Make Mature Content Fully Opt-In, And Not Show Users It In Browse Who Don't Want To See It
While I fully support any creator's right to produce whatever content they wish within Twitch's TOS, there are many users who for multiple reasons, do not wish to view Sexualised Content.
Currently, even if a streamer marks their content with the 'Sexual Themes' tag, I still see thumbnails of them performing sexualised content in my Browse view, and often see a second or two of sexualised content before the 'warning screen' appears. On top of this, I'm also seeing sexualised content in their stream titles.
I would like to see a default setting in User Preferences where users are asked at account registration whether they'd like to be given previews of Sexualised Content, which users can then choose to opt in or out of. This should be locked out of for any users under 18. This would then mean that an automatic filter 'pre-removes' all Sexualised Content (including in Browsing) for that user.
Bluekwyrm commented
If I may add to this, this also holds for recommended clips after watching another clip. Upon opting out, mature content shouldn't be visible anywhere.
Vultmog commented
The key to any sexual activity is 'consent' and currently Twitch is not asking users for consent.