Viewer Count WRong
Hello, my viewer count always shows 1 maybe 2 viewers, however you can clearly see multiple accounts in chat watching. So not including viewers that don't have accounts, why is my stream showing only 1 viewer?
Hey everyone! Just wanted to pop on here to give some clarification.
Your Viewer Count reflects the total number of people watching your live broadcast, whether or not they have logged into a Twitch account. Your total Users in Chat reflects the number of logged-in Twitch accounts that are connected to your chat. In some instances, an account can be connected to your chat without watching your live broadcast - like chat bots, users in chat-only mode, or users in pop-out chat mode - which would then create a difference in your total number of Users in Chat and your Viewer Count. You can learn more about your Viewer Count and Users in Chat in this help article.
Thank you as always for the feedback!
dreganlucifer commented
I Have in the last year not used twitch for several reasons and this is the main one as I have had a fixed viewer base that was all in the studio with me during every stream this was over the 3 average and was closer to 5 to 10 average for every stream for the full stream. As of writing this i am still told that I have streamed for 2 hours when I have not posted in over a year and that I have a 3.86 average view count once again when I have not used the platform in a year or more. I conducted the experiment with the fixed viewers to prove that the system was broken. Further more when conducting the experiment I had already cleared the other requirements for affiliate and should have been asked to become one at that time. Fix your system!!!!!
jjthejetplane3 commented
Here is the problem. Twitch has stated, that it does not matter if you have the stream muted via tab or player. You are still being counted as a view. As far as bots connected to chat… I’ve had 12 active chatters and still shows only 2-4 actually counting as views. Confirmed people connected to chat are not bots. There is so much information contradicting itself and causing a lot of confusion and making the whole thing look extremely sus.
I think an overhaul is needed and a rework of the viewer counter. I think anyone connected to chat and anyone viewing via tab or pip should count as a viewer.
Azriellaa commented
All lurks have to be at 1% volume minimum to count as an active viewer, and most of the times names in the user list are just bots and not actual lurks/viewers. Use items like: to check if a user is a bot/uses a bot and just ban them.
lotgxj9 commented
yeah my viewer count has been bugged like how jj is saying really annoying especially when i do ads for some reason it doesnt actually play them?
jjthejetplane3 commented
No problem wolfling366, I know the pop out chats do have usage. When I say get rid of, I mean in essence of viewers. Getting rid of separate connections as far as viewer analytics is concerned, should be doable without compromising streamers who use pop out chat on their own channel for streaming through OBS or other third party services. If they are connected to chat, they are a viewer.
I didn’t mean completely do away with. My apologies on my vagueness. Pop out chat is necessary to have. However when it has to do with viewing or viewing from phone and or tabbing on pc. It’s not necessary and should be grouped in with viewer count, especially if they are actively participating in chat.
wolfling366 commented
Sorry, jjthejetplane3, but I disagree with a few things;
Mostly the idea of removing pop-out. A lot of us need that for our streaming.
And if you get rid of separate connections then that will wreak havoc with OBS, Chatty and all those applications. -
jjthejetplane3 commented
Yeah it is broken. Saw another thread recently closed. This is what Twitch wrote then closed the thread:
“Hey everyone! Just wanted to pop on here to give some clarification.
Your Viewer Count reflects the total number of people watching your live broadcast, whether or not they have logged into a Twitch account. Your total Users in Chat reflects the number of logged-in Twitch accounts that are connected to your chat. In some instances, an account can be connected to your chat without watching your live broadcast - like chat bots, users in chat-only mode, or users in pop-out chat mode - which would then create a difference in your total number of Users in Chat and your Viewer Count. You can learn more about your Viewer Count and Users in Chat in this help article.
Thank you as always for the feedback!“
This is contradictory to the tests we’ve all performed with our viewers in chat, as well as ourselves. Our active viewers have us tabbed and open. Are actually having us pulled up on their screen and chatting with us. Watching live. They are not being counted. I’ve had 12 and only 2 are counting. Twitch has said “all lurkers count as views.” However, when testing as a lurker, only 2 streams are counting me as a viewer. Contradicting what twitch just informed all of us about lurkers being able to have as many tabs open and still count as a viewer.
Simple fix twitch… get rid of the separate connections. If their name pops up in chat, they are a viewer. Get rid of the whole “pop out” chat stuff. That’s a shady thing to do. If a person is on your channel while you are live, then they are a viewer AND a chatter if they have a username. If they don’t have a username then they are still a viewer. And if you need to keep record on connects to chat to have the numbers match up, then put a “place holder” for non username viewers. (I.e. anonymousviewer<value>) and make the username unavailable to be created by anyone other than twitch to combat trolling and bots.
The way it is now is obviously a problem when every single one of the streamers and viewers are complaining and noticing the same exact thing.
*edit clarification: I know the pop out chats do have usage. When I say get rid of, I mean in essence of viewers analytics. Getting rid of separate connections as far as viewer analytics is concerned, should be doable without compromising streamers who use pop out chat on their own channel for streaming through OBS or other third party services. If they are connected to chat, they are a viewer.
I didn’t mean completely do away with. My apologies on my vagueness. Pop out chat is necessary to have. However when it has to do with viewing or viewing from phone and or tabbing on pc. It’s not necessary and should be grouped in with viewer count, especially if they are actively participating in chat.
jjthejetplane3 commented
Yeah it is broken. Saw another thread recently closed. This is what they wrote:
“Hey everyone! Just wanted to pop on here to give some clarification.
Your Viewer Count reflects the total number of people watching your live broadcast, whether or not they have logged into a Twitch account. Your total Users in Chat reflects the number of logged-in Twitch accounts that are connected to your chat. In some instances, an account can be connected to your chat without watching your live broadcast - like chat bots, users in chat-only mode, or users in pop-out chat mode - which would then create a difference in your total number of Users in Chat and your Viewer Count. You can learn more about your Viewer Count and Users in Chat in this help article.
Thank you as always for the feedback!“
This is contradictory to the tests we’ve all performed with our viewers in chat, as well as ourselves. Our active viewers have us tabbed and open. Are actually having us pulled up on their screen and chatting with us. Watching live. They are not being counted. I’ve had 12 and only 2 are counting. They say all lurkers count as views. However, when testing as a lurker, only 2 streams are counting me as a viewer. Contradicting what twitch just informed all of us…
Simple fix twitch… get rid of the separate connections. If their name pops up in chat, they are a viewer. Get rid of the whole “pop out” chat stuff. That’s a shady thing to do. If a person is on your channel while you are live, then they are a viewer AND a chatter if they have a username. If they don’t have a username then they are still a viewer. And if you need to keep record on connects to chat to have the numbers match up, then put a “place holder” for non username viewers. (I.e. anonymousviewer<value>) and make the username unavailable to be created by anyone other than twitch to combat trolling and bots.
The way it is now is obviously a problem when every single one of the streamers and viewers are complaining and noticing the same exact thing.
JoelitoBelloGaming commented
buenas tardes su ayuda por favor, en min estadística global me suma ya la cantidad requerida del promedio de 3 espectadores, cuando ya puedo obtener ya los beneficios de afilado?
gracias por su pronta respuesta -
LicornsPit commented
How can have 5 persons on the chat and only 2 viewer in my live ?
AaronHasMoney commented
correct the amount of people who are in your stream as to the amount of viewers proclaimed to be in your stream!
JoelitoBelloGaming commented
BUENAS NOCHES, YO HAGO STREAM todos los dias casi 6 horas diarias tengo promedio de 2.6 y sube a 2.7 y de ahi no subo cuando tengo mas de 3 viewers en mis streams además he conseguido que mas de 5 personas hablen al mismo tiempo y no se desbloquea el logro, por favor su ayuda o sugerencias para subir a afiliado, no he querido hacer menos para conseguirlo yo voy por la grande y me esfuerzo mucho en mis directos gracias por su ayuda.
Lopezbot90 commented
I don't have this issue anymore. Had it for a week but now it shows proper, legit accounts so maybe don't boost your own account with sub accounts made from your main account. Fools lol!
BakedUntilDeath commented
Have any of you guys heard of this platform called Youtube? They don't have this problem..... ever! ******** Twitch!
TheAlkaris commented
Twitch claims there's no issue, but there clearly is a bug with the viewer count. It's not noticeable for larger streamers and partners, but it's noticeable to small streamers who are starting out or have been streaming for a long time.
People in chat aren't counted as viewers minus the stream bots of course. But that probably because the Chat itself is separate from the actual view count. It's just a client side IRC chat on a web interface, hence why people who show up in the chat list doesn't get counted towards viewers who are currently watching.
mobegaming commented
My views on last stream not right
jjthejetplane3 commented
This has been an ongoing issue despite what twitch has released as far as their statements of “if you have the stream open, you are counted as a viewer”. Either they are lying or they have no idea that their is a bug in their system that is not counting viewers. I will have 12-22 people chatting in chat, however viewer count will show 10 or lower. Despite having 60+ people (not counting bots) connected to chat as well. I highly doubt with as many people complain about how the viewer counts are wrong that twitch devs haven’t looked into it. If there was something wrong then it would have been fixed… unless it’s something that they have done on purpose. That would make sense as to why it hasn’t been fixed. Seeing the message about analytics they put out to “clear the air” and then seeing mine as well as others analytics and live stats makes twitch look like they are outright lying or if not, then incompetent and ignorant despite the thousands of streamers mentioning viewer counts.
Twitch, either be upfront and transparent about viewer counts and stop lying, or fix the obvious issue that so many are experiencing. Please.
TheGameReviewerzz commented
We had our watch count stuck on 1 and had our viewerzz select !watchtime and 2hours into them watching it said their watch time was 0hrs 0secs. Almost like they weren’t even there.
xxsirensnowxx commented
ATCatz commented
So twitch doesn't count viewers accurately. Would be nice if they could tell us why they don't count the majority of viewers at least.
At this point there are several myths/rumours about what causes a viewer to be counted or not, but we do not know.
Twitch needs to come with an explanation at least