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12 results found

  1. At this time, only Twitch Affiliates and Partners can complete the Twitch Streamer Community Survey for demographic information. Because of this, many disabled creators and other low-income creators (who are not allowed to make funds from Twitch due to financial requirements for government support) are not able to become a part of guilds and they are unable to get onto any of the "Together For" recommendation shelves, both of which require the survey.

    There are two solutions that come to mind:
    1. Allow anyone to complete the survey. This is the easiest but does mean Twitch will receive a flood…

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  2. I was playing the promoted game that your main page had on either side. Nope pull up twitch to show the promoted streams were a goldfish cam and a turtle cam???????? WHAT!! Twitch is going into the trash can I cant stream on this anymore.

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  4. I have the goal of having 50 followers, I reached 53 followers on my Twitcht channel, but you consider it as 46 followers I don't understand this problem I don't know if you can explain to me what happens or what I have to do in this type of error

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  5. Jeg forslår at twitch" nå omgjør deres streaming servere! Slik at alle som kommer inn for å følge, og se på streameren er nødt til, å ha på kamera" så alle kan se hverandre i chatten på streamen. og at en kan klikke på seerene sine" slik at kamera kommer opp. Og slik at en kan se sine følgere og chatte med dem"er lei av at nettroll" som kan sitte hjemme å se på en streamers, stream" hvor da selvfølgelig, streameren ikke ser hvem brukeren er" fordi det ikke finnes kamera for twitch server programmet, slik at en kan både…

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  7. Hola equipo de Twitch me gustaría poder poner los emojis personalizados para que la gente pueda utilizarlo cuando transmita el directo en Twitch pero el problema es que no aparece solo pone drops etc... Y quiero que aparezca donde pueda personalizar los emojis muchas gracias por su atención

    ¡Un cordial saludo!

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  8. Fare sondaggi era una buona idea per guadagnare bit, così come guardare le pubblicità, ma al momento nonostante abbia partecipato a diversi sondaggi con la determina di ricevere bit entro 45( non si è capito a cosa si riferiva se a minuti, ore o giorni) non si è visto neanche un bit nel mio profilo twich. Ora io chiederei più chiarezza agli sviluppatori e aggiungerei che oltre ai sondaggi, che sono davvero sporadici, per chi tifa potrebbe esserci l'opzione che chi ha trascorso un minimo di 5o ore al mese posa ricevere almeno 50 bit per aiutare a tifare gli…

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  9. When Twitch sends you an invite to participate in a survey, you should have permissions to participate in that survey.

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  10. Here's an idea: how about providing legally-binding assurance that you will NOT use the information collected on the survey to DISCRIMINATE AGAINST whatever content producer's identity is currently "out of favor," either in searches, listing, compensation, discoverability, or any other means either physical or through algorithms?

    This is the EXACT way that a wrong answer will produce loss of viewers, loss of revenue, and loss of trust with Twitch.

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  11. The email claimed that data about the user experience effect different groups of people is whats desired, amazing cool I start doing the survey and there is literally no questions about my user experience in fact theres only personal identifiers. Like what are you guys at twitch actually trying to learn besides percentage of users orientation? Like for the love of god actually ask about my user experience.

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  12. This seems like a really weird oversight, especially in a survey with the entire point being inclusivity. To share a few examples (including but not limited to): he/they and she/they pronouns are quite common; some people are comfortable with any pronouns; many people who use neopronouns will also use at least one non-neopronoun as well. There aren't great ways to specify this through your survey right now, which will lead to either people answering a question in a way that doesn't truly reflect their experiences, forcing everything into the "other" box in an open-ended way that will make data processing…

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