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509 results found

  1. It is exceptionally helpful to know if people are unsubscribing due to factors outside of our control (such as a viewer's finances or schedule changing) or within our control, such as a streamer schedule change or experimentation with new content. This would help alleviate the stress of wondering if unsubscriptions are something we can affect as streamers or if it is primarily beyond our control, which would greatly decrease some of the mental burden and worry of never knowing for sure why people unsubscribe. This data, collected via an anonymous dropdown menu, would be incredibly helpful so streamers can best…

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  2. It is horrendous that you have decided to not include gift subs in Subtember this year. That was the driving force behind the success for creators (and therefore Twitch) in prior years.

    Please reconsider this immediately and stop pulling revenue-driving opportunities from your creators and those who pay for the platform to exist.

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  3. Sometimes I'd like to bulk gift subs to a stream, but I'd prefer such subs go to followers among the viewers and/or current viewers to reward regulars and people currently engaged in the stream.

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  4. Sub-light
    A $1 sub that would allow ad free viewing on a channel but wouldn't give access to emotes or sub only chat
    Five light subs would equal one sub point

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  5. Right now affiliates get 10 founders and partners get 25. The number of founders should scale similarly to how emote slots grow as your stream grows.

    25 max founders on big streamers seems small amount and most of the time those 25 aren't even subbed anymore.

    My suggestion for the amount of founders

    50 1000
    75 5000
    100 10k
    150 15k
    200 20k

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  6. Youtube has this thing that you can CUSTOMIZE the price of the subscriptions + the benefits that the subscriber is going to have. This will offer the opportunity to creators customize their subscriptions based on their community. Not to mention that unfortunately this sub price changes that twitch did may not work for everybody.

    Give power to the creators!

    Thank you.

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  7. A free no-obligation trial of Twitch Turbo would give users an idea of what Twitch is like without the ads. At the moment the only way to try Twitch Turbo is to pay for a whole month up front.

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  8. We need to have an option to Require Acceptance of Gift Subs by the recipient for channels which they are not following.

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    8 comments  ·  Gift Subs  ·  Admin →
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  9. The fees for converting to USD can be very high for some credit/debit cards. As the fee is done per transaction it can get very expensive if you doing multiple transactions. Sometimes the charge at the bank is more than what the acutal value of the product is.

    Some people may not be aware of this as the charge is generaly done at the bank and not shown in the total on the site.

    For example one bank in the UK is charging 2% with a minimum of 1.75 GBP to maximum 5.00 GBP per transaction.

    If you buy 100…

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  10. Now, this is right after regional prices for Europe came out. Most countries are now set to 3.99 EUR, despite countries in Eastern Europe (especially countries in the Balkans), having 3-6 times less income than nations in western Europe.

    Just for a bit of comparison (data is from google)

    Bulgaria - Average monthly wage = 595€
    Serbia - Average monthly wage = 562€
    Romania - Average monthly wage = 743€

    France - Average monthly wage = 2,225€
    Belgium - Average monthly wage = 2,262€
    The Netherlands - Average monthly wage = 2,240€

    I understand it may feel ****** to people…

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  11. Türkiye için düzenlenen ve uygulanmaya başlanan yeni fiyatlandırma sisteminin özellikle orta-küçük yayıncılar için yayıncılığı sürdürülebilir bir iş haline getirmeyi imkansız hale getirdiğini düşünüyorum.
    Yeni abonelik ücretleriyle beraber abone sayılarında meydana gelen artış, vergiler, platform payı düşüldüğünde, yayıncıya ekstra bir gelir olarak yansımıyor ve bunun yanında önceden elde ettiğimiz geliri yakalamak da mümkün değil. Fiyatlarlı tekrar düzenlemeyi planlamıyor olsanız bile yayıncılara gelir elde edebilecekleri farklı alternatifler sunmanız (reklam, bounty, vs.) çok daha iyi olacaktır.

    Kendi adıma, uzun vadede, mevcut şartlar altında mesai harcayıp yayınlarımı sürdürebileceğimi düşünmüyorum.

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  12. Some channels use bans as a joke, even if they remove them shortly after. However, this permanently blocks the user from receiving random gift subscriptions, even when they are unbanned. If a user isn't banned at that time, should they really be blocked forever from receiving gifts?

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  13. Twitch has a rather old subscription system that honestly needs to be updated. Patreon, a site that allows unpartnered streamers still accept subscriptions from their viewers allows the user to choose the amount they want to subscribe for. This system is very reliable compared to Twitch's. One big improvement that needs to be made for the system, is the ability to choose the amount/per month a viewer wants to pay. So, as a result, Twitch could have a VIP service where the more you pay, the more you are rewarded. For example, a person with $1 per month may get…

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  14. It seems like anonymous gifting checkbox has disappeared for me.
    i.e. i can't gift anonymously en-masse to community.
    However clicking on individual user and gifting to specific user can still be anonymously gifted.
    Apparently, i am not the only one facing this issue.
    anyone has any idea?

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  15. I am a Twitch Partnered streamer, I have 3 lifetime subs, they are 3 of the most important members of my community hence why I gave them these lifetime subs, I think it's really sad that each month they're not able to SHARE that subscription like a normal sub, they're super important members of my community, they deserve to get to share that message/sub like everyone else!!!

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  16. I get why these new changes have been made, in separation of Amazon Prime, and Twitch Turbo, but I think that the $8.99/month is a little high.. I don't think there are enough benefits to make it viable...the only reason I would want it, is for the site wide ad-free viewing. Which I think you guys could and probably would get more Twitch Turbo subscribers if the price was $4.99, just like a channel subscription. I personally would have instantly purchased a Twitch Turbo subscription if that were the price, but I (and probably most people) don't want to pay…

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  17. Amazon/Twitch keeps a fixed percentage of total income.

    Prime subs stays the same.
    So doesn't matter if the custom subscription costs 4$ or 100$, is like a fixed price, making the prime an even better option.

    If the viewer wants to subscribe for 3,6 months or 1 year, he'll pay the current sub price multiplied by the ammount of months, allowing streamers to make sub promotions by their own.

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  18. Turbo Streamer Features

    Twitch Turbo doesn't have much use for those with Twitch Prime to subscribe too. Essentially all features (except ad-free) are available with Twitch Prime. People that have Prime have no real use to subscribe to Turbo as well. There are a few possible feature ideas that could make the $9/mo Turbo subscription price worth subscribing too. Here are just a few ideas. Not all have to be implemented, but a couple of them would be greatly appreciated.

    • Transcode Options
      For streamers who subscribe to Twitch Turbo, one benefit that many people would be very appreciative of would…

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  19. A while back, the ability to gift subs instantly appeared alongside the selection to gift out subscriptions. Then it disappeared for a while... then it came back again recently! The ability to gift subs instantly helps expedite the process of randomly gifting out channel subscriptions which is fantastic for when you want to frequently give out a small amount of subscriptions.

    However, this is also a potentially destructive user action as a simple misclick can lead to an accidental charge of anywhere up to 499.00 USD, or even higher if a typo is present in the custom quantity input.


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  20. Let streamers decide for themselves if they want that information. No, really. Let a streamer disable that feature for their content. Some streamers may want to know. Others do not. People have their reasons some of them may be personal. IMO, this only serves those who want the information. For those who don't, this could do more harm than good.

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