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415 results found

  1. Hi, first I'm very sorry if i posted in the incorrect category for this topic.

    I searched high and low, and couldn't find any official documentation on a rumor many believe to be true; "you can only support up to 2 streamers before Twitch won't count you as a viewer/chatter in the next stream" The claim also is based on the viewers IP address.

    My question is, Can I support more than 2 of my friends at a time if I am chatting and engaging in all my friends streams and still be counted as a viewer/chatter?

    I feel like…

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  2. Twitch Support said you'd be "happy" to receive my feedback so here it is:

    Now you are forcing people to undertake phone verification on a whim for whatever discriminatory reasons you choose to, so that you can't chat in channels that haven't opted into "phone verification" and now you remove the ability to chat anywhere based on this.

    I've had my account 6+ years without this requirement, yet this weekend it was thrust upon me, even in my own channel or channels that don't have a phone verification requirement set and since I have been provided no reasoning or justification…

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  3. Meine idee wäre ja das man eine Art patch datei / software die bei der Software (traktor, Rekordbox etc.) die Soundkarte steuert z.B. soll die Software erkennen welches Lied in Deck A , B, C, D ... reingezogen wurde und "verstummt" das Lied das man es nicht abspielen kann ggf. beim Vorhören somit hat der Streamer noch genug zeit ein anderes Lied zu suchen. Der Streamer kann ja manuell das Lied "makieren" z.B. bei Traktor in ROT . Der streamer sieht ja wann der Katalog upgedatet worden ist und kann sich das update der Software dann entweder runterladen oder es…

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  5. Since i know a majority of you clue and dense twitch staff members are uncaring, unthinking bots, ill type this to the few HUMANS LEFT WORKING . Before you all ban or suspend someone actually do the BARE MINIMUM AND ACTUALLY TALK IN THE CHAT WITH THE MODERATORS TO UNDERSTAND WHATS GOING ON. You all keep banning / suspending people like WHEN HE WENT TO SLEEP. He wasn't " DANGEROUSLY INTOXICATED" You would have known this if you had TALKED OT ME OR ONE OF THE MODS or dare i say go above and beyond and... oh i dont…

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  6. Social Links have icons for discord, youtube, VK and even donationalerts. But there is no icon for Telegram and it looks bad. Add a paper plane please.

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  7. Phone verification won't send the code
    Entering a phone number either to verify for chat or entering for 2FA, the code won't send.

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  8. No matter how many times I block vtubers the algorithm can’t seem to figure out that I don’t want that. I want a feature that allows me to vtubers entirely.

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  9. (My English is not good, this is back-translated using Google)Hey man, I know this is ridiculous but it still happens. My account was banned twice within a month, both for "purchase transactions or payment issuance" of "fraudulent" projects. I am full of doubts about the two sanctions because I did not purchase any goods at all, and there was no abnormal payment of the bill. Where exactly is the violation? For the first time, I successfully restored my account, and you confirmed that banning me was a wrong punishment. But less than 20 days later, I was banned again. This…

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  10. 為什麼不能使用英文名字???
    自訂您的顯示名稱!使用中文、日文或韓文字元設定顯示名稱後 60 天內不得更改,我們不會答應任何名稱復原要求!如果顯示名稱未遵守 Twitch 使用者行為規範,可能會導致您的帳號遭到無限期停權。

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  11. I'm locked out of my twitch account because Twitch refuses to send me the 2FA SMS. Their support suggested I contact Authy and/or install the app and use that to log in. I installed Authy on my phone and it just says "This device does not meet minimum integrity requirements" and refuses to work, but I have Google Authenticator on it which works perfectly. I contacted Authy support, and they are suggesting I install the app or contact twitch for help. They have created a nice cycle of actually not doing *. I used Authy to even change my

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  12. Thats all my idea !I think we gonna have fun

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  13. A friend of mine (ConstantineDTW) has been trying to reverse the unjust suspension of his account for over a week now without any progress. He hasn't even been told why his account was suspended! It's absurd that he needs to start an online petition in some vague hope Twitch will take note of it, rather than be able to actually speak to Twitch Support via some channel to get any sort of applicable response. Please! Give people better ways to contact you directly! Don't give us this annoying runaround.

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  14. Hello,

    I would like to ask Twitch Support or whoever works here to look at their verification system because it just doesn't work. Two days ago I got a "A verified phone number is required to chat in this channel", at first I thought it was for the channel only but then I went to like 30 different streamers and its definitely site wide. After 8 hours or so, the verification lock disappeared and I was able to chat again, then today I tried to send a youtube link in a twitch chat and the lock happened again. The problem…

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  15. There should be a personal preference option for people watching streams to turn off alerts. Alerts can be quite annoying to some people who watch streams but otherwise enjoy the content they're watching. If people could have the option to turn the alerts off, not for everyone but for themselves, it would give them a better stream watching experience and overall would result in the stream watcher happier to watch the streams. Personally, as someone who enjoys watching livestreams, some alerts can cause me to become overwhelmed with the person who is talking, all of the sounds of the games…

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  16. 2FA and ISP recognition - can you approve the Karoo ISP which is a smaller ISP for Hull in East Yorkshire, UK. Everything has been fine for years but recently, when you clear cookies, it says we need to approve a new device and you are suppose to send the code. However that code never comes though to the Karoo domain ISP email address. Is there a way for us to tell you about this and that code to be sent to our email? the code never comes. Your staff are kind and temp remove that requirement for the code…

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  17. Can someone explain to me why you are supposedly not allowed to talk about 9/11 on stream in Germany? Is that true or not? Can't find it in the terms and conditions. Thank you

    Kann mir jemand erklären warum man in Deutschland angeblich nicht im Stream über 9/11 reden darf? Stimmt das oder nicht? Kann nicht in der AGB dazu finden. Danke

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  18. I think there is a bug with twitch that invades accounts and makes them un-follow streamers without their consents. Please fix your website. I am finding out friends of mine are unfollowing without their knowledge and thinks I've stopped streaming. Please and thank you.

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  19. We need to organize a multi-day User Strike.
    This is not the only reason either. There is ZERO Customer service to any of our complaints and they make it worse with their forced drops in your inventory and no way to remove the clutter of **** that you never wanted, never watched and they even force these to the top of the list. I hate it and I am fed up with their owner, Amazon as well. I am ready to cancel both.So I ask again... Why no customer service for your money makers (You know... us Users)? Without you…

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  20. Basically the user banned me from his channel and i had associated him on my Suspicious User Controls tool. When i tried to remove him, i got an error and, when i let the tool on, my friends can't write on my channel because the other guy banned us from his channel.

    Do you know a solution? I think maybe this is a bug, you should be able to delete people from the Suspicious User Control list regardless if you're banned or not from his channel.

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