So each streamer would be allowed to set one person in their stream "SUPER MOD" this person has more permissions than normal mods. For example the SUPER MOD would be allowed to mod and demod people from the stream. Another could be the "SUPER MOD" gets a different badge to make them stand out to the people in chat. Also maybe that super mod gets a permanent subscription for that channel. I'm sure there are alot more ways of making this a better idea that i just haven't though of however i think it would actually be a good thing to think about!
ZachBussey @ commented
An intriguing idea. I suppose we sort of have it with the Editor role though.
Zach || Subscribe to my Streamer Newsletter
OTBv2 commented
I like this idea a lot, but I don't think there should be a limit to how many "supermods" a channel can have. Streamers have different communities and requirements so I think the streamer should be able to determine how many mods with a higher level of access are needed.
I also think the idea should be expanded downward. For example;
Gold sword - Supermoderator: All the current mod functions + channel access to all sub emotes + the ability to delete/warn/timeout/ban mods + add/remove VIPs and Mods + alter Mod access level
Green sword - Moderator: All the current mod functions
White sword - Support Moderator: Only functions are deleting messages, timeouts and banning/unbanning users.
The concept behind this is giving higher levels of access to your most trusted mod(s) and restricting access to functions that can alter a stream if used improperly for mods who are new or users who aren't fully trusted. There are also people who wouldn't mind helping keep chat clean but don't want to be involved with anything else, so having different mod icons would let the streamer know exactly what level of moderation is available to them in chat at a glance.
One could argue that any mods misbehaving should be removed as moderators, but it's not that simple. Some may not realize they're saying or doing something incorrectly at the time and as it stands currently the only way to address it is for the streamer to stop what they're doing to address it themselves. A streamer at their PC might have an easier time with this, but a streamer at a special event or IRL is far less likely to be available to do so. Having one level above the current moderator role would let the supermod take corrective action on behalf of the streamer.
Arkaner247 commented
I really would like to see this implemented.
susyemeralds commented
This idea is more general and has already seen other ideas merged into it: -
santa_c7 commented
KamasamaK commented
I don't see why you would need to limit it to one person, but a Super Mod is a good idea.
RandomRed38 commented
There's a lot of channels where the hardest-working mod is the partner of the streamer, their husband or wife, or boyfriend or girlfriend. For example @Lizz and @Qualittv, @Celina and @THIS_IS_ULTRA, @Potaytosaurus and @rexdepotay, @salberry and @parttimetriggered, @stackgemma and @kjohns271, @NurseHuckleberry and Dooder..... prime example!! Do I need to go on?? They're there every stream, (or just about every stream) coz they are just as invested as the streamer, so they should be able to have more power and control and abilities than the regular mods, almost upto the level of the streamer themselves, but still subordinate. And what about junior mods or interns? Still learning to mod, don't wanna give 'em full power just yet? So hierarchy could be Streamer > SuperMod > RegMod > InternMod > VIP > Sub > Follower > Unknown
Miwo commented
can we get this implemented plz
Lucid_Gaming115 commented
still cant believe something like this isnt implemented.
thedanofdans42 commented
Don't understand how such an obvious and useful feature is still not implemented 5 years later
One higher level of mod to oversee new mods is a no brainer. Twitch recommends streamers have multiple mods, its crazy to not be able to set one or more trusted people to oversee them
salioris commented
Есть предложения добавить на канал красную модерацию которая будет выполнять простые обязоности модератора ну к тому-же следить и за модераторами что-бы облегчить стримера..Красный модератор может (Давать роль модератора и снимать её)
notjoker28 commented
I really like this idea a lot!
itsjack30 commented
great idea! hope twitch implements this.
zHekLeR commented
Would definitely be able to make use of this. I mod for a large streamer and it often takes him a while to add more mods/VIPs/channel point rewards/etc. Having a super mod with this ability would be very handy.
eugerne commented
Add the role of chief moderator, like editor. Only with the function of controlling VIP users of chat and other moderators
AwesomeMark5 commented
A gold sword for a super mod role would be awesome!
LaiKiirnodel commented
Letting the Admin, SuperMod, Editor, or all three, see the Stream Summary would be very good too! I am the primary mod for a friend's channel, and I do spreadsheets and such. But even with all the roles granted to me, I can't see the Stream summary, nor analytics page, even though those can't be edited anyway. Which means every single stream, we have to have a meeting where my friend verbally goes over all the details that I can't see. This is info that really should be available without having to give out your login info to someone else, or manually share every time.
pinkhairproducer commented
Having 1 mod leader for each channel. The mod leader would be responsible for helping the other mods in answering any questions, making sure other moderators are doing their part in the correct fashion. You could give mod leaders a different color sword than the rest.
TomKavanagh commented
Can we have a "superior mod" that has controls to delete/timeout any non superior moderators messages or actions whilst the broadcasters are streaming ?
There are alot of troll moderators out there, that like to get away will alot things; (saying inappropriate things, banning people for the fun of it and also breaking TOS).
The broadcasters sometimes may miss messages. The broadcaster has to much to think about than having to sort out moderators.
TheMasoning commented
This will be for streamers who need a little extra help moderating chat, these mods will be able to appoint mods, run ads and whatever else the streamer needs help with basically their right hand