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204 results found

  1. When going back through older clips, it is tough to keep track of which clips have already been edited. A filter by options for portrait and not portrait would be very helpful to enable quick editing and finding older clips to move to the new format for sharing.

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  2. there is 2 (d)s, one of the (d)s is between the (b) and (c).

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  3. I like many (I hope?) give my PC a good clear out every month or so, when I do my browser history gets cleared. When I log back into Twitch afterwards, I have 20 different "NEW" or "BETA" popups on my dashboard. I have to individually click onto each section to remove the tag/label.

    I'd love a "Clear/Hide All" option for these, I LOVE the feature for when something is actually new and needs my attention, but the Ads Incentive Program has had "New" on it for many moons, reappearing each time I clean out my PC. I don't want…

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  5. Twitch Studio does NOT have the ability to copy and past..... i would like this feature on there

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  6. When I have unpublished videos, they still have several views. How about giving me the control over my own content that I should have, so that if I do not publish a video, it will not be viewable to ANYONE except me. That is clearly not currently the case.

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  7. can you please add a command to ban bots raids ( a raid by bots spam follows)?

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  8. Could we get the ADA voice from Satisfactory game as a Text-to-Speech voice option?

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  9. 트위치 코리아가 2/27일자로 철수하는데
    그 전까지 들어오는 구독금액 지급은 전부 처리가 되나요?
    현재 100불 이상일 경우에만 지급이 가능하게 되어있는 상태입니다.

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  10. Mis bits desaparecieron asi de la nada ya me habia pasado tiempo pero no dije nada y ahora de vuelta paso lo mismo desaparecio todo quisiera saber porque pasa eso??

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  11. In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a revolutionary force, fundamentally transforming medical diagnosis and treatment. This symbiotic relationship between AI and healthcare is not merely a technological advancement; it is a life-saving synergy that reshapes the paradigm of patient care.

    AI's transformative impact in healthcare lies in its ability to provide precision and timely interventions. Through intricate analysis of vast datasets, AI algorithms discern patterns and anomalies that may elude the human eye. This enables healthcare professionals to make more accurate and swift diagnoses, ultimately leading to enhanced treatment outcomes.


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  12. Yayın bilgisi düzenlenmiyor. Yeni yayın adı, etiketler veya yeni kategori seçemiyorum. Bilinmeyen hata oluştu diyor şuan yayın açamıyorum lütfen yardımcı olurmusunuz.

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  13. I'm trying to post to the SNES version of Link to the Past but I can't tell the difference between the SNES version and the Gameboy version until I open the page, which is useless when I'm trying to tag it. I'm not playing the Gameboy version. This is frustrating. It's not even letting me switch it.

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  14. I would like a new category for church service. I have been to numerous churches and even the small churches now stream. You can visit YouTube and Facebook to see how big the online community has become. By simply creating a category directly targeting the church community it would make adding the Twitch platform to their stream target easier and beneficial.

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  15. A lot of my viewers are "lurking while working", so although they are watching my stream, they are not being included in my "viewer" numbers. This is hurting my "viewer" numbers. I have several regular viewers who are part of my community (they are not bots) who lurk regularly, there are about 7 or 8 who show up in my community when they can while they work, but my viewer numbers will only show 1-4 people when there are actually another several people lurking (they are definitely not bots) who are not getting included in my "viewer" numbers. Could Twitch…

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  16. 트위치 코리아는 현재 클립과 동영상 보기가 막혀있는데
    그동안 쌓여있던 클립과 하이라이트를 해외에서도 보지 못하도록 삭제하고싶습니다.
    삭제 할 수 있는 방법을 알려주시기 바랍니다.

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  17. Get rid of DMCA Strikes or Muting for videos where people are just listening to music in the background of their streams while they play games. Look, many of us I'm sure are playing music other people might even like and go download or listen to on spotify or whatever. It makes no sense to mute my videos because I'm doing what I love which is playing games and listening to artists and bands I love. Maybe you could change the algorithm to SUPPORT THE ARTISTS when it detects their songs. You have the tech to silence and ban the…

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  18. 1 vote

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    More Info Needed  ·  Ana responded

    Can you give a little more context into what kind of information you'd like to see within this widget? Thanks.

  19. I Just noticed that I did not receice Payment from Twitch since August 2022 because Paypal did reject the payment.
    I got told that I should have gotten an email about this but I can't remember that such an email arrived. I fear it went into spam.
    To avoid something like this I would suggest that such crucial notifications should show up in the dashboard and inform the creator talent to check the informations.

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  20. We should have more information about the followers and subscribes, a list of them.

    A detailed list by name, showing when they followed/sub, how many messages they send in chat (total and average per live), how many months they sub, a search and filters to easier find a certain follower/sub or a group (exemple, recent followers or recent subs).

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