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379 results found

  1. Arcade or console games usually have an internal serial

    And different port of the same game would have its unique serial on different platforms

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  2. I'm currently working on a project where any (eventual) users of my app will (with their consent) be parsing their game libraries and providing data where it's missing in igdb, I'd like to be able to post this data via my app to your database.

    Obviously, I'm not expecting to be able to post directly, but the ability to log contribution requests via POST commands would be good.

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  3. Just like we have websites like Wikipedia and Wikia, Google Arts and Culture also have info pertaining to games.


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    This is very interesting but comes with a few issues, such as: The library isn't massive (right now) so not all games will have a link that can be added. In addition, they seem to separate for example the PlayStation and Xbox versions of the same game and then it will be hard to know what link to add where. We're going to hold off on this one for now, but could potentially be interesting in the future especially if the library grows.

  4. has some unkown category enums like 58 and 50 for the ids, 13505 and 13506

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  5. Is it possible to add Metacritic, PC Gamer and IGN review scores to every game?

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  6. Hi,

    I'm having issues with the APIs Pagination features. When making the following call the last item on the list of games is 'Pokemon Silver':

    request search "Pokemon";f id,name,cover.image_id,aggregated_rating,aggregated_rating_count,first_release_date,summary;l 20;w version_parent = null&category = 0;

    I then make this second call to get the second page of items, which returns 'Pokemon Silver' as the first result:

    search "Pokemon";f id,name,cover.image_id,aggregated_rating,aggregated_rating_count,first_release_date,summary;l 20;o 20;w version_parent = null&category = 0;

    At first I thought this was an issue with the offset, but if I search for another term it works okay. Any ideas what may be causing this?

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  7. Game of Blocks is a PvP board game built on the blockchain. The game involves playing with other players and conquer its land. Players can win lands with their engagement in the game.
    We have 10+ streamers up to 300k followered on twitch who are going to stream around the game in March 2022. Could you please add a game category for it?
    We’d love viewers to easily discover around the game after the stream which is also for the best of the content creators’ efforts.
    Here’s the game website:
    Here’s the game twitter:
    Sorry that it’s urgent,…

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  8. Heya, When I logged in to IGDB with Twitch just now (first time user), I was redirected to, which is 404ing.

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  9. It is my understanding that you are planning to implement a system where multiple cover-arts can be uploaded. This is a good start, but I strongly suggest you consider allowing the defaults (those shown on the IGDB page to logged out users, and those shown on Twitch) to be selected on a case-by-case basis. Factors such as popularity in differing regions and how the game is represented need to be taken into account, for example there are games that, though they released in the US, never received any sizable following there whereas they did elsewhere. To only allow US box…

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  10. Add the number of pending changes on the "You Changes" page.

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  11. Have a non-custom list like want/playing/played that lists all companies you have added as favourite.
    The icon could be present in the company pages.

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  12. far cry 6 has not been released on google stadia, but it shows that it is. please change this immediately.

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    Hey! thanks for pointing it out. It seems to be due to a bug rather than a false release mind you. We’re taking a look!

    As a note, if you do spot some incorrect data you are able to edit and submit an update in case :)


  13. It seems rather common that users want to post the release dates and other info into the original releases of titles, such as Ports, Bundles, Remakes and Remasters, when these points have already been documented in the respective entries.

    While you will almost certainly never fully eliminate this, I feel a large portion of it has to do with people not realizing the entries exist, and often need to scroll down to areas they may not frequent as often to notice the options exist.

    I would suggest possibly moving these sections for Ports, Remakes, Bundles, etc. into the same area…

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  14. Maybe this is just me, but I almost always miss something when I edit, update or submit a New Game, and never see it until I see the full list of changes on the Pending Submission page.

    It might help to have an "Are you sure?" page between Previewing all Changes and Submit/Update.

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    There’s a good suggestion here, although it could also add some friction. In particular for users doing a lot of edits in a row.

    Adding a page between would add extra pages and clicks, making the contribution flow slower.

    I would picture more like having a recap visible at all times through in the sidebar maybe, somewhat like an online store shopping cart (-Cover, Keywords X2, Genre, Screenshots X5 etc..).

  15. Hi,
    recently a super-admin had to merge two games wich actually was the same game, which just changed name and modality meantime.

    In the fact I'm talking about Pagan Online (Action-RPG MMO) which became Pagan Absent Gods (Action-RPG Single Player).

    While before they were registered as two different games, with two different pages, now they got merged as single page on Pagan Online's page (renaming the game), marking Pagan Absent Gods' old page as dupicate.

    The consequences of the merging, anyway, are doubtful, because:

    • In IGDB website: if you search both for Pagan Online or for Pagan: Absent Gods, you…

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  16. Please Add that

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  17. Hi, our game is called Crown and is registered in IGDB. Seems like name is duplicated because there was a game with the same name in 1990. There is two games with the name (Crown) on the list when you configure your stream, but our image don't appear and seems like the old crown appears twice cause our tags are #strategy and both names appears with the tag #arcade. Really thank for your time.

    The profile that registered the game was xSansa (my personal profile, this is the account of the organization)

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  18. 1 vote

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    Yes good suggestion! We do have plans for revisiting our Lust feature, including the default lists. We can definitely take this in consideration once we return to this.


  19. The game of Go, Ancient strategy game listed on twitch as a mobile android game. Change it to strategy and fix the description

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  20. 1 vote

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