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Creators and Stream Features



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73 results found

  1. hello Twitch i got an idea bout sorting out clips when u select all time by date cause there is no option for that....,like it just sort by all time views but thats all.. and it can be sorted in many ways but i feel exausted by scrolling down for years to get to the one clip cause it have 5 views... @FaZeDUDKO on twitter

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  2. This really shouldn't be a suggestion but rather something that should've been done a long time already. Time and time again we hear stories about how Twitch isn't making money and that you didn't hold on to the momentum of COVID. And while I believe the first part of that I seriously doubt the second part, and with every update it starts to feel more like a poor excuse to cover up mismanagement. And I’ll explain why I feel this way and with me I suspect a lot of others.

    First let’s start with Gues Star/Stream Together. Today it received…

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  3. Just a simple new category for people wanting to stream multiple games in one session.

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  4. The new clip interface is indescribably bad and terrible. The previews themselves have become huge, which makes it extremely inconvenient to sort them and clean out unnecessary clips. In addition, they have become glitchy, which is why the clip controls do not always appear, and there are no full-screen mode buttons at all.Please return the old clip interface, or try using your new interface yourself - I do not believe that testers could approve of THIS.

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  5. Instead of just having discoverable clips, take inspiration from apps like Youtube, Tiktok and Instagram and have a reel/shorts section. Give creators the option to edit and upload their short clips to a reel with other creators for the casual observers to swipe through. Encode it so that every clip ends with a link to the channel, enable likes, share and follow commands on these clips. Provide options to scroll through all channels, recommended, friends, followed channels, subscribed channels etc. Ads revenue could be generated through this , discoverability for smaller channels, or large revenue you through top creators. This…

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  6. An Automaticly Generated stream schedule based on when you already stream on average, would give more accurate stream times to viewers, as well as save time among other things just a nice QOL over all

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  7. I struggle, and I'm sure theirs others that suffer with Fibromyalgia, and I would like to add, if Twitch could make this app more comprehensible, that would be great. Some people may not know much about this disease, but it affects you physically and mentally, which is severely problematic for us, and as far as streaming goes, this is what I'm aiming for, but it takes a lot out of us to build, dream and prosper.

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  8. While I do understand the need for the changes allowing for a DJ category and also the perks of there being a DJ category - variety streamers who DJ and do other types of streams seemingly get left in more confusion. Being forced to separate your channel into multiple channels when you've built an audience on being a variety streamer doesn't seem fair - however if the revenue percentage fees for the DJs is channel wide and not based on categories or even whether you're a DJ who even plays copywritten music - it effectively means even non DJ streams…

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  9. Streamers all across the world are suffering with mental health issues.

    Renew partnership with Healthy Gamers to provide partners with free therapy and coaching, it helped many streamers in the past and should continue to be a service provided.

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  10. Twitch channels got the ability to reach a lot of people and eternalize some pretty cool moments through Clips made by those who participate in their community. We all love that, those are mostly pretty great!

    But sometimes, people would clip stuff out of context that'd just be mean and could be harmful to the creators. For example, something taken out of context could be seen in a serious and really bad way, when the intention was not even there in the first place.

    Of course, we can always delete some of them that doesn't feel right. But I just…

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  11. As PS4 Streamer w/o Streaming-Laptop you are not able to stream more than 1 game each stream with fluent crossing. Because if you want to play the nxt game the stream will be interrupted and an ugly blue screen will be shown/streamed as "placeholder" by Sony OS or Twitch. And if the nxt game needs too long to start, the blue screen turns into black and u r offline.

    If Twitch is able to recognize/identify such interrupted (PS4) streams and the user is able to replace/fade the blue screen/this interruption by a placeholder item over the Twitch creator options automatically…

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  12. There is a dangerous precedent on Twitch of adults using streamer avatars to bait "lolicons" to promote and monetize pedophilic-type content.
    In order to avoid this kind of content being promoted, Twitch should take a bolder stance and stop adults from pretending to be kids on their platform.

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  13. It is inevitable that artificial intelligent live streamers are going to start getting more and more popular as time goes on, and I think that there should be separate rules and limitations to creators who make AI streamers that are capable of life streaming beyond the human ability to.

    Limit livestreams for AI streamers to a certain time frame, rather than an AI streamer being able to stream for 48 hours with no breaks, potentially gaming the system to get ad revenue, and subscribers at an accelerated rate.

    The website has a limit to 48 hours live streaming, however this…

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  14. The new feature tracking and indicating a streamer's affiliate or partner anniversary is great, but it would be awesome if we could also do the same with the anniversary of our first ever stream!

    I personally don't celebrate my affiliate anniversary, as the date that is more important to me is when I started my streaming journey in the first place. Having that celebration built in would make this feature way more appealing and applicable to me! I currently choose to have it turned off rather than have it highlight a date that I don't celebrate.

    Even better, letting streamers…

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  15. Could Founders be listed separately from regular chatters at top of Users in Chat the way VIPs are listed? It is a bit redundant to give Founders VIP badges when they can be scarce for some creators.

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  16. Wish streamers could choose what clips are shown when they receive ‘shout outs’. Example: the clip that shows of me is me troubleshooting during a video game. Not a good luck as far as promoting channel.

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  17. Cozy games are often indie projects and rarely get popular to the point that people are manually searching for them on twitch. I suggest we get a Cozy Gaming category so everyone can browse for cozy streams. Cozy gaming is a niche sector women and lgbtq+ people had to carve out for themselves in the industry and I hope with time it will bring more people in ❤🥺 As of right now, it's hard to find cozy streamers on twitch. I find most of them on tiktok because the algorithm makes it easier for me. I know we can have…

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  18. Text-to-speech is a great feature of the Twitch alerts integration. However, when viewers trigger an alert that uses TTS on my channel, the integration does NOT read out emotes. Instead of hearing "fletch61Heart" read out, the text is skipped. I'd like an option to enable / disable reading of Twitch emotes so that broadcasters can choose for themselves what gets read during alert messages.

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  19. Half the time I join a stream... I say hi and think it's live. Only for the stream to completely jump forward 60 seconds soon after. Why can't you just load the live stream immediately?

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  20. Hello Reader, I hope all is well.

    So im a streamer on twitch and my name is zwrks (Jaxx) ive been streaming on twitch for almost 7 years now and i have always loved the platform for the support that is given from the support team and how supportive they are,


    I have noticed since 2021 there has seemingly been and overall issues in the ability for me to grow on twitch, i stream 50-80 hours a week with an overall interaction of 0 new viewers and only my old viewer returning into the streams or friends that i…

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