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6 results found

  1. As it stands, there is a lot of confusion and mixed up data between Collections and Franchises, all relating to the series in which a game belongs. Some games will be within a collection without a franchise, while other series titles such as "Legend of Zelda" has 2 different database ID's for its collection and its franchise.

    Because of these differences, it's hard to utilise the series distinction in searches, as it might be in one category or the other, or both. If both are merged, there would be a more consistent way of determining a "series", with many games…

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  2. Some types of adult games are restricted as per the contribution guidelines. As a video game database I think all games should be allowed. Even if it's only allowed in title and description without any picture or links to the game itself.

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  3. It would be the desireable behaviour from a database like this to treat equally to all the information but in this case Unreal Engine seems to be in privilegie in Twich and here appearing as "a person" and also a engine, a game itself and everywhere else... Not the same case as the others.

    In this case Godot Engine is a game itself done with itself... Yeah Godot is a "game" done in Godot Engine... It would be seen as Core in UE (wich is also there in the list, surprise)

    It would be good for equality that all users…

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    Sorry not sure i fully grasp the issue at hand. Currently Twitch does not ingest game engine data from IGDB. So if there is a tag existing for UE that isn’t coming from IGDB.

    As a database we do indeed try to be as neutral as possible, and all the engine data we have connected to games get the same treatment in the form of a discovery profile page.
    Here’s the one for Godot Engine:

    If you have more info on it please feel free to contribute to it, as all of IGDB is user contributable :)


  4. Visit gandi ide games a scratch text based mod for online games too, and revisit scratch please. Gandi ide games are such high quality and should
    Be able to be categories on twitch!

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  5. It is my understanding that you are planning to implement a system where multiple cover-arts can be uploaded. This is a good start, but I strongly suggest you consider allowing the defaults (those shown on the IGDB page to logged out users, and those shown on Twitch) to be selected on a case-by-case basis. Factors such as popularity in differing regions and how the game is represented need to be taken into account, for example there are games that, though they released in the US, never received any sizable following there whereas they did elsewhere. To only allow US box…

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  6. Some lesser played games don't have an icon, a streamer should be able to submit an icon to Twitch after streaming the game for a certain amount of time.

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    Hey there!
    By icons, do you mean the (game) box arts/covers?

    If so, we have plans to improve coverage of those on Twitch via IGDB covers, but also eventually help streamers and viewers add to those on IGDB.


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