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184 results found

  1. the ability to move the chat panel under the video in half screen so it didn't push the video small. just pull the chat under the video so i can watch twitch, read chat, and do my homework. please thanks.

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  2. It's frustrating to first stream for 10 hours and then download the file just to find out that it's practically impossible to find the right things you want to make a shorter version to be about. I'd really like to be able to download like 5 hour stream in 25 or so parts, so i don't need to watch all the 5 hours. I probably just need 2-4 first clips to make one 10 minute clip out of it. I think this makes the editing part so much easier, also for low-end computers.

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  3. Add a snooze feature, like most TVs have. I, like many people, fall asleep watching a twitch channel at times, but in many areas of the world like South Africa, we have to watch our data usage.

    I'm not suggesting that it be automatic but rather just a Snooze Timer I can set that will stop the stream. Something like 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, etc.

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  4. Want your clip automatically posted to your favorite streamer's channel? Cheer-Clip w/ bits to unlock special effects for your clip. (Filters, Sound Effects, On-Screen FX) and have it automatically posted in chat upon upload!

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