Chapter Creation and Editing
The ability to create chapters within your VODs post-stream
There are instances where a change in stream title & category doesn't register with your stream. In cases, like so it makes it difficult for viewers to find the select point where you stream segment they want to watch is.
If created after your stream is done you would be able to go into the video mangager/editor and create select chapters in order to better organize a VOD for viewer consumption.
Aimless__E commented
PLEASE! Changing categories mid-stream doesn't always work, and rarely creates chapters. Plus, some games seem to have the same name and choosing the wrong one is an easy mistake. please allow chapter editing after stream and make it more consistent during stream
QmanBean commented
quanthulu commented
Actually beside Chapters, being able to combine streams from disconnects into a single file would also be useful. There's been times for one reason or another my stream was chopped into multiple sessions. Sometimes this happened without me knowing and of course they all share the same exact name. This can be incredibly confusing for all parties involved. Though, this might be to far removed from this feature it could just go both ways by allowing cutting up or combining of VOD.
DECAY018 commented
It was still working on the 1st of October for me but after that, changing a category mid stream does not automatically create chapters on my VOD anymore (a real pain when you test like 7 games on a 10 hours long stream.)
And as MSWarlord said, it also doesn't show the various games played on the channel's main page... -
KaisaSolstys commented
I cannot find anywhere in the video manager/editor to create select chapters. Was this feature taken out?
I have also had multiple streams where I switched games midstream, made the switch in category, and the VODs still comes out with no chapters -
MSWarlord commented
April 22nd, 2023... still no fix. * hour stream, 3 games, one big stream with no chapters; on another note when this occurs twitch does not list the new games i played on my played games list or my main page. Unfortunate.
thommmyj commented
Pretty sad that it's been three years and we still don't have a fix for this.
NgtOwlle commented
i came here to see if there was a solution to this...
purplebyteone commented
yes its sad when you have 14h stream and you need that pain ********** with manual edit, when you change settings in-stream manager it should register automatically as a new chapter IMHO
Shim_Diggy commented
came to suggest this! glad there are people with similar ideas voicing this
neoacevedo commented
It doesn't work. I can only select the chapter after post-stream but it can be renamed.
bASHer_91 commented
Chapters/change in title and game while mid streaming/live doesn't work for me.
SwordsOfJoshtice commented
I sometimes (a lot of times), forget to change title and game. And it just looks weird with the chapters just because i made a mistake. If you could delete chapters or edit them, it would be nice
Laxxor_Borocillicase commented
I would say there are more than just isolated instances - every category change I make fails to create a chapter. There was a point where this reliably created a chapter each time.
Micetro commented
Yes, would love this! I was just looking to see if there was a way to do this, and that's how I came here.
AzazelSparda commented
The ability to cut VODS with multiple chapters for easier exporting and editing.
Example: You Stream Red Dead, Call of Duty, and Overwatch in a single streaming session. When you are done and twitch has updated the video with its chapters you go into the video manager and select which chapter of your stream you would like to download for personal editing and which one you would like to export to youtube for archive purposes.