allow broadcasters to change the order of their collections
I have my collections on Twitch in a certain order, but changing the order is very un-user-friendly, and involves essentially removing and adding a video to a collection. Please change this by allowing users to order collections like you can order videos within a collection.
Kinorashi commented
@laineyschooltreeTV It is actually better the way Twitch has it now with the first videos at the beginning of the collection and the last videos at the end of the collection. This allows someone to play videos from any point in the playlist and they will automatically go to the very next video instead of to the previous video. What I would like to see is for playlist shown on the page to show in reverse over so that so the newest one is to the left and the oldest one is to the right. Right now, we have the oldest one to the left and newest one to the right. This mean the last item added to the collection is always the video on the left.
laineyschooltreeTV commented
It would be a major improvement to collections if we could sort videos other than by dragging them, which takes an inordinate amount of time with a large collection. At the very least changing it so newer videos are automatically added to the beginning of the collection, instead of the end, would at least enable newer content to come up first when someone is looking at the collection and save us the trouble of having to manually reorder each video to make them chronological from new to old. I could be wrong but I think it's commonly more useful to streamers to have newer content come up first.
Kinorashi commented
This has been implemented to the first 100 videos but not after that.
Dakkat_ commented
Has this been addressed yet? This feature would be very nice to have!
I'm trying to make a collection of event streams for my discord and the oldest stream is at the top of the stack every time.
Jimmichanga88 commented
I am just in the process of creating collections for the first time and this immediately became an issue for me. Has this request just been ignored for 3 years? A simple drag and drop system to reorder the Collections themselves would resolve this.
Louea commented
Its a critical issue to fixe.
Pre set the order list by Last video in first to Old in last
When you keep a collection from a GAME or a Type of GAME, you can have collection with video on many years
But the first video show in this page was by default the older.
When you have +30 video on a collection you have to move eatch time eatch video from last position to first position
Because you want show on your collection page the last content.You have to fixe that
vinge_ commented
Pls fix the collection section
Goldamsel commented
I completely agree with Siren ! :D
"A great way would be to allow at least A-Z, New-Old (Dates), Old-New (Dates), Manual (broastcaster manual draging to customise), etc :)"
At the moment it's really annoying to sort all videos in the collection :(
Siren commented
It's very useful. As right now, whenever you go back to update a collection / new thumbnail for an old video or update the collection description, it moves it to the top of the list. Which is very disconcerting.
A great way would be to allow at least A-Z, New-Old (Dates), Old-New (Dates), Manual (broastcaster manual draging to customise), etc :).
Kevin Pan commented
Hi, thanks for sharing this feedback. This makes sense. We'll look into it.
-KP, Product Manager on VODs