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660 results found

  1. My idea is to enable moderator badges to change colors as they want it to be not just the ordinary green colored mod badge.

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  2. A badge that shows who are the most active chatters of all time in your stream will be awesome. As chatters are so important to streamers, streamers really appreciate chatters. So there should be a badge that shows the top 10 most active chatters of all time. As this will highlight the people that are always engaging with the streamer and putting their time into your streams.

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  3. So Hype Trains have been around for a while now with minimal improvements. Many casters, including myself, don't use them due to their lack of integration, custom styling and lack of purpose. I have a few suggestions that, if enacted, would not only get me to use them but also improve the system overall for all creators.

    It breaks down to three main suggestions:

    • Allow us to identify the emotes that are rewarded to the userbase. Just like we have a "Sub" and "Follower" emote section in our panel, a "Hype Train" section would be added. This would allow us…

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  4. Many artists work hard on emotes for themselves or other streamers and so much detail is lost when sizing down to 28x28. It's incredibly disheartening. Please make 56x56 the minimum size and abolish 28x28 entirely.

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  5. Please give us more emote slots for people who gift subs to a channel! It's unfair that giving bits gives a user emotes, but people who prefer gifting subs, get nothing.

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  6. I'd like to give artist badges to more than 5 viewers.

    Fortunately, more than 5 my fans gave me my fanart, but the limit of grantable artist badge is up to 5 viewes. I hope to increase the maximum number to treat my fans equally.

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    6 comments  ·  Role Badges  ·  Admin →
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  7. Hello,

    As a Twitch Partner getting access to Animated Emotes or .gif Emotes today (6/17/2021) was fantastic. One huge draw that I noticed is that this does not incentivize any subscriber to subscribe at Tier 2 or Tier 3 anymore.

    Subscribers now have the most benefits at Tier 1 when all 5 of these slots are placed there.

    I would love the opportunity to improve on Sub Emotes by having the ability to move these slots to reward subscribers who donate at a higher tier. This way Subscribers at Tier 2+ do not feel left out. For example: If I…

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  8. Please remove the hypecreep emote.
    I have arachnophobia and I think I speak for all of us who have it that it creates unnecessary anxiety.
    I watch twitch to relieve anxiety and relax.

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  9. If you already have a Golden Kappa emote and you manage to participate in ANOTHER Golden Kappa train before the first one expires, the 24h timer DOES NOT refresh when you complete the new train!

    This is non-obvious, and seems counter-intuitive.

    I submitted this as a bug and I was just told that, quote:
    "Please note that it is not a bug, and working as intended at this time. It doesn't refresh the expiration time when participating in another Golden Kappa Hype Train."

    PLEASE change this behavior! There is currently no indication that this unexpected behavior is what Twitch is…

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  10. The idea is to allow Streamers to award a single tier 1 Subscription per month for Free with no monetary cost or pay out for the streamer.

    This would allow followers to make use of the chat emotes, stop pre-roll adds and even allow them to use sub only chat for one month.

    After the month is up, the recipient may be more inclined to pay out for a sub in order to keep the Emotes and to stop Adds.

    Streamers could use these Free subs as Prizes after hitting a new goal or rewards to returning viewers or just…

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  11. Recently follower emotes can be used on every part ofTwitch by channel subscribers, but these aren't sent to the Discord integration API so that they can be used on their respective servers

    When you configure the Twitch-Discord integration the follower emotes simply doesn't appear on the Discord server

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  12. I think of the option to make badges for special events or special users available.
    Like: persons, who always play games on stream
    or for me it would be great to have a badge to honor the person who'll win a quiz or something
    So choose a badge, name it and give it to a specific user (group).
    Like "supporter of the year 2021" you name it

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  13. I think it would be pretty awesome if twitch had some veteran badges, which can be also shown in Chat.
    Like 5 years registered twitch account, 10 years and so on.

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  14. I have a very easy way for you to improve Twitch.
    Simply give streamers the option to have a different sub badge for each month instead of the 3, 6, 9-Month, 1-Year... steps you have in place. Like that streamers have the freedom to completely decide the different tiers on their own or if they are happy change nothing. I guarantee you that me and a lot of other streamers would be very happy about this small change.
    Thank You, Tom

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  15. It would be cool if you could set a specific amount of time you have to have been followed in order to receive the follower emotes.

    Similar to i.e. 10 minute followers only chat, the streamer could be given the option to set a time frame for how long someone has to have been followed to get the emotes! Even better so if you can decide it emote specifically

    I think that could incentivize coming back to the channel and adds another reward to community members based on their time in the if the streamer so choses.

    If the streamer…

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  16. The longer a broadcaster streams, chances are that the founder badge loses its meaning. It's likely that your first subs aren't there as often now, so the chance of seeing that badge is less. This affects affiliates more since they can only have 10 founders. Think about an affiliate that has been streaming for a few years. What's the chance that their first 10 subs are still there and active in chat? It's very likely that only a couple of them are active, if any.

    I propose that a new badge is created for active chatters, reviewed automatically every quarter…

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  17. I believe that the Verified Badge is misinterpreted and should definitely be reworked. I am of the opinion that this badge is interpreted as a partner badge. Because currently only partners get this badge, this should be changed in my opinion. In fact users should also qualify for this badge if they are not a partner. So that also the following users are also eligible:

    • Users who are Twitch Partners.
    • Users who are Twitch Affiliates.
    • Users who are Twitch Developers.

    I mean: Users who have completed the onboarding, to confirm the identity. Furthermore you could confirm the identity at twitch…

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  18. I think it would be cool if streamers could upload custom versions of all badges on their channel. My sub badges have a certain style, I would love to give my founders/mods/vips/topgifters or even my broadcaster badge a custom version in the same style, so my entire chat can have one theme alltogether.

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  19. Hey there!

    There’s a tight-knit and very impactful community on Twitch that streams under the “Retro” category daily. We’re a dedicated community of great retro variety casters – streaming DOS, Atari, SNES, PS2 and everything In between. We have retro achievement hunters combing through old games trying to play them in new and interesting ways and unlocking Playstation-like achievements, and we have retro speedrunners squeezing frames out of their world records.

    Every so often a game comes along and unifies the platter that is retro, which in this case is: "Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition." The game essentially allows everyone…

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  20. In regards to emote count, the price tag for tier 2 and 3 isn't really justified with 1 extra emote for affiliates and 5 extra for partners. Where the price doubles, then more than quadruples, it'd be great to see the emote count reflect that more. Maybe affiliates could get an extra tier 2&3 slot every other sub-point milestone, and partners get an extra slot for all tiers with each milestone. This seems like an easy way to add more value to the higher tiers and thus provide more incentive.

    Thanks for your consideration!

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