been doing that, but still no communication at all. Don't talk to us months later after you've changed things, actually have a conversation with us about it. The silence speaks volumes. This also rings true for removing tags like the Filipino and Mexican tags as well as many others. Speaking as a Filipino person, it really bothers me that Twitch did this because in a way it feels like you're erasing us. There was no communication at all, it was just gone. Things like this are exactly why we are insisting that you communicate openly with everyone and to do better.
oceanbreezepeace commented
WinnerBit commented
Absolutely in favor of this. Giving creators a heads-up to prepare for incoming changes is the least that Twitch can do; the fact that we aren't already afforded this is unacceptable.
tk_layla commented
We are so tired of having to wait months for Twitch to say anything, let alone DO something. A clear conversation between then and content creators needs to be done, otherwise we're going to always be left in the dark, and no one wants that ><
ThisIsGoldar commented
10000000% support this.
GamingHuskies commented
We need transparency about changes and should be allowed to provide feedback before changes are made. We are community based and so changes need to be addressed as a community.