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1012 results found

  1. Too many messages in chat make the stream spammy and makes it hard for streamers to see what is going on.

    It also makes it hard for viewers to hold conversations with each-other or even follow what is happening.

    If viewers could stay in smaller chat groups, they could hold actual conversations in those groups.

    And if those groups could upvote comments, the most-voted comments could be made visible for all users in every group, working like a spam filter in which only the good comments are made visible for everyone, reducing spam drastically.

    Link to UI concept:


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  2. Already back in the golden days of IRC - late 90s, early 2000s, it was common sense for both IRC network operators, and custom bots run to moderate channels, to have built in protections against hateful and disrupting attacks and other common abuse of the service.

    These kind of protections would include mitigations against:

    • Mass creation of accounts

    • Trying to connect to the network too many times from one IP

    • Too many joins/messages/similar to a single channel

    • Mass spam from multiple automated or manually operated actors

    Twitch should look into the already widely adopted best practices and implement similar practices…

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  3. We talked around and came to the point that we checked who wrote the most messages. We figured out that twitch only shows 999+ messages at the viewer dashboard you have in the mod-view. Would be awesome if this would get extanded

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  4. The automatic link parser is rather overzealous. It currently interprets any sequence of alphanumeric characters, a dot/period, and more alphanumeric characters (with no spaces in between) as a link. As a result, any time someone forgets to put a space between two sentences, or deliberately types something like "notbad.jpg", it gets turned into a (broken) link. Furthermore, if the streamer has link filtering turned on, such occurrences will result in the entire message being blocked when there's no actual reason for it to be.

    The link parser needs to be smarter. Maybe make it require either two dots/periods with characters…

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  5. Looking for a command/code on Twitch API when someone creates a clip and they use !clip the last clip made will go to chat with a link to the clip for everyone to watch. I do not want the command to make a clip or take a random clip from somewhere. I just want it to post the last clip made on my channel from my clips page that viewers made.

    For those thinking why not get Nightbot or w/e? They can't because Twitch API doesn't let them. Should Twitch themselves have commands dedicated to Twitch stuff like clips, hosts…

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  6. In a time where twitch is evolving and changing a lot from its initial standpoint, I would say we could benefit from a little consistency and pride.
    Therefor my suggestion is loyalty badges - as in years you have been on twitch.
    This would mean after year 1, 2, 5, 10 you would have a badge you can choose to have in chat to show that you have been a part of twitch for x amount of time and isn’t a new spam account fx. - but someone who loves and cares for twitch.
    Steam has it fx. so I…

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  7. Implement a universal chat badge based on the user's account age. Similar to sub age based sub badges, these badges would vary based on the account age. For example, at 5 years old the account would have access to badge 1, 10 years badge 2, etc.

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  8. It would be nice to have an option to change your nickname color on per channel basis.
    It could be reserved for a Nitro user, or just released to the public.

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  9. Twitch chat needs more options to ignore other users that aren't outright blocking. Sometimes a person may want to temporarily ignore another person in chat without having to remember to unblock them later. Giving the option to mute someone for 24 hours allows this.

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  10. So, my issue with Highlighted Messages is that almost all the time they get drowned out by the other messages anyways, especially with larger streamers. The whole point (To my understanding) of highlighted messages is to make them more visible to the streamer, which often doesn't happen for the reason I stated earlier.

    So here's how I think this can be improved: Separate regular chat from Highlighted Chat. This way the highlighted messages won't be drowned out. Even though the cost, and by extension the frequency of Highlighted Messages will vary and could be low OR high, it still won't…

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  11. There are a ton of really cool global badges that are no longer obtainable due to Twitch no longer selling games on the site. Seems a shame that these icons were created by some talented staff but nearly no one has them.
    It would be neat to see them put out to the public again in some fashion.

    Emotes are a huge draw for limited time events. People LOVE getting new emotes and showing them off. But the emote list is getting a little chonky. Maybe in the future we could have limited time events but earn new badges as…

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  12. Remove timestamps from VODs. You used to be able to turn them off, but since they've taken away the chatbox there is no settings wheel to turn them off

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  13. I really like the 'Pause Chat' feature. But the overlay indicator message that says that chat is currently paused, although already changed a bit, is still covering the last message / chatter name. So we can neither click the name nor click all the mod icons (at least when timestamps are on).
    Of course this is only a problem when chat is slow, but turning the entire feature on and off depending on peaks is quite impractical.

    I would propose that this indicator shows up as the background of the chatbox. In a way that we could still type messages…

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  14. For streamers with a large amount of viewers active in chat, often messages will be missed because the chat has already scrolled past. Since many streamers use a secondary monitor to watch chat, a single vertical column of text is not a very efficient means of utilizing screen-space. Instead I'd recommend splitting chat into four or five independent chat scrolls, by splitting users up into equal, random groups (so a particular user's message would always appear in the same column). This would enhance the ability of the streamer to read individual messages during high activity periods in chat.

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  15. Well I feel like a thing should be implemented in whispers that if someone sees said message, the person who sent the whisper can see if the other person has read it or not. For example, it would have said "seen" or "has been read" if the person has read it. (I had to repost this because I typoed haha)

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  16. Being able to increase the max scroll back value beyond the 150 limit would help a lot with chat moderating, and help with chat interaction from the broadcaster. This feature would disabled by default in settings but once enabled the user will be able to set the value to his/her liking. Having a maximum limit to start with ex. 10K would be a great start, with the set maximum value becoming bigger over time.

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  17. Hello everyone SlaveZero here,

    Chat is mostly non subs and most streamers go to sub only chat, and I think that all streamers have loyal followers that were with them for years and are not subs. It would be nice if there was an option where streamer could promote their loyal followers to be able to participate in sub only chat.

    Have a good day everyone!

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  18. I have a running gag on my channel, and would love to be able to make a filter that automatically replaces one word with another to go along with the gag. Could also be used to fight spam and hate comdically.

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  19. As a mod in many streams, I am familiar with the blocked terms.
    Lately though, I noticed messages coming through, even though terms are blocked.
    The only thing i can think of, is that there are "zero-width-spaces" in between some letters. You cannot see a difference, but there is.
    Could it be possible to just don't allow the use of the zero-width-spaces ?
    Because the amount of spam accounts coming through once they all use it, is way too high.

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  20. Don’t allow fake accounts to come in to our livestreams they never talk or follow at all it looks bad on the platform

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