44 results found
Allow the VIP badge's image to be customizable (like the sub badge) Instead of the default icon for a VIP badge, allow me to upload an image for my users' VIP badge to show. For instance I give VIP badges to people who have won tournaments that I've broadcast on my channel. I'd like to make the VIP badge icon be a trophy.
703 votes -
(Visually) Disable Moderator Badge Users are able to hide specific badges already (Twitch Prime, Turbo, Bits, ...) but what about Moderator Badges?
The reason for this suggestion:
In smaller streams (new) chatters might get scared if moderators post messages.So I see 2 potential ways this could be achieved:
- Only visually disable the mod badge (keeping the moderation actions in-tact)
- Allow moderator to go into "non-moderation mode" - in this mode, the moderation actions are not available and they are like a normal chatter
In both cases moderators should still show up in the Moderator List (/mods).
Recently Twitch added a "Mod View" into…
550 votesWe would like to offer an “off-duty mode” for Mods, but it isn’t one of our top priorities at the moment. Will revisit in 2021.
Custom vip and mod badges I think that streamers should have the ability to be able to make their own custom mod and vip badges, without frankerfacez.
Since not every streamer has FFZ, they should have the ability to make their own since the default sword and diamond can potentially not fit a streamers theme/color theme. A lot of streamers have those. and the current colors can not fit those
Sure, sub badges are meant for those in a way, but if a streamer wants it all to fit together, custom vip and mod badges would be a great help to those streamers
If you…
282 votes -
Official Editor Badge I think Twitch should have badges for editors. To show users that they aren't just any old mod, but an editor for the stream as well. This could be shown through a gray badge with a pencil avatar thing. Just to show users that that user is special. Maybe even have a list of editors just like there's a list of moderators and regular viewers. but definitely a badge should be added.
186 votes -
Mod sword color options My idea is to enable moderator badges to change colors as they want it to be not just the ordinary green colored mod badge.
143 votes -
[Artist Badge] increase the maximum number up to more than 5 I'd like to give artist badges to more than 5 viewers.
Fortunately, more than 5 my fans gave me my fanart, but the limit of grantable artist badge is up to 5 viewes. I hope to increase the maximum number to treat my fans equally.
120 votes -
All badges customizable I think it would be cool if streamers could upload custom versions of all badges on their channel. My sub badges have a certain style, I would love to give my founders/mods/vips/topgifters or even my broadcaster badge a custom version in the same style, so my entire chat can have one theme alltogether.
75 votes -
Artist Badge & Emote Attribution To better support artists and accredit their talents among the Twitch community, we’ve released two new features: Emote Attribution and the Artist Badge. Emote Attribution lets you credit the artists responsible for creating your emotes so they can feel the love wherever their emotes appear across Twitch. The Artist Badge lets you celebrate those who contributed artwork to your community with a special new chat badge.
You can get all the details on our Help page here: https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/artist-badge-attribution
We’re excited to share both of these features with the community, but they’re just the first steps to better connect creators and…
63 votes -
Mod sword color Allow Moderators to have different color swords (i.e. the typical green background changes to black, pink, blue, yellow, orange, purple, aqua, red etc) This can help chat distinguish one Moderator from another and can also serve as a personalized thanks for all that mods do by allowing sword color customization. This can also help the streamer identify their moderators easier to see which mod is in chat.
27 votes -
Custom Caster, Mod, and Bot badges It'd be great if streamers could assign specific badges for these roles that match the theme of their channel.
18 votes -
Chat command of /artists to list all people with the Artist badge in a channel, akin to the /vips and /mods commands Allows chatters to see a list of Twitch users with the artist role in a channel without having to pick through emotes individually. This is consistent with the /mods and /vips commands and makes it easier to see who has contributed to a channels emotes where more than one user has done so
17 votes -
Mod badges based on experience Subs get different badges the longer they are subscribed. Why don't MODS get different colored swords or different swords entirely the longer they are a mod?? If someone is in a chat and sees a mod with a sword showing they have lots of experience that person may be less likely to do or say something dumb knowing an experienced mod is in chat. Also there aren't enough mods to cover all streams so this would be a nice little thing to do for the mods. I have 500 hours in as a mod, it would nice to be recognized…
9 votes -
A trophy badge for giveaway winners etc. If a broadcaster runs some sort of competition on their channel (like a giveaway or if they are running races or something) the winner of that competition can be assigned a trophy badge which would be kind of like a temporary VIP. There can only be one person that holds the badge at a time, so if another winner comes along you can assign the trophy to that person and it is removed from the previous one.
7 votes -
Partner Badge Chat Priority I am a Twitch Partner. I spend a lot of time in people's twitch chats. I like to donate subs and bits to them. The problem is, when I do so, my partner badge gets yanked away from me and replaced with a bit progress or sub gift badge. I then need to go into my chat identity and reinstate my partner badge in that chat in order to keep the appearance that I am better than others.
I would like a setting that allows me to maintain my prowess as a partner in chat regardless of whether or not…
6 votes -
Особые значки/смайлы за серию просмотров На твиче есть функция "серия просмотров" этот параметр показывает сколько раз вы смотрели стрим без пропуска, почему бы не добавить особые значки и смайлы за значительные числа, даже 30 и 50 это не маленькое достижение для зрителя, хотелось бы выделить его особенность в участии на каждом стриме, предлагаю добавить значки/смайлы, к примеру "камера" "маяк" или "глаз" которые будут эксклюзивны для зрителя который смог набрать определенное число, это пример как может выглядеть данная награда так что полёт фантазии за вами, однако хочу подчеркнуть одну важную вещь- значёк/смаил не должен терятся даже после потери серии просмотров, будет очень обидно если случайное отключение…
5 votes -
More Artist Roles While having a maximum of 5 assignable Artist Roles might work fine for most streamers, VTubers specifically function entirely on art. Because of this, VTubers will often have many more than 5 artists, all equally important and having contributed many assets to any given stream. I propose that the maximum number of artist roles be increased, at least to 10 if not 15 or 20.
4 votes -
One additional VIP slot for each month being a Twitch affiliate Currently VIP badges are unlocked by concurrent chatters. Especially for smaller streamers it is very hard to reach a new level and basically the only chance to advance is by getting a large raid and hope that the raiders spam a raid message. My suggestion is to unlock one additional VIP batch (on top of the unlocked concurrent chatters VIPs) for each month being affiliate. This number is already tracked and would allow small streamers to VIP more regulars and also would remove the hard limit of 100 VIPs for very large streamers.
4 votes -
Mod Icon change from sword to a shield or a hammer. Hello, dear Twitch support community. Sword is way too aggressive and underrepresenting the role. Hammer would represent a 'banhammer' and shield would be a great icon to show that moderator is protecting the community.
4 votes -
Add more things like vip badges, I think there should be more badges for the streamer to give out in chat like the vip badge for example something to show long time followers and subs, a badge for people who donate a lot, a longest lasting sub badge
4 votes -
Add Special Badges for Dedicated Moderators With all the new badges coming, and with the addition of the recent Affiliate badge, I suggest a special badge for the dedicated moderators of the community.
For example, if a user moderates a stream/stream in which the follower count reaches a certain number then the moderator would be given a special badge to signify that they're experienced mods, or if a person reaches a certain amount of commands made/timeouts made they're given the badge. Something like that.
I spend a lot of time moderating over 15 streams with 5,000+ followers each, and I'd love to have a cool badge…
4 votes
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