Uploading Videos
Well let's be able to upload videos on twitch because if people just stream everyday it will be boring. So we want to be able to upload videos to our twitch channel's.
To upload a video, click the Upload button on the right above the video list in the Video Producer and select the file you’d like to upload from the window that opens. For access to uploads, you must be an Affiliate or Partner.
kendajaya commented
i had same issue, any one can help
ToonKingdomHere commented
There is not an upload button.
solarbluseth commented
cant upload either my videos got stuck in processing and then couldn't upload for two days....
jes_gamer08 commented
llevo muchas transmisiones y el contenido no es publicado
AjaxL1ve commented
since a year ago you needed to be affiliate to upload videos
CholikPodcast commented
This is almost a year later and I cannot upload videos
Grimmbelina commented
yeah, havent been able to upload any videos to my channel. There isn't an upload button on my channel, there is a drop down menu with 3 choices but i can only see 2. and the rest of my upload video page is blank, its like they dont want to put any Vids out!....
anemicnub commented
I find it extremely annoying that you cant upload any sort of video when you haven't reached affiliate. it almost kind of defeats the purpose of affiliate because it'd be easier to reach a bigger following if people could actually see the stuff you stream
Spectrumnist commented
You have to be an affiliate or a partner to upload videos
spark5_twitch commented
same here "sad twich noises"
PQPMatadordeNoob commented
Só não encontrei a opção para enviar vídeos do meu computador. Eu só consigo fazer as transmissões ao vivo.
REEBO56ACE commented
my videos aren't loading up. do you guys know why?
ryanmac080 commented
No option to upload videos. I heard it was because I had to reach a streaming duration limit of around 8.5 hours. I completed this and was still unable to upload any videos that weren't from my stream. I come back to check if the option is available just about every day and for a week it hasn't come up in the video producer page.
Lescanya commented
any news about it? i dont have the upload video button neither
kaiowagamer commented
Same. What happened to the upload button?
RossieFrog commented
HowlingRiot commented
Same here, I cannot upload anything.
pearl_orchid commented
We have gone to a lot of trouble to setup everything on twitch to live stream a funeral service. A lot of people can't make it because of Covid.
Yesterday I arrived at the church for a test run to discover the mobile carrier I am with has poor internet speed at this location. After trying other carriers with various hotspots our only choice is to record the service and upload after the event.
Turns out you can't upload to Twitch!
Everyone has the twitch URL now. Guess i will have to work out how to link to youtube, so the many viewers can watch.
logy_24_70 commented
I can't upload videos either
LupineFurmen commented
Same. What happened to the upload button?