Improvements For Twitch - Affiliate Care and overall revamp
Hello Fellow Streamers and Twitch,
I have been searching high and low for a way to reach out to twitch staff, because of concerns I have had with some things, and Twitch being my primary platform of income, this impacts me, as I know it does many others out there.
Suggestions to Twitch:
- It's time to prove your not all talk, show love to your affiliates: a) Create an affiliate panel that can represent the affiliate community, include people with very small channels and larger channels, this panel should consist of at least 10-15 streamers, who will work side by side with Twitch staff to ensure that affiliates are being cared for, their needs are being addressed, and their content and creativity is being positively impacted. This should be non-negotiable. Twitch forces a contract for all affiliates as they do Partners, but Twitch staff are magical unicorns whom cannot be reached by Affiliates like they can with Partners, this is unacceptable and creates an elitist environment that only hurts the MAJORITY of money earners for Twitch, we might make less collectively than the top 1% of partner earners on Twitch, but we are many, and we contribute quite a bit.
B) Start rolling out features that HELP affiliates, not hinder them. This is a no brainer, the more help and incentive Twitch gives to their megabase of Affiliate streamers, the more money they make as a company, and the more they can show the value of being an affiliate. Stop treating them as after-thoughts and sub par/unworthy streamers, and start standing up to help them.
C) Squad streaming for ALL contracted streamers, affiliates, partners and partner plus alike, the feature is on the platform, use it for everyone contracted for the platform, plain and simple, its NOT difficult to roll out access to everyone, and only HELPS and in no way should it harm or cost much if anything to roll it out to every contracted streamer on Twitch.
D) Step up and share the love with affiliates or release the claim to their content. You cannot expect to OWN the rights to a content creators work, but then offer them **** all in return, affiliates are some of the most hard working streamers on the platform, they put in the most hours, work the hardest to hit milestones, with hopes that one day they too will have a purple checkmark, since partners have no further milestones required to hit, they can afford a bit more leniency to things (not saying partners don't bust their butts either, but there is more drive and motivation for those with goals still to be achieved, this is just fact). So if you want to keep ownership, do something to actually DESERVE it. Prove that affiliates mean something to you, or else, keep watching people leave in droves for other platforms, who do not restrict them, or try to take ownership of something they do not have the right to claim, like Kick, YT, Facebook or the million other competing places to stream or post content, this, should be non-negotiable.
Profit margins.... It's time to address the elephant in the room, Twitch has such an convoluted and wordy agreement, that tries to entrap streamers into an employee like relationship with ZERO guaranteed compensation to the person actually doing the work, THE STREAMER. The fact of the matter is, they had to roll back the sponsorship restrictions because it would actually breach the freelancer laws in many countries, and they would have been on the hook for paying wages to so many streamers in so many countries, it would have lead to so many loopholes Twitch would have been bankrupt, but here's the thing, the compensation tables are pisspoor. You need to revisit them, rework them, and properly pay the people who's content you try to own for 24 hours. Fix the cuts, offer 60% to affiliates or I am sure we could settle for 50% IF you gave them more features and help, fixed your ****** algorithms and enable your affiliates the EXACT SAME discovery opportunities that you afford your top earners. Scrap the ****** Partner plus program and just boost Partner earnings again, since ya know, they are your elite hand picked, pay them like they mean something to you, maybe then people like xQc wouldn't be dippin' so fast.
Stop avoiding Affiliates, open up a proper support network that allows them to connect with Twitch staff, Partners and Affiliates are all independent contractors of Twitch, so treat them equally. Give them access to talk about their concerns, to know that they are worth something to Twitch except more money in the bank.
Did I mention features and discoverability? I think I touched on it, but just in case my point was lost, open features and discoverability for ALL affiliates and partners alike, anything less, just shows Twitch they DGAF about Affiliates and we are just cash cattle for whatever they can milk out of them, at least that's how many feel.
Be open, honest and transparent. Support your marginalized streamers, have diversity of POC, indigenous, Trans, Gay, Lesbian, non binary, older, younger and accomplished streamers, be it music, art, written or otherwise, celebrate the big and small streamers, be transparent about the **** going on in the background, be honest about infractions, be open to all your streamers and viewers... It's time to swallow the pill. Either take the pill of what you claim you are, or else swallow the lump of BS you have fed us and admit your not open and transparent.
These are just starting points to improve Twitch as a platform, improve QoL, stop the mass jumping of the Twitch ship, and improve the overall morale around here, I have MANY MANY more suggestions. But these will suffice for now.