205 results found
Ingame Chat hallhatósága stream közben Üdvözlőm önöket nagyon nagyon örömmel töltene el szerintem minden streamert ha, az ingame chat hallható lenne stream közben külső eszköz nélkül!! (Pl Warzone ingame chat nem hallható a streamben) Ez szerintem nagyon rossz!!
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Incluir en los Tutoriales edición avanzada Los tutoriales actuales son útiles para streamers q recién crearon su canal, pero para los q ya quieren avanzar y mejorar sus directos con alertas personalizadas y demás no saben como y deben ir a YouTube para averiguarlo, y al haber tantas opciones q ofrece twitch terminan perdidos, un tutorial q explique las funciones básicas de cada programa de edición y como ajustarlo podría ser benéfico para la comunidad de twitch, tanto para nuevos como para los q ya tienen tiempo
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TWITCH IS COMPLETELY OVER ENGINEERED and NOT MacBookPro Friendly Scale back on all the scripts and auto loads that overload browsers and work with OBS for MacBook Users to get audio correct without add ons.
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I just noticed the recent changes to people setting raids after a stream how the requirement is now pushed to minimum of 5 viewers and over. Picture-by-Picture
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hacer mas incapie en como usar obs explicar muchisimas cosas mas y funciones por ejemplo los filtros de audios, el como hacer que se escuche o no una cosa en especifico etc
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panels laptop I can not see the option panels??
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How to design my page. Graphic video green screen I look at other channels and the graphics are animated and wonderful. I am so old fashioned I don't know how to start to add this to my page.
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Aumento da velocidade de receber informações. Demora muito para twitch avisar que alguém entrou na live, então muitas vezes quando uma pessoa só está na live ficamos por muito tempo achando que não tem ninguém
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Make a list of places to advertise the stream, like discord servers or reddit threads Basically the title, make a list of public streamer friendly places where you can advertise your stream without bothering anyone!
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Free Overlay A free overlay with alerts like streamlabs and Own3d but works straight from extensions browser, no OBS needed, mainly for consoles
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Make a Web based/cloud based streaming software Something like golightstream but free
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Kaydedilen videonun eski başlık atması Önceki yayınımdaki başlığın bir sonraki yayın için geçerli oluyor bir hata mı bug mu bilemedim
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make a light mode option in the dashboard Make a option where you can change what your layout is for not just your stream manger but eveyrthing in the creator dashboard such as light mode or a way to move around different things or even remove them if you find it unessary for what your doing. it can make a much cleaner experince navigating around because you wont have as much junk! just the stuff you need to see.
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I tried to get started streaming... My idea is that I give up on this endeavor, it is a waste of time to fill in video descriptions that will never be seen.
Video descriptions were going to be my way of communicating as I do not intend to talk or respond to chat while I play.
I had even developed a format, and was using a specific style for emphasis, but all my effort is wasted because NO ONE CAN SEE THE VIDEO DESCRIPTIONS
I tried to fix it, to figure out how to make it go, but there are SO MANY buttons and channels…1 vote -
Traduire en Français Il serait sympathique pour les streamers français, de proposer des vidéos d'explication de la plateforme en français.
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More Varied Info Allow for more varied information when it comes to streaming, such as how to best use the PS4s Broadcast feature
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More in depth videos on how to do things these people are talking about More in depth videos on how to do things these people are talking about.
Its one thing to tell people what they should or shouldn't do but show them how to do it.1 vote
- Don't see your idea?