July is #DisabilityPrideMonth. Will Twitch make an Event?
Hi Twitch,
I'm TheDementedRaven & back in April I started a campaign for your company to acknowledge Autistic streamers as it was Autism Awareness month. I launched a successful campaign on Twitter, featuring various sizes of streamers and Autistc's alike to spread the word far and wide. I started this campaign because these events are often met with silence with companies such as yourselves, & we're left without the recognition and awareness that we deserve.
Sadly, I didn't get a response from yourselves.
So I ask, if you are going to acknowledge myself & others with disabilities this month, because it's known for large companies to become instantly ableist when our events occur & it is no coincidence. You have MANY Disabled streamers and to ignore a LARGE part of your userbase, is never the wisest choice, especially how it's always people with disabilities who never get acknowledged with such amazing events.
So once again, I ask if you will be giving Disabled Streamers recognition this month for #DisabilityPrideMonth? Because we're proud of being us, no matter how many companies ignore & close us out.
Is Twitch any different?
Thank you for your time.
SpiritMusicorum commented
Hello TheDementedRaven,
I think what you are doing is vital and important, especially as a disabled person myself. However that said, I have ZERO faith in Twitch to do anything that doesn't make them look good for PR or make them money. With disabled persons usually having a much higher cost of living and lower spending cash for non essentials, I highly think that Twitch will disregard this until they are in dire need of a good PR stunt, until then, we just aren't profitable enough to give a **** about. Either that or one of their top 1%ers for earning as a partner would have to make ALOT of noise and bully twitch into doing something good.
I hope I am wrong and just jaded about twitch from past, but maybe, just maybe something good will happen, regardless I respect and appreciate you, and your efforts <3