Uploading Videos
Well let's be able to upload videos on twitch because if people just stream everyday it will be boring. So we want to be able to upload videos to our twitch channel's.
To upload a video, click the Upload button on the right above the video list in the Video Producer and select the file you’d like to upload from the window that opens. For access to uploads, you must be an Affiliate or Partner.
littlesiha commented
YES please! I don't want to have to always premiere it.
MyOhMyke commented
As a viewer, why do I want to watch a non-live VOD that I don't have control over, when there's so much actually-live content on the platform to watch? As a streamer, why would I want to go live when I'm not live? And if I *do* want to go "live" but not be live, why is that the forced, only option rather than an opt-in feature? I can think of good ways to use the entire premiere feature set, but absolutely none of them apply to me.
What's frustrating is that the features the premiere system 'grants' us were things we were *already able to do.* The only new feature is the added video countdown to start the VOD, and even if most people wanted it, even if it looked great, that is a bad trade-off for just being able to upload content without the bells and whistles.
What's even more frustrating is that premieres don't even grant streamers a new feature set. We could already do what premieres do! Rather than force an upload to be a "premiere" and literally *blocking live content* during the premiere, a streamer could simply announce a viewing party for the new uploaded content, then, either A) Go live and stream the video, or B) use the VODCast function at start time -- which also pushes out a "live" notification. The end result is that streamer and viewers are all in control of the situation, and everyone is there to see the new, uploaded, non-live content. If viewers want to be different and watch it on their own or go look at the ending of the new content, that's on them -- and certainly not a good enough reason to *completely eliminate normal uploads.*
I understand that even with YouTube's new features, the biggest draw to Twitch is that we're LIVE and pushing LIVE content and advertising LIVE events helps drive up ad clicks. That doesn't mean when I upload something that I want to go live though -- if I wanted to go live, why wouldn't I just go live? Why would I go not-live-live? Why should I feel guilted into staying around to not stream live just because I wanted to upload a clip?
Again, if I wanted to make a big event around uploading and premiering new non-live content, that isn't that incumbent upon me to market it? There were already tools available to do that with! Now everyone, whether it fits their content stream or not, is forced into a premiere system that is clunky at best. Now, if I need to use my local record of a speedrun due to dropped frames or a disconnection, I have to wait for my premiere to finish before I can even link it for submission to a leaderboard, otherwise whoever is verifying the time won't be able to actually watch the vod, they'll have to watch it "not-live live" as the premiere. That could be a 2-4 hour wait just to go back and make sure I didn't start the timer late at the start of the run. And am I supposed to just sit in chat for those two hours in case someone comes by? Even if I was a big-time mega-popular streamer where that is a likely scenario, I would go live if I wanted to be live. Uploading a clip of something I may have literally *just done* doesn't mean I want to sit through it again -- I probably want to relax and celebrate my new accomplishment.
And why subjugate the content as a "past premiere?" Why would I want to watch a "past premiere," it's sounds old, it sounds bad, it sounds like someone is trying way to hard too just say "VODs," as if their VODs are way different than VODs on any service. You can watch a VOD anywhere, but only on Twitch can you watch a video that premiered on Twitch in the past! That's ridiculous and we all know it. Again, if I want to call them "Past Premieres," you can name playlists! Same functionality without forcing everyone into it packaging their content the same way as everyone else.
If I want help marketing and producing my content I'm OK asking for it. Stop forcing me into the same marketing tactics and nomenclature as, quite literally, everyone else on Twitch.
Aaron commented
Highlight videos are useful and don't need to be announced via a "live Premier" so twitch please Allow video uploads without first premiering them
Choi TV commented
It would really help Twitch be a big Youtube competitor without that restriction in the long run.
VladTheRad commented
Not to mention how much vodcasts are hurting stats for people who are trying to raise them...
VladTheRad commented
I'm 100% with all these people.
Why wouldn't I be able to post little highlight videos and short clips & bits so that all my content is on one (twitch) channel (instead of being fragmented over different sites)?
I don't care about vodcasts or any of that, plus, what's the point of scheduling a premiere for 1-10 minute videos?
spoonee commented
Please, please re-add the ability to upload prerecorded video content again without needing to premiere it. The premieres flat out confuse my viewers, as they think I went live but have no idea what they're watching. My uploaded content is usually 5-10 minute "best of" clipshows for different games we've played, and aren't the right kind of content for premieres. I have been uploading these clipshows for months now and my community loves having them as passive content they can watch/revisit when I'm not live. I think premieres are a cool idea that could have good utilization, but not in this manner. We need to have it be optional so we can choose what we want to do with it. They also force-added a countdown to the video itself that I was unaware of and do not want. It made things even more confusing. Please remove this or make it also optional. Thank you.
Alzorath commented
100% agree... with both the OP as well as Freezinater - It's a royal nightmare. Countdowns added at the beginning of videos, metadata being butchers by the premiere system... and on top of all that, a completely inflexible system that makes uploading a series of videos completely counter to the purpose of premieres (since the purpose is to enjoy the release with your viewers... kinda hard when you want to launch a series of episodes in a release marathon... but it takes 6 hours because the episodes aren't exactly 30 minutes long... and there's massive gaps/countdowns between them)
Freezinater commented
Agreed. I honestly despise the fact that such a simple process is so drawn out, and then it adds a countdown TO the public video. Like seriously, Twitch? Why did you think it was a good idea to make it mandatory?
Anonymous commented
Twitch removed the ability to upload prerecorded videos via the Video Manager without first premiering them. Please reintroduce this function. I would like to upload a highlight reel to Twitch instead of using YouTube for that function. Thank you.